PublikationerAlla gruppmedlemmars publikationer Article: JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY-IN PRACTICE. 2025;:S2213-2198(25)00100-X Use of high-dose inhaled corticosteroids and risk of corticosteroid related adverse events in asthma -findings from the NORDSTAR cohort. von Bülow A; Hansen S; Sandin P; Cooper A; Ernstsson O; Geale K; Lehtimäki L; Ulrik C; Bøgvald Aarli B; Ilmarinen P; Packham S; Hassan G; Sverrild A; Backman H; Karjalainen J; Backer V; Altraja A; Kauppi P; Yasinska V; Kilpeläinen M; Viinanen A; Martin-Schmid J; Bossios A; Porsbjerg C; Kankaanranta H; Janson C Article: TRIALS. 2024;25(1):672 Health dialogue intervention versus opportunistic screening in primary care for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease prevention in settings with low socioeconomic status (DETECT): study protocol for a pragmatic cluster-randomized trial Ballin M; Enelius MB; Dini S; Galanti MR; Hagstromer M; Heintz E; Lager A; de Leon AP; Lundh L; Nystrand C; Walldin C; Augustsson H Preprint: MEDRXIV. 2024 Determining the indirect costs of suicide in Sweden between 2010 and 2019 - A cost of illness study Wikström D; Nystrand C; Hadlaczky G; Gedin F Article: COST EFFECTIVENESS AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION. 2024;22(1):66 Cost-effectiveness of proton beam therapy vs. conventional radiotherapy for patients with brain tumors in Sweden: results from a non-randomized prospective multicenter study Sampaio F; Langegard U; de Alva PM; Flores S; Nystrand C; Fransson P; Ohlsson-Nevo E; Kristensen I; Sjovall K; Feldman I; Ahlberg K Article: JOURNAL OF PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES. 2024;8(1):39 Construct validity of EQ-5D-5L among patients with inflammatory bowel disease-a study based on real-world data from the Swedish Inflammatory Bowel Disease Registry Latteur J; Ernstsson O; Nilsson E; Jaghult S; Heintz E Review: EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 2024;33(2):323-355 Evidence for investing in parenting interventions aiming to improve child health: a systematic review of economic evaluations Sampaio F; Nystrand C; Feldman I; Mihalopoulos C Article: NORDIC JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY. 2024;78(2):137-145 Association between pulse width and health-related quality of life after electroconvulsive therapy in patients with unipolar or bipolar depression: an observational register-based study Ernstsson O; Heintz E; Nordenskjold A; Johnson JA; Korkmaz S; Zethraeus N Journal article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MIGRATION, HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE. 2023;19(3/4):351-362 Predisposing, need and enabling factors for service utilization amongst newly arrived youth in Sweden Nystrand C; Osman F; Lindell C; Olsson F; Durbeej N Article: RESEARCH ON SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE. 2023;:810-821 Family-Based Intervention for Substance Using Parents: Experiences and Resource Use Faeldt A; Nystrand C; Faengstroem K Article: EUROPEAN RESPIRATORY JOURNAL. 2023;62(3):2202474 Severe asthma trajectories in adults: findings from the NORDSTAR cohort von Bullow A; Hansen S; Sandin P; Ernstsson O; Janson C; Lehtimaeki L; Kankaanranta H; Ulrik C; Aarli BB; Geale K; Tang ST; Wolf M; Backer V; Hilberg O; Altraja A; Backman H; Ludviksdottir D; Bjornsdottir US; Kauppi P; Sandstrom T; Sverrild A; Yasinska V; Kilpelainen M; Dahlen B; Viinanen A; Bjermer L; Bossios A; Porsbjerg C Article: ERJ OPEN RESEARCH. 2023;9(2):687-2022 Prevalence and management of severe asthma in the Nordic countries: findings from the NORDSTAR cohort Hansen S; von Bulow A; Sandin P; Ernstsson O; Janson C; Lehtimaki L; Kankaanranta H; Ulrik C; Aarli BB; Wahl HF; Geale K; Tang ST; Wolf M; Larsen T; Altraja A; Backman H; Kilpelainen M; Viinanen A; Ludviksdottir D; Kauppi P; Sverrild A; Lehmann S; Backer V; Yasinska V; Skjold T; Karjalainen J; Bossios A; Porsbjerg C Article: DISABILITY AND REHABILITATION. 2022;44(26):8471-8479 Health-related quality of life in patients with lower limb amputation - an assessment of the measurement properties of EQ-5D-3L and EQ-5D-5L using data from the Swedish Amputation and Prosthetics Registry Ernstsson O; Hagberg K; Janssen MF; Bonsel GJ; Korkmaz S; Zethraeus N; Heintz E Article: BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2021;21(1):610 Cost-utility analysis of esketamine and electroconvulsive therapy in adults with treatment-resistant depression. Degerlund Maldi K; Asellus P; Myléus A; Norström F Article: EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 2021;30(10):1603-1614 Adding the Coping Power Programme to parent management training: the cost-effectiveness of stacking interventions for children with disruptive behaviour disorders Nystrand C; Helander M; Enebrink P; Feldman I; Sampaio F Article: HEALTH POLICY. 2021;125(6):807-813 A model for evaluating the economic value of prevention programs for illicit use of anabolic androgenic steroids Sampaio F; Ssegonja R; Thiblin I; Nystrand C Doctoral thesis: 2021 Making use of patient-reported outcome measures in health care : the case of EQ-5D in the Swedish national quality registries Ernstsson O Article: COST EFFECTIVENESS AND RESOURCE ALLOCATION. 2021;19(1):23 The cost-effectiveness of a culturally tailored parenting program: estimating the value of multiple outcomes Nystrand C; Sampaio F; Hoch JS; Osman F; Feldman I Review: ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2021;48(2):299-315 Economic Evaluations of Public Health Interventions to Improve Mental Health and Prevent Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours: A Systematic Literature Review Feldman I; Gebreslassie M; Sampaio F; Nystrand C; Ssegonja R Review: HEALTH POLICY. 2021;125(1):54-74 A systematic review of economic evaluations of public health interventions targeting alcohol, tobacco, illicit drug use and problematic gambling: Using a case study to assess transferability Nystrand C; Gebreslassie M; Ssegonja R; Feldman I; Sampaio F Article: HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES. 2020;18(1):388 Reporting and valuing one's own health: a think aloud study using EQ-5D-5L, EQ VAS and a time trade-off question among patients with a chronic condition Ernstsson O; Burstrom K; Heintz E; Molsted Alvesson H Article: JOURNAL OF PATIENT-REPORTED OUTCOMES. 2020;4(1):78 Collection and use of EQ-5D for follow-up, decision-making, and quality improvement in health care-the case of the Swedish National Quality Registries Ernstsson O; Janssen MF; Heintz E Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;30(Supplement_5):ckaa165.057 Economic evaluations of public health interventions for mental health: A systematic literature review Feldman I; Gebreslassie M; Sampaio F; Nystrand C; Ssegonja R Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2020;30(Supplement_5):ckaa165.1197 Economic evaluations of public health interventions for physical activity and diet: systematic review Gebreslassie M; Sampaio F; Nystrand C; Ssegonja R; Feldman I Review: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 2020;136:106100 Economic evaluations of public health interventions for physical activity and healthy diet: A systematic review Gebreslassie M; Sampaio F; Nystrand C; Ssegonja R; Feldman I Review: QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH. 2020;29(6):1465-1482 Whom should we ask? A systematic literature review of the arguments regarding the most accurate source of information for valuation of health states Helgesson G; Ernstsson O; Astrom M; Burstrom K Article: NEUROLOGY. 2020;94(9):E932-E941 Determinants of quality of life in pediatric- and adult-onset multiple sclerosis McKay KA; Ernstsson O; Manouchehrinia A; Olsson T; Hillert J Article: ADMINISTRATION AND POLICY IN MENTAL HEALTH AND MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES RESEARCH. 2020;47(2):300-315 Economic Return on Investment of Parent Training Programmes for the Prevention of Child Externalising Behaviour Problems. Nystrand C; Hultkrantz L; Vimefall E; Feldman I Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH. 2019;18(1):197 Widespread and widely widening? Examining absolute socioeconomic health inequalities in northern Sweden across twelve health indicators. Degerlund Maldi K; San Sebastian M; Gustafsson PE; Jonsson F Article: SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2019;47(7):774-781 Quality of life and service use amongst parents of young children: Results from the Children and Parents in Focus trial Nystrand C; Ssegonja R; Sampaio F Article: EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY. 2019;28(1):43-56 Health, public sector service use and related costs of Swedish preschool children: results from the Children and Parents in Focus trial Sampaio F; Ssegonja R; Nystrand C; Feldman I Review: PREVENTIVE MEDICINE. 2019;118:7-15 Indicated preventive interventions for depression in children and adolescents: A meta-analysis and meta-regression Ssegonja R; Nystrand C; Feldman I; Sarkadi A; Langenskiold S; Jonsson U Article: PLOS ONE. 2019;14(12):e0225503 Cost-effectiveness analysis of parenting interventions for the prevention of behaviour problems in children Nystrand C; Feldman I; Enebrink P; Sampaio F Journal article: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2018;21:s76 PMH15 Indicated Parenting Interventions and Long Term Outcomes: A Health Economic Modeling Study Nystrand C; Hultkrantz L; Vimefall E; Sampaio F; Feldman I Meeting abstract: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2018;21:S42 COST-EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERNET-DELIVERED COGNITIVE BEHAVIOUR THERAPY FOR ADOLESCENTS WITH IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME Sampaio F; Bonnert M; Olen O; Hedman E; Lalouni M; Lenhard F; Ljotsson B; Nystrand C; Ssegonja R; Serlachius E; Feldman I Journal article: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2018;21:s181 PMH7 Indicated Preventive Interventions for Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression Ssegonja R; Nystrand C; Feldman I; Sarkadi A; Langenskiold S; Jonsson U Article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH ECONOMICS. 2018;19(3):435-446 Costs of illness of multiple sclerosis in Sweden: a population-based register study of people of working age Gyllensten H; Wiberg M; Alexanderson K; Norlund A; Friberg E; Hillert J; Ernstsson O; Tinghog P Letter: LANCET PSYCHIATRY. 2018;5(4):299-300 The cost of child and adolescent mental health services Skokauskas N; Lavelle TA; Munir K; Sampaio F; Nystrand C; McCrone P; McDaid D; Chisholm D; Byford S; Ganguli P; Feldman I; Belfer M Conference publication: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2017;27:332 Cost-offset analysis of parenting interventions to prevent externalizing behavior problems Nystrand C; Feldman I; Enebrink P; Sampaio F Journal article: EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH. 2017;27(suppl_3):ckx189.179 Indicated preventive interventions for depression in Children and Adolescents: A meta-analysis Nystrand C; Jonsson U; Feldman I; Langensköld S; Sarkadi A; Ssegonja R Article: MDM POLICY & PRACTICE. 2017;2(1):2381468317692806 The External Validity of Mapping MSIS-29 on EQ-5D Among Individuals With Multiple Sclerosis in Sweden. Ernstsson O; Tinghög P; Alexanderson K; Hillert J; Burström K Review: PLOS ONE. 2016;11(7):e0159129 Cost of Illness of Multiple Sclerosis - A Systematic Review Ernstsson O; Gyllensten H; Alexanderson K; Tinghog P; Friberg E; Norlund A Meeting abstract: VALUE IN HEALTH. 2015;18(7):A753-A754 COSTS OF ILLNESS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN SWEDEN - A POPULATION-BASED REGISTER STUDY Gyllensten H; Wiberg M; Tinghog P; Norlund A; Friberg E; Ernstsson O; Alexanderson K Visa fler
Medarbetare och kontaktGruppledare Emelie Heintz Adjungerad Adjunkt | Docent E-postadress emelie.heintz@ki.seAlla medarbetare i gruppen Anton Burov Annan Grund E-postadress Kinza Degerlund Maldi Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Petra Edström Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Olivia Ernstsson Anknuten till Undervisning/Handledning E-postadress Emelie Heintz Adjungerad Adjunkt | Docent E-postadress Tobias Lauritsen Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Agnes Lind Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Karoline Magnusdottir Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Evalill Nilsson Anknuten till Forskning E-postadress Camilla Nystrand Anknuten till Forskning | Adjungerad Adjunkt E-postadress camilla.nystrand@ki.seBesöksadressTomtebodavägen 18 A, plan 4, Solna, 17177, Sverige