Nils-Göran Larssons forskargrupp

The mitochondrion is a key player in cellular function and dysfunctional mitochondria have been implicated in a number of disorders as well as in the process of normal ageing. Our research group is interested in fundamental questions related to mitochondrial biology. How is the number and the function of mitochondria regulated? What happens in a cell with dysfunctional mitochondria? How does mitochondrial dysfunction cause human disease?


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Cell- och molekylärbiologi Genetik Medicinsk bioteknologi (Inriktn. mot cellbiologi (inkl. stamcellsbiologi), molekylärbiologi, mikrobiologi, biokemi eller biofarmaci) Medicinsk genetik och genomik Mitokondrie-DNA Mitokondrier Molekylärbiologi Åldrande Visa alla
Sara Lidman