Professors at Karolinska Institutet
Professor is the highest academic career level at Swedish universities and means that the person is expected to take overall responsibility in his or her field of study. At Karolinska Institutet, professors are generally recruited in competition, but sometimes external research leaders are hand-picked for this position. Below is a list of all full professors at KI, including researchers with a so-called senior professor position.
Ganesh Acharya, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Adnane Achour, Molecular Immunology
Paul Ackermann, Orthopaedic Traumatology
Eleni Aklillu, Tropical Pharmacology
Olof Akre, Oncological Surgery
Jan Albert, Infectious Diseases
Maria Albin, Occupational and Environmental Medicinee
Harri Alenius, Molecular Toxicology
Kristina Alexanderson, Social Insurance
Lars Alfredsson, Epidemiology
Tobias Alfvén, Global Child Health
Peter Allebeck, Social Medicinee
Catarina Almqvist Malmros, Clinical Epidemiology
Björn Andersson, Genomic Analysis
Bo Angelin, Clinical Metabolic Research
Maria Ankarcrona, Experimental Neurogeriatrics
Jovan Antović, Clincal Chemistry and Coagulation
Elias Arnér, Biochemistry
Marie Arsenian-Henriksson, Molecular Tumour Biology
Johan Askling, Reumatology
Rimma Axelsson, Nuclear Medicinee
Jirí Bártek, Cancer Biology
Georgios Belibasakis, Clinical Oral Infection Biology
Per-Olof Berggren, Experimental Endocrinology
Jonas Bergh, Oncology
Peter Bergman, Clinical Immunology
Ulf Bergman, Pharmacoepidemiology
Annika Bergquist, Gastroenterology, specialising on Hepatology
Martin Bergö, Molecular Medicinee
Lisa Berlin Thorell, Developmental Psychology with a focus on neuropsychological impairment
Christer Betsholtz, Vascular Biology
Camilla Björkegren, Cell and Tumour Biology
Linda Björkhem-Bergman, Palliative Medicine
Magnus Björkholm, Medicine
Niklas Björkström, Clinical Microbiology, focusing on immunovirology
Mikael Björnstedt, Pathology
Klas Blomgren, Perinatal Brain Research
Lennart Blomqvist, Medical Radiology, specialising in Oncology
Jan Bolinder, Diabetes Research
Magnus Boman, Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Health
Kristian Borg, Rehabilitation Medicine
Nagihan Bostanci, Inflammation Research, specialising in Periodontics
Matteo Bottai, Biostatistics
Maria H. Bradley, Dermatology and Venereology
Annelie Brauner, Microbiology
Frieder Braunschweig, Cardiology, focusing on Arrhythmology
Rune Brautaset, Optometry
Kerstin Brismar, Diabetes Research
Torkel Brismar Medical Radiology
Karin Broberg, Environmental Medicine specialising in Genetics and Epigenetics
Lennart Brodin, Neuroscience
Petter Brodin, Pediatric Immunology
Kristina Broliden, Infectious Diseases
Lou Brundin, neuroImmunology
Yenan Bryceson, Translational Immunology
Cynthia Bulik, Epidemiology, specialising in Eating Disorders
Bo Burström, Social Medicine
Magnus Bäck, Cardiology
Lars Bäckman, Geriatric Psychology
Sven Bölte, Child and Adolescence Psychiatric Science
Kenneth Caidahl, Clinical Physiology
Barbara Canlon, Audiophysiology
Yihai Cao, Vascular Biology
Lars-Olaf Cardell, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
Marie Carlén, Neuronal Networks, especially Cognitive Mechanisms
Marcus Carlsson, Clinical Physiology
Mattias Carlström, Cardiorenal Physiology
Juan Jesus Carrero, Epidemiology
Gonçalo Castelo Branco, Glial Cell Biology
Sandra Ceccatelli, Neurotoxicology
Angel Cedazo-Minguez, Molecular Neurogeriatrics
Michelle Chew, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Francesca Chiodi, Host-Parasite Interaction
Nikolaos Christidis, Clinical Oral Physiology
Francesco Cosentino, Clinical Cardiovascular Research
Kamila Czene, Cancer Epidemiology
Marja-Liisa Dahl, Clinical Pharmacology
Sven-Erik Dahlén, Experimental Asthma and Allergy Research
Karin Dahlman-Wright, Molecular Endocrinology
Christina Dalman, Psychiatric Epidemiology
Nico Dantuma, Cell and Molecular Biology
Tatiana Deliagina, Neuroscience
Paul Dickman, Biostatistics
Joakim Dillner, Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Vinod K Diwan, Epidemiology
Therese Djärv, Emergency Medicine
Katalin Dobra, Clinical Pathology
Henrik Druid, Forensic Medicine
Lars Egevad, Tumour Pathology
Ewa Ehrenborg, Molecular Cardiovascular Medicine
Henrik Ehrsson, Cognitive Neuroscience
Liv Eidsmo, Dermatology and Venereology
Stefan Einhorn, Molecular Oncology
Martin Eklund, Epidemiology
Simon Ekman, Oncology
Anna Mia Ekström, Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Karin Ekström Smedby, Hematology-Oncology with focus on Clinical Epidemiology
Karl Ekwall, Medical Genetics
Samir EL Andaloussi, Biomolecular Medicine and Advanced Therapies
Erik Eliasson, Pharmacogenetics
Jan Ellenberg, Cell Biology and Biophysics
Abdel El Manira, Neuroscience
Azita Emami, Nursing
Lennart Emtestam, Dermatology and Venereology
Göran Engberg, Pharmacology
Johan Engdahl, Cardiology with a focus on Arrhythmia Diseases
Lars Engstrand, Infectious Disease Control
Elisabeth Epstein, Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Sophie Erhardt, Experimental Psychiatry
Johan Ericson, Developmental Biology
Bo Göran Ericzon, Transplantation Surgery
Maria Eriksdotter, Geriatrics
Lars E Eriksson, Nursing
Lars I Eriksson, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Maria Eriksson, Molecular Genetics, specialising in ageing
Per Eriksson, Cardiovascular Medicine
Ulf Eriksson, Vascular Biochemistry
Helena Erlandsson Harris, Rheumatological Inflammation Research
Ingemar Ernberg, Tumour Biology
Malin Ernberg, Clinical oral Physiology
Patrik Ernfors, Tissue Biology
Bengt Fadeel, Medical Inflammation Research
Fang Fang, Epidemiology
Johan Fastbom, Geriatric Pharmacology
Li Felländer-Tsai, Orthopaedics
Óscar Fernández-Capetillo, Cancer Therapy
Maria Feychting, Epidemiology
Rachel Fisher, Cardiovascular Diseases
Gilberto Fisone, Neuroscience
Malin Flodström Tullberg, Diabetes Type 1
Hans Forssberg, Neuroscience
Johan Franck, Psychiatry
Anders Franco-Cereceda, Thoracic Surgery
Peter Fransson, Brain System Physiology
Erika Franzen, Physiotherapy
Laura Fratiglioni, Medical Epidemiology
Kaj Fried, Neuroscience
Jonas Frisén, Stem Cell Research
Johan Fritzell, Social Gerontology
Johan Frostegård, Medicine
Claes Frostell, Anaesthesiology
Anna Färnert, Infectious Disease Medicine, specialising in Tropical Medicine
Susanne Gabrielsson, Immunology
Kristina Gemzell Danielsson, Obstetrics and Gynaecologyi
Ata Ghaderi, Clinical Psychology
Christian Giske, Clinical Bacteriology
Caroline Graff, Genetic Dementia Research
Roland Grafström, Biochemical Toxicology
Sten Grillner, Neurophysiology
Henrik Grönberg, Cancer Epidemiology
Susanne Guidetti, Occupational Therapy
Balázs Gulyás, Nucleomedicine
Anders Gustafsson, Periodontology
Lars L Gustafsson, Clinical Pharmacology
Thomas Gustafsson, Clinical Physiology
Per Gustavsson, Occupational Epidemiology
Petter Gustavsson, Differential Psychology
Jesper Z Haeggström, Molecular Eicosanoid Research
Marianne van Hage, Clinical Immunology
Maria Hagströmer, Physiotherapy
Per Hall, Radiation Epidemiology
Christer Halldin, Medical Radiochemistry
Lennart Hammarström, Clinical Immunology
Annika Hanberg, Toxicology
Göran K Hansson, Experimental Cardiovascular Research
Tibor Harkany, Neurobiology
Robert Harris, Immunotherapy in Neuroinflammation
Johan Hartman, Tumour Pathology
Moustapha Hassan, Transplantation Research
Marie Hasselberg, Public Health Epidemiology
Ulf Hedin, Experimental Vascular Surgery
Gunilla Hedlin, Paediatric Allergology
Gert Helgesson, Medical Ethics
Thomas Helleday, Chemical Biology
Sten Hellström, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases
Eva Hellström-Lindberg, Hematology
Peter Henriksson, Internal Medicine
Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Clinical Microbiology
Jan-Inge Henter, Paediatric Haematology and Oncology
Eric Herlenius, Pediatrics
Agneta Herlitz, Geriatric Psychology
Ola Hermanson, Neuroscience
Jan Hillert, Neurology
Paul Hjemdahl, Clinical Pharmacology
Jens Hjerling-Leffler, Molecular Psychiatry
Anders Hjern, Social Epidemiology
Jacob Hollenberg, Cardiology with focus on Intesive Care
Rikard Holmdahl, Medical Inflammation Research
Lars Holmgren, Tumour Biology
Staffan Holmin, Clinical Neuroimaging
Keith Humphreys, Biostatistics
Björn Högberg, Molecular Systems Biophysics
Johan Högberg, Toxicology
Petter Höglund, Basal Immunology, especially clinically applied cell therapy and transplantation
Christer Höög, Cell and Molecular Biology
Jan-Olov Höög, Medical Chemistry
Carlos Ibáñez, Neuroscience
Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg, Molecular Toxicology
Martin Ingvar, Integrative Medicine
Sten Eirik W Jacobsen, Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine
Stefan Jacobson, Renal Medicine
Maja Jagodic, Neuroinflammation
Per-Johan Jakobsson, Translational Inflammation Research
Irene Jensen, Personal Injury Prevention
Karin Jensen, Cognitive Neuroscience
Tomas Jernberg, Cardiology
Annsofi Johannsen, Oral Health and Disease
Gunnar Johanson, Work Environment Toxicology
Janne Johansson, Biological Dementia Research
Kristina Johnell, Geriatric Pharmacoepidemiology
Randall S. Johnson, Molecular Biology and Oxygen Physiology
Bertrand Joseph, Molecular Cancer Biology specialising in Cell Death
Staffan Josephsson, Occupational Therapy
Luca Jovine, Structure Biology, especially Protein Crystallography
Lisa Juntti-Berggren, Experimental Medicine
Linus Jönsson, Health Economy
Olli Kallioniemi, Molecular Precision Medicine
Sigridur Kalman, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Akira Kaneko, Global Health
Anna Karlsson, Clinical Virology
Gunilla Karlsson Hedestam, Vaccine Research
Mikael Karlsson, Immunology
Agneta Karsten, Orthodontics
Juha Kere, Molecular Genetics
Ole Kiehn, Neuroscience
Anna Kiessling, Medical Pedagogy with focus on Clinical Educational Sciences
Rolf Kiessling, Experimental Oncology
Ulrik Kihlbom, Medical Clinical Ethics
Miia Kivipelto, Clinical Geriatric Epidemiology
Lars Klareskog, Reumatology
Torkel Klingberg, Cognitive Neuroscience
Marie Klingberg Allvin, Reproductive Health
Lena von Koch, Healthcare Research
Sabine Koch, Health Informatics
Per Kogner, Paediatric Oncology
Eva Kosek, Clinical Pain Research specialising in Musculoskeletal Pain
Anna Krook, Integrative Physiology
Inger Kull, Health Care Science
Anders Kvanta, Ophthalmology with focus on Retinal Diseases
Gunilla Källénius, Clinical Microbiology
Olle Kämpe, Clinical Endocrinology
Lucie Laflamme, Injury Epidemiology and Prevention
Jesper Lagergren, Surgery
Pernilla Lagergren, Surgical Health Care Science
Sonia Lain, Molecular Cancer Pharmacology
François Lallemend, Neurobiology of Sensory Systems
Mats Lambe, Medical Epidemiology
Sir David Lane, Tumour Suppressor Biology
Ann Langius-Eklöf, Nursing
Catharina Larsson, Medical Genetics
Nils-Göran Larsson, Mitochondrial Genetics
Volker Lauschke, Translational Pharmacology
Katarina Le Blanc, Clinical Stem Cell Research
Janne Lehtiö, Medical Proteomics
Mats Lekander, Health Psychology
Urban Lendahl, Genetics
Rolf Lewensohn, Oncology
Paul Lichtenstein, Genetic Epidemiology
Annika Lindblom, Cancer Genetics
Cecilia Linde, Cardiology
Anders Lindén, Lung and Airway Research
Angelica Lindén Hirschberg, Obstetrics and Gynaecologyi
Dag Linnarsson, Baromedicine
Sten Linnarsson, Molecular Systems Biology specialising in Transcriptomics
Brjánn Ljótsson, Clinical Psychology with focus on Somatic Care
Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren, Infectious Disease Medicine
Karin Loré, Vaccination Immunology specialising in Innate Immunity
Jonas Ludvigsson, Clinical Epidemiology
Weng-Onn Lui, Experimental Oncology
Bodil Lund, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Lars Lund, Cardiology
Ingrid Lundberg, Reumatology
Jon Lundberg, Nitric Oxide Pharmacologics
Johan Lundin, Medical Technology specialising in digital diagnostics
Andreas Lundqvist, Oncological Immunotherapy
Daniel Lundqvist, Neuroimaging
Johan Lundström, Psychology with focus on Olfactory Perception
Marie Löf, Nutrition
Matthias Löhr, Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Per-Arne Lönnqvist, Paediatric Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Knut Lönnroth, Social Medicine
Vivianne Malmström, Rheumatological Immunology
Claude Marcus, Pediatrics
Anna Martling, Surgery, especially Colorectal Cancer
Maria Masucci, Virology
David Mataix-Cols, Child and Adolescence Psychiatric Science, with focus on anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder and related disorders
Gerald Mclnerney, Molecular Virology
Björn Meister, Microscopic Anatomy
Erik Melén, Pediatrics
Konstantinos Meletis, System Neuroscience
Bo Melin, Work Psychology
Håkan Mellstedt, Oncological Biotherapy
Stephan Mielke, Hematology and Cell Therapy
Ellenor Mittendorfer-Rutz, Insurance Medicine
Jenny Mjösberg, Tissue Immunology
Jonas Muhr, Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
Jette Möller, Public Health Epidemiology
Pontus Nauclér, Infectious Diseases
Martin Neovius, Clinical Epidemiology
Anna Nilsson, Paediatric Oncology
Gunnar P Nilsson, Experimental Allergy Research
Gunnar Nilsson, Family Medicine
Magnus Nilsson, Surgery
Ola Nilsson, Paediatric Endocrinology
Ulrica Nilsson, Nursing
Lena Nilsson-Wikmar, Physiotherapy specialising in Education
Agneta Nordberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Agneta Nordenskjöld, Paediatric Surgery
Magnus Nordenskjöld, Clinical Genetics
Pär Nordlund, Biophysics
Mikael Norman, Pediatrics
Staffan Normark, Infectious Disease Control
Anna Norrby-Teglund, Medical microbial pathogenesis
Thomas Nyström, Medicine specialising in Diabetology
Erik Näslund, Surgery
Rolf Ohlsson, Genomic Integrity
Peder Olofsson, Bioelectronic Medicine
Lars Olson, Neurobiology
Andreas Olsson, Psychology
Mats J. Olsson, Experimental Psychology
Tomas Olsson, Neurology
Gabriel Oniscu, Transplant Surgery
Lena Palmberg, Toxicology
Qiang Pan Hammarström, Clinical Immunology
Tony Pansell, Optometry
Paolo Parini, Clinical Chemistry
Manuel Patarroyo, Adhesion Biology
Yudi Pawitan, Biostatistics
Nancy Pedersen, Genetic Epidemiology
Thomas Perlmann, Molecular Development Biology
John Pernow, Cardiology
Göran Pershagen, Hygiene
Fredrik Piehl, Neurology
Sari Ponzer, Orthopedics
Hong Qian, Molecular Haematology
Clas Rehnberg, Health Economics
Dorota Religa, Geriatrics
Mikael Rhen, Cellular Microbiology
Agneta Richter Dahlfors, Cellular Microbiology
Mårten Risling, Anatomy
Stefano Romeo, Clinical Diabetology
Olav Rooyackers, Experimental Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Richard Rosenquist Brandell, Clinical Genetics
Martin Rottenberg, Infection Immunology
Jorge Ruas, Molecular Physiology
Christian Rück, Psychiatry
Lars Rydén, Cardiology
Mikael Rydén, Clinical och Experimental Fat Tissue Research
Ute Römling, Medical Microbial Physiology
Andres Salumets, Reproductive Medicine
Christina Samuelsson, Logopaedics
Johan Sandberg, viral Immunology
Rickard Sandberg, Molecular Genetics
Gunilla Sandborgh Englund, Dental Biomaterials
Birgitta Sander, Pathology
Ivanka Savic Berglund, Neurology
Martin Schalling, Medical Genetics
Annika Scheynius, Clinical Allergy Research
Johan von Schreeb, Global Disaster Medicine
Gunnar Schulte, Receptor Pharmacology
Marianne Schultzberg, Clinical Neuroscience
Thomas Sejersen, Neuropediatrics
Galina Selivanova, Cell and Tumour Biology
Oleg Shupliakov, Neuroscience
Gilad Silberberg, Neurophysiology
András Simon, Cell and Molecular Biology
Arvid Sjölander, Biostatistics
Ingrid Skelton Kockum, Genetic Epidemiology specialising in multiple sclerosis
Magnus Sköld, Pulmonary Medicine
Olof Sköldenberg, Orthopaedics
Anna Smed Sörensen, Translational Immunology
Edvard Smith, Molecular Genetics
Kirsty Spalding, Adipocyte Biology
Pär Sparén, Medical Epidemiology
Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Reproductive Physiology
Terese Stenfors, Medical Education
Ulla Stenius, Occupational Toxicology
Peter Stenvinkel, Nephropathy
Olof Stephansson, Clinical Epidemiology with focus on Obstetrics-Gynecology
Molly M Stevens, Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine
Staffan Strömblad, Clinical Molecularbiologi
Mona Ståhle, Dermatology and Venereology
Cecilia Stålsby-Lundborg, Global Health
Patrick Sullivan, Psychiatric Genetics
Carl Johan Sundberg, Molecular and Applied Exercise Physiology
Anders Svenningsson, Neurology with a focus on Neuroinflammatory Diseases
Per Svenningsson, Neurology
Camilla Svensson, Cellular and Molecular Pain Physiology
Mikael Svensson, Neurosurgery
Stefan Swartling Peterson, Global Transformations for Health
Matti Sällberg, Biomedical Analysis
Margaret Sällberg Chen, Clinical Oral Immunology
Lars Sävendahl, Paediatric Endocrinology
Cecilia Söderberg-Nauclér, Medical Microbial Pathogenesis
Anders Sönnerborg, Clinical Virology
Jussi Taipale, Medical System Biology
Lars Terenius, Experimental Alcohol and Drug Dependence Research
Anders Thorell, Surgery
Anna E. Thorson, Global Infection Epidemiology
Uwe Tietge, Clinical Chemistry
Jari Tiihonen, Clinical Psychiatry
Carol Tishelman, Innovative Care
Torbjörn Tomson, Neurology
Per Tornvall, Cardiology
Eckardt Treuter, Cell and Molecular Biology
Ylva Trolle Lagerros, Cardiovascular Prevention
Mats Trulsson, Oral Rehabilitation
Mathias Uhlén, Microbiology
Per Uhlén, Dynamic Imaging of Intracellular Signalling
Brun Ulfhake, anatomy
Fredrik Ullén, Cognitive Neuroscience
Marie Vahter, Environmental Toxicology
Andrea Varrone, Molecular Positron Emission Tomography
Eduardo Villablanca, Gastrointestinal Immunology
Carl-Fredrik Wahlgren, Dermatology and Venereology
Mats Wahlgren, Infectious Disease Control
Lars-Olof Wahlund, Geriatrics
Marie Wahren-Herlenius, Experimental Reumatology
Harriet Wallberg, Physiology
Danuta Wasserman, Psychiatry and Suicidology
Anna Wedell, Medical Genetics
Elisabete Weiderpass, Medical Epidemiology
Eddie Weitzberg, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
Yvonne Wengström, Nursing
Jan Wernerman, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Tomas Wester, Paediatric Surgery
Lisa Westerberg, Experimental Immunology
Eric Westman, Neurogeriatrics
Ronny Wickström, Neuropediatrics
Peter N. Wiklund, Urologic Surgery
Klas Wiman, Molecular Cell and Tumour Biology
Bengt Winblad, Geriatrics
Jacek Winiarski, Pediatrics
Alicja Wolk, Nutrition Epidemiology
Anna Wredenberg, Mitochondrial Biology
Anthony Wright, Molecular Biology
Per Wändell, Family Medicine
Weili Xu, Geriatric Epidemiology
Weimin Ye, Medical Epidemiology
Jan Zedenius, Surgery specialising in Endocrine Surgery
Juleen R. Zierath, Clinical Integrative Physiology
Roman Zubarev, Medical Proteomics
Ulrika Ådén, Neonatology
Torbjörn Åkerstedt, Psychology
Agneta Åkesson, Epidemiology specialising in Nutrition and Toxicology
Johan Ärnlöv, Family Medicine
Per Östberg, Speech and Language Pathology
Arne Östman, Molecular Oncology
Annika Östman Wernerson, Renal and Transplantation Science
John Øvretveit, Medical Organization, Leadership and Innovation
Professors emeriti
At the age of retirement, many researchers with professorial competence choose to continue their work at KI with an affiliation agreement. These trusted and experienced researchers are usually titled professor emeritus (male) or professor emerita (female) – in the plural form, professors emeriti.
Adjunct and Visiting Professors
An Adjunct Professor at KI must have his or her primary employment and activity outside the higher education sector. This position is also time-limited.
A Visiting Professor at KI must be employed at another university, Swedish or foreign, or by a company, another authority or organization. The visiting professor must have a clear association with KI and participate in activities such as research, research education and undergraduate education.
List of adjunct and visiting professors
Foreign Adjunct Professor
Foreign Adjunct Professor is an appointment with the purpose of strengthening the international collaboration with foreign research colleagues of good repute.
List of foreign adjunct professors
New Professors
List of newly appointed professors at Karolinska Institutet.