Henrik Grönberg

Henrik Grönberg

Professor/Senior Physician
Telephone: +46852482347
Visiting address: Nobels väg 12a, 17165 Solna
Postal address: C8 Medicinsk epidemiologi och biostatistik, C8 MEB Grönberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a Professor of Cancer Epidemiology at Karolinska Institutet and Head of the Capio S:t Göran Hospital Prostate Cancer Center, Stockholm. My main research area is prostate cancer genetics focusing on identifying new markers both for the risk of getting prostate cancer and for the prognosis of prostate cancer once diagnosed. I have identified several prostate cancer susceptibility loci and was part of the team that identified the first susceptibility loci more than 20 years ago.

    I developed STHLM3 - a blood test that combines protein markers, genetic markers and clinical data with an advanced algorithm in order to detect aggressive prostate cancer at an early stage and am PI for the ProBio trial aiming to identify biomarkers predicting treatment response among men with metastatic prostate cancer.

    Between 2008 and 2013 I was the chairman of the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Karolinska Institutet and I served as Acting Pro-Vice-Chancellor at Karolinska Institutet in 2016.


All other publications



  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, 2020-


  • Andreas Karlsson, Microsimulation modelling of prostate cancer screening in Sweden.

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