Marie Klingberg Allvin

Marie Klingberg Allvin

Telephone: +46852482230
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset, hiss 1, plan 9 Tomtebodavägen 18A, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K6 Kvinnors och barns hälsa, K6 NOGRH Klingberg-Allvin, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have a bachelor degree in nursing from Karolinska Institutet (KI) (1998). After my midwifery exam in 2001, I came back, now as a PhD student at the Department of Global Public Health. I have a PhD in international health from Karolinska Institutet and 20 years’ experience of working within global Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in different low-resource settings. More specifically, my research area focuses on safe abortion, post abortion care, contraception, and immigrants’ SRH. I have experience building strategic partnerships with ministry of health, academia and nongovernmental organizations in low-resource settings and working with development cooperation projects. Being a former director of the midwifery program at Dalarna University (DU) I initiated the development of a model for net-based learning in order to rebuild capacity within midwifery training institutions in Somalia. This model has further been implemented at 38 academic institutions in Bangladesh. I am a member of the International Board of the Swedish Association of Midwives and have five years’ experience in academic leadership as pro vice chancellor and acting vice chancellor for Dalarna University.


  • I defended my thesis with focus on pregnancy outcome and care need among adolescence in the Vietnam, in 2007 at the Department of Public Health Science, KI. My research since the defense has focused on women’s right to safe abortion and contraceptives in low-income countries were maternal mortality is high. Results based on intervention studies in Uganda and Kenya have shown that midwives can take on a greater responsibility for abortion and contraceptive counseling and that simplified medical abortion in rural India is effective and safe. Compared to the doctors, midwives are far numerous and more accessible for women in, for example, Uganda, especially in the rural areas. Research show that if investing in educating and involving midwives in post-abortion care, accessibility to safe treatment increases and with that, the risk of maternity mortality can decrease. The research group have on going research is in Somalia, Demographic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Sweden and Canada. Collaborators are researcher from the local universities and McMaster University, Canada, University of Michigan, USA . The team is interdisciplinary with competence in midwifery and within the health system, health economy, health care, health care quality and clinical studies.


All other publications



  • Professor, Department of Women's and Children's Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-

Degrees and Education

  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2007
  • Reg Midwife, Mälardalens Universitet, 2001
  • Bachelor Of Science In Nursing, Karolinska Institutet, 1998

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