Lars E Eriksson

Lars E Eriksson

Telephone: +46852483831
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, D2, Flemingsberg, 14183
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Omvårdnad Lars E Eriksson, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I obtained my UC in Nursing from University College of Health Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden in 1985 and worked clinically for more than ten years as an RN within the academic hospital system in the Stockholm area. I have held different positions as a nurse within the fields of hematology, clinical immunology and sexually transmissible infections including HIV. As a Research Coordinator I coordinated several phase II and III clinical trials in the fields of anti-retroviral therapy and therapeutic HIV vaccines. Doing translational research within the HIV field, I completed an MSc in Chemistry at Stockholm University in 2001 and a PhD in Nursing at Karolinska Institutet in 2003.

    At present, I am a Professor in Nursing at Karolinska Institutet where I am Associate and Vice Division Lead at the Division of Nursing, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society and the lead of the Lars E. Eriksson Research Group focusing on translational health care science research a by linking research, education and practice. I have a clinical affiliation to the Medical Unit Infectious Diseases at Karolinska University Hospital and I am also holding a part-time position as Professor in Nursing at the School of Health and Psychological Sciences at City St George's, University of London, United Kingdom.

    - Medicine doktor, Karolinska Institutet, 2003
    - Filosofie magister i kemi, Stockholms universitet, 2001
    - Sjuksköterskeexamen/legitimerad sjuksköterska, Stockholms läns landstings vårdhögskola, 1985


  • With university degrees in both nursing and natural sciences (Chemistry), Lars' scientific profile has developed towards the branch in care science established as biobehavioural nursing research or translational nursing research. Even if there is no absolute consensus, biobehavioural nursing research could be defined as research that strives towards increased understandings of the links between biologic, behavioural and social manifestations of vulnerability and risk in different populations.

    Early in his research career, he combined scientific activity within nursing and biomedicine, mainly in the areas of HIV and sexual health. After the dissertation work, his research line has expanded to include studies of populations with other long-lasting or chronic conditions. He is PI for studies investigating quality of life, stigma and illness perception in children, young adults and adults with HIV infections and adults with MRSA infections. Furthermore, he is PI for a translational nursing research project on the early signs of lung cancer.

    Current and Recently Completed Grants / Activities
    Facilitating lung cancer diagnosis: linking the experienced body and the biological body for major improvement in precision in lung cancer screening - supported by the Vårdal Foundation, the Swedish Research Council, the Cancer Society in Stockholm, the Strategic Research Area Health Care Science and the Sjöberg Foundation (PI).

    Magnet4Europe: Improving Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Health Care Workplace - supported by European Commission, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme (Swedish Senior PI).

    To grow up with an innate or early acquired HIV infection supported by a doctoral student grant from the National Research School of Health Care Sciences, Karolinska Institutet and a project grant from Kempe-Carlgrenska Foundation (PI).

    Disease-related stigma and quality of life in people living with MRSA or HIV infection - supported by a doctoral student grant from the National Research School of Health Care Sciences, Karolinska Institutet (PI).

    To live with HIV in Sweden - a national survey on commission by the Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control (co-investigator).

    Life interrupted the impact of cancer on fertility and sexuality among adolescents and young adults - supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and the Swedish Childhood Cancer Foundation (co-investigator).

    Key words
    Living with chronic or long-lasting conditions, Quality of life, Disease-related stigma, Sexual and reproductive health, HIV, MRSA, HPV, Lung Cancer, Cancer survivorship, Translational nursing research, Biomarker research, Symptom research, Patient reported outcomes, Surveys, Internet-based focus groups


All other publications



  • Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-
  • Professor (0.2 FTE), School of Health and Psychological Sciences, City St George´s, University of London, 2020-
  • Affiliated Researcher Scientist, Medical Unit Infection, Karolinska University Hospital, 2013-
  • Reader (0.2 FTE), School of Health Sciences, City, University of London, 2013-2020

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2009
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Dept of Nursing, Karolinska Institutet, 2003
  • Master of Science in Chemistry, Chemistry, HIV-1 DNA quantification by real-time PCR, Stockholm University, 2001
  • University Certificate in Nursing, General Nursing, Stockholm County Council University College of Caring, 1985

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