Martin Ingvar

Martin Ingvar

Professor, Senior
Telephone: +46852483380
Visiting address: Nobels väg 9, D3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Jensen, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Professor at Karolinska Institutet since 1998, firstly of Neurophysiology and, 2007-2024 of Integrative Medicine as well as leading research activities at the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine. From 2024 Senior Professor 

    Presently PI Vinnova Demonstrator 2023-2027 "Multiple use of health data generated in healthcare"

    Representative posts

    2012- Board member of ICHOM Foundation

    Former representative posts
    1996-2002 Coordinator for Karolinska PET
    2001-2004 Deputy Head of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience and Head of the Department of Clinical Neuroscience 2004-2010
    2002-2006 Chairman of the Board for World Childhood Foundation.
    2010-2013 Dean of Research, Karolinska Institutet.
    2013-2017 Chairman of the board for Swelife – a strategic initiative within life science
    2014-2017 Deputy Vice-Chancellor for questions about future healthcare and external cooperations

    1998-2022 Director of Karolinska MR Center
    2012-2019 PI at National MEG center KI
    2013-2017 Chairman of the board for Swedish Research Council for health, working life and welfare (Forte)

    Medical Degree at Lund University 1984
    Doctor of Medical Science at Lund University in 1982 in experimental neurological research.


  • In the past ten years, research has focused on the knowledge processes and distribution of knowledge in healthcare. This is done using a knowledge base drawn from cognitive science, information theory, medical informatics, and linguistics. This is translated into clinical information support systems that aid the patient's journey through healthcare by sharing knowledge along the way.


All other publications



  • Professor, Senior, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2025
  • Professor, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2024

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Lund University, 1985

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