Linda Björkhem-Bergman

Linda Björkhem-Bergman

Professor/Senior Physician
Visiting address: Blickagången 16, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Klinisk geriatrik Björkhem-Bergman, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am MD and Professor in Palliative Medicine.

    I defended my PhD-thesis in Experimental Pathology in 2004 at the Karolinska Institutet. The project involved carcinogenesis studies in animal models and cell-culturing of multi-drug resistant cells with focus on selenium compounds and selenoenzymes. During my post-doc time (2009-2012) at Dept of Clinical Pharmacology I expanded my knowledge about drug metabolism with focus on statins. During my Residency at Clinical Pharmacology (ST-läkare) (2006-2013) I started working with clinical research and with Phase I and II studies at the Clinical Trial Unit. I finished my Specialist Training in Clinical Pharmacology 2012 and I am since 2013 Associate Professor (Docent) in Clinical Pharmacology. Since 2013 I am working in the field of Palliative Medicine and I am Senior Consultant (Överläkare) at Stockholms Sjukhem, Dept of Palliative Medicine. Since 2021 I also have a Specialist degree in Palliative Medicine.

    In 2018 I started up my own research group in Palliative Medicine at the Division of Clinical Geriatrics, NVS, KI. My overall aim is to find new pharmacological and non-pharmacological strategies to improve the quality of life in end-of-life patients. I have a translational approach where I try to combine clinical trials with pre-clinical experiments for mechanistic studies. My main focus during recent years has been on the role of Vitamin D in the immune system and possible beneficial effects of Vitamin D supplementation to cancer patients to improve symptom management, reduce the incidence of infections and improve the quality of life. 

    Today (2024) we are 8 members in my rearsch group, 3 PhD-students and 4 post-docs and one docent (me). We all combine clinical work in palliative care with reserach. We are 6 MDs, 1 reg nurse and 1 reg dietician. 


  • All the reserach in my reserach group involves different topics in palliative medicine and palliative care.

    During recent years my main focus has been the role of Vitamin D in the immune system and possible beneficial effects of Vitamin D supplementation to cancer patients to improve symptom management (pain and fatigue), reduce the incidence of infections and improve the quality of life. Currently my main focus is projects on cancer related fatigue. This involvs both mechanistic studies, with focus on immunology, and treatment options in clinical care including studies on the use of cortisone, vitamin D, methylphenidate and phsyical activity. 

    In the research group we also have projects on nutrition in palliative care, treatment of malignant ascites, the use point of care ultra-sound in palliative home care, studies on the use of CAM (complementary and integrative medicine) in oncology and aspects of aging and immunity.


  • Teaching in Palliative Medicine för MD and nurses on advanced level. Course manager for 2 mandatory courses in Palliative Medicine for resident physicians.

    Teaching at basic levels for MDs, physiotherapists and occupational therapist in palliative care.

    Scientific leader at Center of Palliative Care (Palliativt Kunskapscentrum) in Region Stockholm since 2022. This includes teaching on a regular basis for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals  working in palliative care. My main foucs has been symptom managment and end-of-life care.

    Teaching in Clinical Pharmacology at basic and advanced levels for physicians, nurses and biomedical analysts. 

    Teaching in Geriatrics at basic and advanced level for MDs.

    Teaching in Scientific methodology for resident physicians in geriatrics.

    Main supervisor of 11 resident physicians for their Scientific Project (ST-projekt) in Palliative Medicine and Geriatrics.

    Co-ordinator for the Master degree of MDs 2014-2015.

    During 1995-2001  teaching in biochemistry and pathology for MD:s.

    Co-author in three textbooks for MDs and nurses:
    'Palliativ Medicin' in the book Klinisk Geriatrik (Libers förlag 2020),
    'Palliativ Cancervård' i böckerna Klinisk Omvårdnad 1 och 2 (Libers
    förlag, 2021)
    'Vård i livets slut' in the book Boken om Demenssjukdomar (Libers
    förlag 2023)


All other publications


  • To live until death - Factors affecting symptom distress, quality of life and survival time in cancer patients in palliative stages. Focus on vitamin D and the immune system.
    Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2018
  • Can treatment with vitamin D for palliative cancer patients reduce the burden of infection and pain and increase the quality of life?
    Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2017
  • Can treatment with vitamin D for palliative cancer patients reduce the burden of infection and pain and increase the quality of life?
    Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2016
  • Can treatment with vitamin D for palliative cancer patients reduce the burden of infection and pain and increase the quality of life?
    Swedish Cancer Society
    1 January 2015


  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-
  • Principal Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2024
  • Researcher, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2018-2022
  • Researcher, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2015-2018

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2013
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2004
  • University Medical Degree, Karolinska Institutet, 2001

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