Anna Mia Ekström

Anna Mia Ekström

Professor/Senior Physician
Telephone: +46852482824
Visiting address: Widerströmska huset Tomtebodavägen 18 A, plan 3, 17165 Solna
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Ekström, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Master of Public Health (MPH) quantitative methods from Harvard School of Public Health (1995), a Medical Doctor (MD, 1997, from Karolinska Institutet (KI), PhD medical epidemiology (KI, 2000). 
    Full professor (since 2013) in Global Infectious Disease Epidemiology  and Senior clinical consultant infectious diseases, 25% years of full-time/part-time (currently 30%) of clinical practice


  • 25 years leading international research projects in Europe, Africa and Asia on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), HIV and emerging infections (Ebola, Zika, COVID-19, mpox), vaccine access, gender-based violence, sexual risk behaviour, key populations (young women, migrants, people who inject drugs, LGBTQI+), maternal and child health, health care systems, prevention and implementation research, effects of health policy on health and care, global vaccine policy and vaccine availability, health and demographic surveillance/epidemiology, norms and values on gender, SRHR & women's economic empowerment (WEE).
    Published 248 peer-reviewed articles (H-index 40. Top-90-100% in number of publications at KI) 
    European Commission (Horizon), EDCTP, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Swedish Research Council, Sida, KI, WHO, Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, European CDC, Stockholm County Council, FAS,  EBA, Groschinsky, Swedish Public Health Agency, Solstickan, Gilead, Janssen, South African Medical Research Council, Forte, UNICEF.
    As main applicant acquired > 105 million SEK (10 M Euro) in external research grants in competition
    Expert & Leadership assignments
    Leader Global & Sexual health (GloSH) research group at KI with @50 multidisciplinary international researchers, home of prof. Hans Rosling’s teaching legacy 
    Chair, WHO’s technical advisory group on Market Access for Vaccines (MVAC)
    Sweden’s scientific representative, HERA Advisory Group (Health Emergency Preparedness & response authority) European Commission
    Expert in COVAX Independent Allocation of Vaccines Group (IAVG) for global COVID-19 vaccine allocation, WHO
    Chair Sida’s Scientific Council, Swedish International development Agency (Sida)
    Expert in Sweden’s scientific reference group for access to COVID-19 vaccines (Swedish Foreign department) 
    Expert advisor on COVID-19 vaccines, Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare
    Board member of  Centre for health crisis, Stockholm
    Leader KI’s taskforce on COVID-19 and public health and resource group on COVID-19 and global health
    Member, Ethical Council, Karolinska Institutet
    Other expert assignments: 
    Sweden’s National Board of Health and Welfare, Institute for Communicable Disease Control, Swedish Migration Dept, Stockholm Needle Exchange, Sweden’s Foreign Dept, Swedish Society of Medicine, Medical Research Council, Noaks Ark’s HIV Foundation, Aids Accountability International, Global Challenges think tank, KI Ethical council, KI Internationalization Council, Doctors against AIDS, HIV Outcomes, INDEPTH- network of health and demographics surveillance sites (HDSS) in 52 low and middle income countries
    Other merits & Awards:
    Woman of the year 2022- rank 95 among the 100 most influential women in Sweden 2022, Expressen
    Public health/medical expert, Musikhjälpen, helped collect 48 million SEK to health care & 30 M SEK to HIV
    Main supervisor of Ziad El-Khatib awarded Best HIV thesis of the year (Sweden) (2011)
    ERA evaluation: My research group Global & Sexual Health at Karolinska Institutet scored “Excellent” i.e top research groups at KI (2011)
    Harvard School of Public Health’s representative of Students for Human Rights at the Harvard Model UN course in Diplomacy and Negotiations, in Geneva in Switzerland (1995).


  • Supervised 27 graduated PhD students (14 as main supervisor) and 14 from LMIC. Ongoing supervision of 14 PhD students (main supervisor of N=3).
    29 years of teaching university students & course leadership, chair/member of 27 PhD dissertation boards
Course coordinator undergraduate course "Global health" 4.5 credits
Course coordinator "HIV - an individual focus from a global perspective" 7.5 credits
Course coordinator "Infectious diseases" Master of Global health, 4.5 credits
Responsible for KI's process of internationalisation 2015-2018 to include global health in all study programmes at KI.
Responsible for Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in Global Health in 2016 with 17, 000 participants across the world. Frequent participant in public lectures, media (TV, radio, newspapers). 
Scientific coordinator for the Sweden –Tanzania PhD training program sponsored by Sida 2015-2020 and actively involved in the Sweden-Uganda PhD capacity building exchange programmes since year 2000.


All other publications



  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2017-
  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, 2024-2027
  • Amanuensis, Epidemics and public health, Department of Public Health Sciences, Stockholm University, 2021-2022

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2008
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institutet, 2000

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