Janne Lehtiö

Janne Lehtiö

Professor/Clinical Chemist
Telephone: +46852481416
Visiting address: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23A, 17121 Solna
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Lehtiö, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Professor Janne Lehtiö and the LehtiöLab focuses on proteomics and proteogenomics to gain new knowledge on molecular phenotype of cancer to apply the gained knowledge on improving personalized medicine. He received a faculty professor position in Medical Proteomics at Karolinska Institutet in 2015 and since 2021 has shared clinical appointment at Karolinska University Hospital as head of clinical proteomics unit.


    Since 2008 Lehtiö has been principle investigator at Dept. of Oncology and Pathology at Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden, currently leading the cancer proteogenomics research group of 40 researchers. Previously, at 2004, Dr. Lehtiö was appointed as director of the Karolinska University Hospital’s clinical proteomics facility and since 2010 he is director of the clinical proteomics mass spectrometry facility at the national research center Science for Life Laboratory t Stockholm. 

    I achieved MSc degree in biochemistry from Helsinki University, Finland and PhD in engineering (biotechnology) at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm, Sweden. Post the PhD, I worked few years in biotech industry in USA and Europe; and obtained postdoctoral experience in cancer research at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden. In 2009, I got an assistant professor in proteomics (docent) merit at Karolinska Institutet and was pointed to the faculty Professor position 2015. Since 2006, I have also been director of the Karolinska University Hospital’s clinical proteomics facility and since 2021 holds share position at pathology clinic as hospital chemist.

    Selected academic awards, commisions of trust and honors

    2023 Board of Directors of Cancer Core Europe

    2022 Nobel assembly at Karolinska Institutet

    2021 Precision Medicine Scientific Lead, SciLifeLab 

    2021 Board of Directors at Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center

    2018-2023 Scientific Director, Science for Life Laboratory
    2015 Research infrastructure fellow, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research
    2015 The Swedish Mass Spectrometry Society medal in the honor of Jöns Jacob Berzelius
    2009 Thought Leadership Award, Agilent Foundation, USA.


  • Our major research interest is to improve proteomics and proteogenomics to obtain new molecular information on cancer and use this information to improve and personalize future cancer treatments. Proteomics research aims to study thousands of proteins simultaneously in a sample to obtain a molecular picture of the ongoing biology. In cancer, this proteome wide analysis provides data on how certain genotype and environmental factors combined can drive tumour growth. We thrive to use this knowledge to improve cancer therapy by discovering new biomarkers and therapy targets. Lehtiö’s group has published number of novel methods for proteome analysis and omics data-analysis. The main focus on our clinical proteomics and system biology research is on lung and breast cancer fields as well as on a newly started program on childhood cancers and leukemia. We work also for clinical implementation of omics data via our Molecular Tumor board portal.


  • Our group organizes several courses on proteomics and multi-omics data analysis as well as cources on precision medicine each year. For more information check KI and SciLifeLabs cource program.


All other publications



  • Professor/Clinical Chemist, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, 2021-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2009

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