Foreign Adjunct Professors

The purpose of appointing Foreign Adjunct Professors at Karolinska Institutet is to encourage knowledge exchange with teachers, researchers and universities worldwide. This form of appointment aims to facilitate scientific collaboration and to strengthen and enhancing the quality of teaching and research.

Foreign Adjunct Professor
The head of department may propose internationally competitive, recognized and leading people in their field, for appointment as Foreign Adjunct Professor at KI. This form of appointment aims to facilitate scientific collaboration and to strengthen and enhancing the quality of teaching and research.

The affiliation form and the title Foreign Adjunct Professor were introduced at KI in 1992 by the Medical Faculty Board. New instructions for the appointment apply from 1 March 2023.

Process and qualifications
The Head at one of KI's departments submits a proposal for a person for appointment as Foreign Adjunct Professor to the Committee for Research. In order to be appointed as FAP, the teacher or researcher must be affiliated to KI, but have his or her main employment somewhere else than at the university. There is no financial compensation for this type of appointment.

Teachers or researchers who are appointed Foreign Adjunct Professor are expected to have excellent scientific qualifications, as well as being internationally recognized and leading in their research field, equivalent to what is required for a permanent position as full professor at KI. The Head of Department must also comment on whether the candidate has been considered for a visiting professorship. It is the proposing Head of Department who has the responsibility to assess the qualifications of the Foreign Adjunct Professor candidate. The Research Committee will then decide if the level of qualifications live up to the standard of the Foreign Adjunct Professor title. An appointment can cover a maximum of three years at a time and a renewal can be proposed by the Head of Department. The Head of Department may also terminate the appointment prematurely. 


See "Documents" below for regulations (Föreskrifter, in Swedish only), instructions (Anvisningar, in Swedish only) and application forms. Email the application to If a preliminary assessment of a candidate is desired, a brief summary of the planned collaboration and a CV can be submitted before the full application.

Foreign Adjunct Professors A-Ö

Cao, Xuetao, Professor. Nankai University, Tianjin, China. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Immunology 2019-2024.

Delahunt, Brett, Professor, University of Otago, New Zealand. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Pathology, 2023-2026.

Feusner, Jamie, Professor. UCLA, Los Angeles, USA. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Clinical Neuroscience 2019-2024.

Mecocci, Patrizia, Professor. Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Translational Geriatrics 2022-2024.

Maddison, Ralph, Professor. Deakin University, Australia. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Physical Activity and Disease Prevention, May 2024- April 2027.

Manser, Tanja, Professor. FHNW University of Applied Science, Münchenstein, Schweiz. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Patient Safety 2023-2025.

Molassiotis, Alexander, Professor. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Supportive and Palliative Care 2022-2025.

Visscher, Peter, Professor. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Statistical Genetics 2019-2025.

Wang, Dongan, Professor, City University of Hongkong, Foreign Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Engineering, 2024-2027.

Wilkinson, Ray, Professor, University of Sheffield, Great Britain. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Speech and Language Pathology, 2024-2027.

Wray, Naomi, Professor. University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Foreign Adjunct Professor of Statistical Genetics 2019-2025.


Kristina Jesinkey

International Coordinator
Content reviewer: