Malin Flodström Tullberg

Malin Flodström Tullberg

Professor | Docent
Telephone: +46852487625
Mobile phone: +46769474569
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels allé 8, plan 7, 14152 Huddinge
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 CIM Flodström-Tullberg, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Malin Flodström Tullberg is Professor of Type 1 Diabetes at the Department of Medicine, Huddinge. Her research focuses on understanding the causes of the disease type 1 diabetes and contributing to the development and preclinical testing of new preventive measures against the disease. She also has an interest in the disese cystic fibrosis and mechanisms behind cystic fibrosis related diabetes and impaired antiviral defense mechanisms.


  • Professor Flodström Tullberg’s research group has a central role in advancing our understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of type 1 diabetes. Leveraging their unique expertise in both in vitro and in vivo models, the group has made groundbreaking discoveries regarding the intricate interactions between pancreatic islet cells, the immune system, and environmental factors (such as enteroviruses and the microbiome). The group has also produced and performed pre-clinical testing of new enterovirus vaccines. Recently, the group has also turned its attention to disease biomarkers, particularly non-invasive methods for detecting beta cell damage. Their robust platform for such studies positions them at the forefront of diabetes research. 


All other publications


  • Professor, Department of Medicine, Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, 2015-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2005

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