Pernilla Lagergren

Pernilla Lagergren

Telephone: +46852482758
Visiting address: Retzius väg 13 a, Våning 4, 17177 Stockholm
Postal address: K1 Molekylär medicin och kirurgi, K1 MMK Kirurgisk vårdvetenskap, 171 76 Stockholm

About me

  • Research group leader of the group Surgical Care Science

    Pernilla Lagergren (born Viklund) became a registered nurse in 1999 and doctor of medicine (Ph.D.) in 2006 at KI. Thereafter, she conducted a post-doc period during 1 ½ years at the University of Bristol, England, in 2006-2007. She has an associate professorship since 2010 and in 2011 she was appointed a full-time position as a professor at KI. Since March 2018 she has a chair (permanent professor) in surgical care sciences at the Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom on a part-time basis.


  • Pernilla leads her own research group within surgical care science. Her main research area is health-related quality of life (HRQOL), particularly in patients with cancer of the oesophagus. Her research focuses on factors influencing the HRQOL and recovery after surgical treatment for cancer in a short and long-term perspective. Moreover, she evaluates if HRQOL can be used as a prognostic factor. Further, her research involves methodological development of the use and management of HRQOL data with the aim of facilitating the interpretation of patient reported outcomes and improving the evaluation of potential confounding factors. Her future research will continue to focus mainly on patients with oesophageal cancer, and she will develop this area using patient-reported outcome measures where aspects of psychosocial distress, social support and coping are among other. Moreover, her future research aims to include patients family and their need of support. She hopes that the future research in this field will make a major contribution to improving the quality of life of oesophageal cancer patients and their closest family.


  • Associate professor in care sciences 2010


All other publications



  • Professor on a part-time basis, Imperial College London, 2018-
  • Professor, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2011-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2010
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, 2006
  • Registered nurse, Hälsohögskolan, Umeå, 1999

Distinction and awards

  • Hilda och Alfred Erikssons research prize, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2020
  • Recipient of Eric K. Fernströms research prize in medicine for young scientists at Karolinska Institutet, Fernströms Foundation, 2018
  • Anders Jahre's research prize in medicine for young scientists, University of Oslo, 2015
  • Sven and Ebba-Christina Hagbergs research prize, Sven och Ebba-Christina Hagberg's Foundation, 2012
  • Postdoctoral Stipend Award from the Swedish Society for Medical Research, Swedish Society for Medical Research, 2007

Committee work

  • Member, European Academy of Cancer Sciences, 2012-
  • Member, European Collaborative Group on Cancer Survivorship, European Collaborative Group on Cancer Survivorship, 2012-

Visiting research fellowships

  • Visiting professor at King's College, London, UK, King's College London, 2013-2019
  • Post-doc, University of Bristol, 2006-2007

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