Matthias Löhr

Matthias Löhr

Professor/Senior Physician | Docent
Telephone: +46852482872
Visiting address: Hälsovägen, Enheten för kirurgi C1:77, 14186 Stockholm
Postal address: H9 Klinisk vetenskap, intervention och teknik, H9 CLINTEC Kirurgi och onkologi, 141 52 Huddinge

About me

  • Matthias Löhr was appointed as the Professor of Gastroenterology & Hepatology at 
    Karolinska Institutet in 2007, incoming from the Univ. Heidelberg/dkfz. From
    the times of his MD thesis through PhD and lateron, he concentrated on
    several aspects of the pancreas, both in clinical medicine, translational and
    basic sciences. He is heading the Pancreas Research Team at Gastrocentrum and
    leading the KICancer Diagnose-related network for HPB tumors. For the 
    European Gastroenterologists (UEG), he was sitting in several committees at
    the EU in Brussels. Currently, he serves as the president of UEG. 


  • Research is concentrated around the pancreas, all the way from clinical 
    pancreatology in hereditary and autoimmune pancreatitis, biomarkers,
    endoscopic therapy (ERCP) to function tests and early clinical studies in
    pancreatic cancer with novel therapeutic concepts. The translational and
    basic research is conducted in the lab (PaCaRes), lead by Rainer Heuchel
    [LINK]. In the lab, the research concentrates on the connective tissue reaction around
    pancreatic cancer and its role in chemoresistance. We developed a novel 3D
    model consisting of pancreatic cancer cels and stromal cells. The research was/is
    funded by VR, CF, RaHFo, Wallenius Stiftelsen, and others. Currently, a MSC program is running (PRECODE) as well as three EU projects: PANCAIM, PANCAID, GUIDE.MRD


  • Lecturing pregraduate, graduate and postgraduate on all aspect of the pancreas. He is also leading the Pancreas 2000 program, an 
    educational program for future pancreatologists in Europe, now part of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC).


All other publications



  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Clinical Science, Intervention and Technology, Karolinska Institutet, 2007-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Univ. Rostock, 1996

Distinction and awards


  • Emma Söreskog, Health Economics of the treatment and prevention of chronic pain and pancreatic cancer: four case studies based on Swedish register data, 2023
  • Jessica Norberg
  • Maximilian Kordes
  • Xiahui Jia

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