Elisabeth Epstein

Elisabeth Epstein

Professor/Senior Physician
Visiting address: Södersjukhuset, Sjukhusbacken 21, 11883 Stockholm
Postal address: S1 Klinisk forskning och utbildning, Södersjukhuset, S1 KI SÖS Forskning Kvinnosjukvård Epstein, 118 83 Stockholm

About me

  • I have a deep passion for ultrasound imaging. I find it beautiful and intriguing. It evokes my curiosity and it drives my research. My passion is my goal and my deep interest will inspire my peers.
    My vision is to optimize the treatment for every woman by skilled diagnostic management reducing anxiety, morbidity for the patient and minimizing the cost for the health care system.
    I have the benefit of being a part of a large international ultrasound community. Together we drive the international research within gynecological ultrasound imaging. I´m the PI of several fruitful, large multi-centre collaborations.
    I have a very strong clinical profile as an internationally recognized ultrasound expert, elevating the diagnostics at the gynecological ultrasound centre at Södersjukhuset to a centre of excellence. While there is a paucity of ultrasound experts, we need to find new strategies to increase the performance of less experienced examiners. My most recent passion has therefor become to explore the use of game-based learning, artificial Intelligence, and liquid biopsied in collaboration with SciLife lab, KTH and Stanford University.
    Our research has been awarded grants from Vetenskapsrådet, Innovationsfonden, Radiumhemmets forskningsfonder, ALF-medicin and ALF-MHT.
    As research group leader at Department of clinical Science and Education at Södersjukhuset my aim is to create a research friendly environment, stimulating and facilitating the research to thrive and expand through good leadership.


  • Ultrasound Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, AI-driven diagnostic suopprt, Gynecologcal tumour diagnostics, Endometrial Cancer, Cervical cancer, Ovarian cancer, Endometriosis, ADdenomyosis, Trophoblastic tumours.


  • I have a passion for teaching, giving lectures at international and national courses and conferences, supervising medical students, colleagues, PhD students and Post-Docs.


All other publications


  • Professor/Senior Physician, Department of Clinical Science and Education, Södersjukhuset, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Distinction and awards

  • Trainee Research Prize, Best abstract in Imaging Informatics Awarded to the best young researcher in the “Imaging Informatics” category at the 110th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of RSNA., Radiological Society of North America, 2024


  • Linda Eriksson, Ultrasound assessment and risk prediction in women with Endometrial cancer

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