Susanne Guidetti

Susanne Guidetti

Professor/Occupational Therapist
Telephone: +46852483735
Visiting address: Alfred Nobels Allé 23, 14183 Huddinge
Postal address: H1 Neurobiologi, vårdvetenskap och samhälle, H1 Arbetsterapi HELD, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I have a position as professor at the Division for Occupational Therapy, Karolinska Institutet. I am also the group leader for the HELD research group,

    I have experience in teaching and supervising at undergraduate, advanced and doctoral level, especially at the Occupational Therapy program. I have a dedicated international profile with various international assignments as the international coordinator of the program. I also chair the international group at NVS , whit the mission to work with the global perspective and international networks, to facilitate exchanges for students in undergraduate education. The group has its delegation order from the Education Committee (UN) and the programs appoint their representatives. The group works strategically based according to "Strategy 2030" to support the global university from a strategic point of choice. I am also an active member of KI's reference group for international affairs.

    As a program manager in the Doctoral programme in health care science (PUF-V), I am leading the work on providing a range of learning activities for doctoral students within the specific research theme of health care science and which also offers opportunities for international networking. The research area of health care science is defined from the broad perspective and includes studies of complex healthcare processes, whose methodology is found in both human and social sciences.


  • My research is multidisciplinary and I am involved in several ongoing collaborations. My research line has focused on developing and evaluating complex interventions related to health promotion and prevention, interventions, education and rehabilitation in occupational therapy, as well with a broader interdisciplinary strategy. I have been inspired and used the Medical Research Council (MRC) guidelines for developing and evaluating complex interventions. I study people's experiences of daily activities and participation in everyday life and the importance of a person-centered rehabilitation. I have thus gained experience of both quantitative and qualitative methods as well as of different types of design. My experiences in this area have led to several collaborations both nationally and internationally, as well as in the role of supervisor for several doctoral students, both as a co-supervisor and as supervisor. My ongoing research in Sweden, Uganda and Denmark focuses on multidisciplinary global studies of the effects and significance of ADL interventions using information and communication technologies such as the mobile phone as support. Over time, I have developed a specific in depth competence of rehabilitation in the field of neurology. I have been involved in committed studies of implementing research results where new methods require new groundbreaking knowledge in order to provide professional productive therapeutic practice.


  • I have a long experience in teaching and started directly after my undergraduate education to be involved and responsible for various courses in the undergraduate program. Has, among other things, taken responsibility and for several years developed the international course offering on our program. But my interest in education has, since the last few years, come to focus more on doctoral education issues, and there I am a representative in the department's (NVS) Research Education Committee (FoUK), led by the director of studies for doctoral education. Since 2018, I have had the task of being responsible for the Program for postgraduate education in healthcare science (PUF-V). The program organizes graduate training courses and arranges various activities aimed at doctoral students, postdoctoral fellows and senior researchers in order to increase scientific exchange and create new contacts. The purpose is to promote a good doctoral education environment for KI's doctoral students by creating opportunities for networking and meetings between doctoral students from different projects and institutions and by the doctoral students working with and receiving feedback on their own doctoral education projects within the framework of the program's activities. As the person in charge, I plan and lead PUF-V's steering group with responsibility for various contacts with health science researchers at KI, the Graduate School of Health Science, SFO-V and the research education committee. I have extensive experience in handling doctoral students both at KI and internationally. I have been the main supervisor until the defense of 3 doctoral students, co-supervisor for 4 doctoral students and was the supervisor for one person's licentiate degree. Currently, I am the main supervisor of 3 doctoral students and am assistant supervisor of 2 doctoral students.


All other publications



  • Professor/Occupational Therapist, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2019
  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2008

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