Cancer Research KI list of Cancer Research PIs in all areas
Please find all researchers within the cancer area at KI listed in the table below.
This is the full list of PIs in CRKI database, listed alphabetically by first name. The list contains the name of the PIs, short description of their research and keywords.
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Name and Surname | Description of research | Keywords |
Adnane Achour | Determination of the molecular bases underlying increased T cell and/or NK cell responses towards tumor-associated epitopes. Combination of functional in vivo and in vitro immunology with structural biology and biophysical approaches. | MHC/HLA; T cell receptor; tumor associated antigens; vaccine; NK cells, T cells, B cells; structural and biophysical immunology |
Agneta Rannug | ||
Agneta Åkesson | Diet and environmental contaminants and risk of cancer target this mechanism to arrest cancer cell growth | Nutritional Epidemiology; Environmental Medicine; Contaminant exposure ; DNA topoisomerase; c-MYC; transcription and chromatin regulation; anti-cancer drug development; colon cancer; drug screen; |
Ahmed Osman | I study:- The molecular determinants of leptomeningeal growth in adult and paediatric cancers.- The molecular determinants of response to radiation therapy in metastases- The late complications of cranial irradiation | Leptomeningeal metastasis; Brain metastasis; Radiation; Late effects; microglia; |
Alexander Espinosa | ||
Alexios Matikas | Clinical trials, registry-based research and translational studies from tissue obtained from breast cancer patients participating in randomized trials. | Breast cancer; Oncology; Clinical trials; translational research; epidemiology; biostatistics; |
Alicja Kuskowska-Wolk | Studies of modifiable risk factors (dietary patterns, specific food groups, environmental contaminants in food, physical activity and other lifestyle factors)in relation to cancer incidence and survival.Identification of genes related to cancer. | Etiology; Diet; Physical activity; Lifestyle; Survival; Genetics; |
Amir Ata Saei | We use novel tools in mass spectrometry-based proteomics, biochemistry, systems biology and data-driven approaches to study cancer metabolism. We are mainly focused on colon cancer at the intersection of cancer cell metabolism, dietary nutrients and the microbiome. The ultimate aim is to develop novel drugs and therapeutic modalities against colon cancer and other metabolic disorders. | Colon cancer; Microbiome; Proteomics; Drug discovery; Metabolomics; Cancer metabolism; |
Ana Teixeira | We investigate how the organisation of membrane proteins at the nanoscale affects their functions in normal and cancer cells. | |
Anders Mutvei | My laboratory is focused on characterizing the essential signaling and metabolic processes that tumor cells hijack and reprogram to promote tumorigenesis and drug resistance. We are particularly interested in understanding the role of lysosomes in these processes. | lysosomes; mtorc1; impdh2; tumor metabolism; |
Anders Sönnerborg | ||
Anders Österborg | ||
Anders Näsman | Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma; Human papillomavirus; | |
Andor Pivarcsi | We investigate the role of non-coding RNAs in different forms of skin cancers. | non-coding RNA; microRNA; skin cancer; melanoma; squamous cell carcinoma; epidermal differentiation; |
Andrea Ponzetta | We aim at leveraging tumor-infiltrating immune cells to better define gastroesophageal cancer patient prognosis and treatment. At the more basic level, we investigate mechanisms employed by immune cells to control tumor occurrence and progression. | Antitumor Immunity; Unconventional T cells; Gastroesophageal cancer; Barrett´s esophagus; Peritoneal carcinomatosis; Innate immunity; |
Andreas Lennartsson | We are working on epigenomic and transcriptomic regulation, and epigenetic treatment of acute leukemia in adults and children. | Epigenomics; Transcriptomics; leukemia; |
Andreas Lundqvist | Our research focus on studies to understand how natural killer cells and T cells are regulated in patients with cancer. With this knowledge we aim to develop improved immunotherapies in patients with cancer. | Immunology; |
Anita Göndör | ||
Ann Langius-Eklöf | To evaluate the effects of routine use of an app of diagnose/treatment related symptoms and concerns regarding symptom burden, quality of life, cost-effectiveness and survival. | mHealth; nursing; supportive care; symptom management; sense of coherence; |
Ann Nordgren | ||
Anna Johansson | Epidemiologist and biostatistician with research in register-based cancer epidemiology with a focus on integrating cancer survival methods with cancer quality registers. Population-based estimation of incidence and survival of breast cancer subtypes, as well as risks and outcomes of pregnancy-associated cancer. | breast cancer epidemiology; cancer and reproduction; cancer survival methods; register-based research; cancer quality registers; Nordic collaborations; |
Anna Karlsson | ||
Anna Lindstrand | Genomic structural variations have, over the past decade, emerged as critical contributors to the genetic burden in both cancer and rare genetic disorders. Recurrent and non-recurrent copy number variations (CNVs), such as deletions and duplications, are implicated in phenotypically diverse syndromes. Additionally, balanced chromosomal abnormalities (e.g., translocations, inversions, and insertions) can disrupt key disease-related genes, driving pathology. Despite significant advancements, the prevalence, underlying mechanisms, and genomic susceptibility to complex structural variants (SVs) remain poorly understood. | Genomics; Chromosomal rearrangements; Mechanisms; complex structural variants; |
Anna Martling | Colorectal surgery with clinical, translational, and epidemiological studies on colorectal cancer. | colorectal cancer; surgery; biomarkers; precison medicine; aspirin; radiotherapy; |
Anna Nilsson | My work focus on vaccine immunity after chemotherapy treatments in children with cancer. How does chemotherapy as well as immunotherapy affect memory B cell responses as well as the long lived plasma cell niche | immunity; infections; toxicity; long term health; |
Anna Wedell | ||
Anna Forsberg | RCT colorectal cancer screening study, SCREESCO.Register studies on CRC and colonoscopy quality | Colorectal cancer; Screening; Colonoscopy quality; RCT; Epidemiology; |
Annika Bergquist | Clinical and tranlational studies in PSC and the risk and diagnostisc of CCA in this disease | cholangiocarcinoma; primary sclerosing cholangitis; |
Annika Lindahl Norberg | ||
Annika Lindblom | ||
Ann-Sofie Backman | Pharmaceutical studies of cancer prevention in Lynchs syndrom.Evaluation of treatment and endoscopic investigations in inflammation and malignant lesions in the gastrointestinal tract. | cancer prevention; microbiota; gastrointestinal; endoscopy; genetic risk; gut inflammation; |
Anthony Wright | The focus is on how lymphoma/ leukaemia cells interact with healthy cells in microenvironments in order to increase their survival properties. We also study how these interactions are affected by a range of precision medicines, such as the BTK inhibitor Ibrutinib. | Lymphoma; Leukemia; microenvironment; drug resistance; cell adhesion; cell signalling; |
Arne Lindqvist | Cell fate choice after DNA damage, primarily whether senescence or mitosis occurs. In particular DNA damage that appears during S/G2/M phases of the cell cycle, including replication stress. | Cell cycle; DNA damage; Cell fate; Mitotic entry; Senescence; Replication stress; |
Arne Östman | The research aims at a better understanding of the paracrine interplay in the tumor microenvironment between malignant cells, fibroblasts, vascular cells and immune cells. Studies combine profiling of clinical samples with experimental studies and drug screening. | tumor microenvironment; cancer-associated fibroblasts; biomarker; angiogenesis; tissue profiling; |
Avlant Nilsson | We constrain deep learning models of multiomics data from cancer cells, so that their predictions align with physical interactions between biomolecules.Using our models, we aim to find new drug targets and biomarkers, predict resistance mechanisms, and understand cell-cell interactions in the tumor microenvironment. | Deep learning; Interactome; Perturbation biology; Multiomics; Systems biology; Tumour microenvironment; |
Benedict Chambers | My research examines how the innate immune system can affect adaptive immune responses/My research examines the role of innate immune cells in cancer. | Natural Killer cells; Dendritic cells; Vaccine; Innate immunity; Activating molecules; Inhibiting molecules; ILCs; Eosinophils; T cells; antibody therapy |
Bengt Fadeel | ||
Bennie Lemmens | The Lemmens group develops and combines innovative protein depletion methods with cutting-edge imaging techniques to study how, when and where DNA replication starts. In parallel, we use various CRISPR-based technologies to discover new factors driving cell proliferation and cancer drug resistance. | DNA replication; Genome Biology; Drugs resistance ; Human Cell Cycle ; Time-resolved Genetics; Single-cell and Nanoscale Imaging ; |
Bertrand Joseph | Our team has been working in several fields of research from the investigations of the cell death signaling pathways to the molecular mechanism controlling cell differentiation. In addition, these investigations are performed in various models of human diseases ranging from cancers, neurodevelopmental to neurodegenerative disorders. | microglia; glioblastoma; diffuse midline glioma; aging; autism; development; |
Birgitta Sander | Focussed on mantle cell lymphoma, new markers for prediction to therapy. | Lymphoma; personalized medicine; treatment; transcription factor; |
Björn Andersson | The use of virus metagenomics to study viruses in paediatric and other cancers. | Viruses; Microbiome; TTV; Leukemia; Pediatric cancers; |
Björn Högberg | ||
Björn Pasternak | Investigation of drug safety concerns where the outcome is cancer. Pharmacoepidemiology using register data. | Drug safety; Pharmacoepidemiology; Register-based studies; Nationwide; |
Björn E. E. Wahlin | Improving treatment for lymphoma: improving first-line treatment with clinical trials and better relapse treatment using drug-sensitivity assays and individualised therapy. | Lymphoma; Individualized treatment; Academic clinical trials; Innovative therapy; |
Bo Franzén | 3. Development of fine needle based molecular cytology for personalized cancer medicine: | Biomarkers; FNAB (fine-needle aspiration biopsy); Exosomes; Proteins and gene expression; Data analysis; Diagnostics, monitoring and therapy selection; |
Boris Zhivotovsky | Why some tumor cells are resistant to cell death? Cross-take between various cell death mechanisms and its importance for tumor cells elimination | lung adenocarcinoma; ovarian cancer; cell death; ovarian adenocarcinoma; cross-talk between various cell death modalities |
Brinton Seashore-Ludlow | We measure drug sensitivity and resistance profiles for individual patients with ovarian cancer. | Ovarian Cancer; Functional precision medicine; Drug Sensitivity Profiling; High content imaging; |
Britt-Marie Bernhardson | ||
Camilla Björkegren | The principal aim of our research is to elucidate how cells maintain chromosome stability. The cancer relevance comes from the well established correlation between chromosomal instability and cancer, and incorrect chromosome replication, repair and segregation are known to promote tumor development. | Genome stability maintenance ; Chromosome organisation and dynamics; |
Camilla Engblom | Our group focuses on spatially resolving B cell clonal dynamics during tumor progression and immunotherapy. | Immunology ; B cells ; Tumor microenvironment ; Spatial transcriptomics ; Antigen receptors |
Carlos Ibanez | Physiological Roles and Signaling Mechanisms of Death Receptor p75NTR: Application to Drug Discovery in Melanoma and other Cancers | p75 neurotrophin receptor; death receptor signaling; transmembrane domain; chemical biology; melanoma ; glioma; |
Carmen Gerlach | CD8+ T cell responses against tumor-expressed antigens | T cells; immunotherapy; CD8+ T cell exhaustion; adoptive cell therapy; CD8 T cell diffeerntiation; |
Carol Tishelman | I am primarily working with end-of-life care issues from a public health palliative care perspective at present.This research line is not cancer-specific.I have previously researched symptom experiences, primarily related to lung cancer, as well as secondary cancer prevention | symptom ; end-of-life; palliative care; |
Caroline Gahm | ||
Caroline Nordenvall | My cancer research contains of cancer epidemiology using national registries and translational research. | Epidemiology; immunology; prediction models; |
Caroline Palm Apergi | Our aim is to develop RNAi therapies into precision medicine against caner for treatment of both adult and pediatric cancers. Our goal is to develop a more selective and less toxic therapy against cancer and to identify new, potential biomarkers for cancer. | RNAi Therapeutics ; Childhood cancer; Hematology; Precision Medicine; Small molecules; PLK1; |
Caroline Dietrich | With an increasing number of cancer survivors in the world, survivorship is and will continue to be a growing research field where developments in terms of biostatistical methods are required to meet the needs of this emerging research landscape. My research is motivated by improving life after cancer, and my focus lies on developing novel biostatistical methods to better address clinically relevant cancer survivorship issues. | Survivorship; Lymphoma; Colorectal cancer; Survival Analysis; Statistical Methods; Late effects ; |
Catarina Almqvist Malmros | ||
Catarina Träger | ||
Catharina Larsson | Molecular, functional and clinical aspects of endocrine tumor development | genetics; thyroid ; adrenal; diagnostics; prognostics; |
Cecilia Williams | The role of hormones for cancer development and progression. Protective role in colorectal cancer, and related sex differences. | estrogen signaling; estrogen receptor beta; colorectal cancer development; transcriptomics; cistrome; mouse models; |
Charlotte Rolny | We are studying the underlying mechanisms that regulate macrophages immunosuppressive and prometastatic functions. | Tumor-Associated Macrophages; Immune theraphy; Metastatic disease; Angiogenesis; T and NK cells; Tumor growth; Tumor immunology therapy; Macrophages; Metastasis; Tumor microenvironment |
Christer Betsholtz | ||
Christer Höög | Segregation of chromosomes at the metaphase/anaphase stage of the cell cycle during mitosis and meiosis. | chromosome segregation; mitoses; meiosis; kinetochores; microtubuli; aneuploidy; |
Christian Göritz | We study the tumor microenvironment (tumor stroma) in glioblastoma using mouse models and human tissue analysis. We investigate tumor stroma composition, origing and function. | Glioblastoma; tumor stroma; perivascular cells; fibroblasts; pericytes; single cell sequencing; |
Christian Riedel | We look at how aneuploidy, a hallmark of many cancers, causes stress responses. | stress response; aneuploidy; aging; cellular communication; |
Christofer Juhlin | Molecular genetic studies of endocrine tumors for implementation in clinical routine practice. | Endocrine tumors; Thyroid cancer; Adrenal tumors; Neuroendocrine tumors; Parathyroid tumors; Endocrine pathology; |
Claudia Kutter | We identify and characterize cancer-specific connections between protein-coding and noncoding RNAs. Our goal is to gain mechanistic insight into the transcriptional and posttranscriptional regulation of RNA when cells progress from a healthy to a malignant state. | cancer genomics; cancer transcriptomics; RNA binding proteins; noncoding RNA; cell adaptation; cell metabolism; |
Daniel Hagey | I am interested in which component of blood carries the greatest enrichment of tumour derived material and how best to isolate this. To further multi-cancer early diagnostics, I wish to use sequencing-based analysis on blood drops. | Liquid biopsy; Extracellular vesicle; RNA-sequencing; Cell free DNA; Multi-cancer early diagnostics; |
David Lane | ||
David Tamborero | > analyses of omics data to better understand cancer mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities> development of bioinformatic tools to support the clinical decision making | cancer genomics; multi-omics integration; bioinformatics; |
Dawei Xu | Telomerase activation mechanisms and roles in cancer. | Telomerase; Telomere; |
Dhifaf Sarhan | Cancer immunotherapy- Exploiting innate memory and immune sexual dimorphism in the tumor microenvironment. | Adaptive NK cells; Tumor microenvironment; Immunological memory; Immunotherapies; Suppressive myeloid cells; Tumor immunology; |
Dimitris Kanellis | Working with cell line models to unravel cancer vulnerabilities related to ribosome biogenesis and protein translation. | Cell signaling; Gene signatures; Drug discovery; Data mining; Drug repurposing; Metabolism; |
Dzevad Belkic | We perform mathematical optimization of magnetic resonance spectroscopy with a particular focus on early cancer detection. | Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Mathematical optimization; Early cancer detection; Cancer biomarkers; Prevention; Risk factors; |
Eckardt Treuter | We study epigenetic chromatin-related mechanisms that link inflammation in the context of obesity and type 2 diabetes to cancer. | gene regulation ; epigenetics; chromatin ; inflammation ; |
Eduardo Villablanca | We try to understand the mechanism of intestinal healing and how these mechanisms are used by tumors to develop. We have identified novel pathways that promote healing and at the same time inhibit tumorigenesis | colorectal cancer; mucosal immunology; B cells; Systems immunology; spatial transcriptomics; |
Edvard Smith | ||
Elias Arnér | We study selenoproteins, containing the rare amino acid selenocysteine, with a special focus on isoenzymes of thioredoxin reductase and glutathione peroxidase. These enzymes are involved in antioxidant defence and reductive enzyme systems modulating intracellular signaling pathways, and are also promising novel anticancer drug targets. | redox; selenoproteins; thioredoxin; glutathione; Nrf2; therapy; |
Elisabete Weiderpass Vainio | | WHO; IARC; Global Heath ; Prevention ; Screening; cancer registries; |
Elisabeth Epstein | Multidisciplinary collaborations (with Scilife lab, KTH and other disciplines), spanning from cutting-edge translational research, innovative projects aiming to implement AI aim the diagnostic triage, and clinical ultrasound studies improving risk-prediction for every woman in order to optimize and individualize management. | Ultrasound Imaging; Deep Neural Networks; Ovarian Tumour; Endometrial cancer ; Personalized medicine; Gynecological malignancy; |
Emma Tham | (1) Hereditary Cancer – genetic cause of hereditary cancer, genetic risk factors and optimal surveillance in rare cancer syndromes(2) Cell-free tumour DNA (liquid biopsy) in diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up in adult and paediatric cancer patients | Genomics; Hereditary cancer; Liquid biopsy; Prevention; Biomarker; |
Emma Andersson | ||
Erik Norberg | The main focus of our research is to dissect the cells own quality control mechanisms to develop novel therapeutic strategies to selectively target pathogenic proteins in cancer. | Protein degradation; Chaperone-mediated Autophagy; Autophagy; Oncoproteins; |
Erik Näslund | ||
Erin Gabriel | I develop statistical methods that can be used in cancer research. | causal inference; surrogate evaluation; Trial designs; nonparametric causal bounds; sieve analysis; machine learning methods for survival ; |
Ernesto Sparrelid | Research profile is mainly within hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, with special focus on methods for preoperative enhancement of the future liver remnant, liver function assessment, liver regeneration, post-hepatectomy liver failure, locally advanced pancreatic cancer. Among other areas of interest are clinical and translational studies in patients with biliary tract cancer in general and perihilar cholangiocarcinoma in particular. | Hepatopancreatobiliary surgery; Liver immunology; Hepatobiliary cancer; Pancreatic cancer; Liver regeneration |
Eva Hellström Lindberg | "The long-term goal is to improve cure rates and symptom free survival for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) through unfolding novel disease mechanisms and exploring innovative therapeutic approaches." | Myelodysplastic syndromes; Anemia; Mutations; Stem cell transplantation; bone marrow; stem cell research; |
Eva Kimby | Translational research in follicular lymphoma and CLLEpidemiologic and translational research in Waldenstöm | Lymphoma; Waldenström macroglobulinemis; Vaccination of CLL patients; Monoclonal antibodies; |
п»їName and Surname | Description of research | Keywords |
Eva Munck Af Rosenschöld Wikland | ||
Evren Alici | ||
Fang Fang | I focus on the mental health consequences of cancer as well as the comorbidity between cancer and mental disorders. | Mental disorders; Psychological distress; |
Federico Pietrocola | We focus on the effect of stromal senescence on the progression and response to therapy in murine models of NSCLC | Senescence; Lung Cancer; Stroma; Oncoimmunology; Autophagy ; stress; |
Felix Haglund de Flon | Comprehensive genomic characterization of sarcoma. | Sarcoma; Genetics; Diagnostics; Classification; ; |
Fredrik Wermeling | My group studies cancer drug response, including a novel immunotherapy that triggers a metabolic phenotype. We use CRISPR and CRISPR screens to find combinatorial drug targets. | CRISPR; Drug resistance; |
Fredrik Wiklund | Genetic epidemiological studies of prostate and testicular cancer. | Genetic epidemiology; Prostate cancer; testicular cancer; Germline genetics; |
Fredrik Strand | I lead cross-disciplinary research concerning the development and evaluation of artificial intelligence based primarily on radiology images with the aim of early detection, diagnosis, therapy response prediction and prognosis. My primary focus is breast cancer. | breast cancer; artificial intelligence; multimodality; screening; risk prediction; prognosis; |
Galina Selivanova | My research is focused on p53 biology and the development of p53-targeting therapies to restore its tumour suppression function. I am interested in the role of p53 in immune response, epigenetics and its interaction with microbiome. | tumor suppression; p53; targeted therapy; cancer immune surveillance; transcription; epigenetics; |
Gerald McInerney | We study how viruses affect cellular metabolism and stress pathways to better understand how oncolytic viruses work | Stress responses; Cellular metabolism; Autophagy; Oncolytic viruses; |
Gonçalo Castelo-Branco | we investigate how oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) transition to glioma initiating cells (GICs) and whether OPCs can transition to immunocompetent states, as we previously observed in multiple sclerosis. | glioma; single cell omics; epigenomics; cell of origin; immune interactions; |
Gunnar Nilsson | Systemic mastocytosis is characterized by aberrant mast ells with D816V KIT mutation. Patients have mediator symptoms and/or organ failure due to mast cell infiltration. | mast cell; mastocytosis; mutation; hematopoiesis; mediator symptom; |
Gunnar Schulte | We aim to understand activation mechanisms of FZDs, the main WNT receptors. Thereby we promote a mechanism-based and structure-guided drug discovery approach leading to FZD-targeting small molecules with therapeutic potential as anticancer drugs. | WNT; Frizzled; pharmacology; structural biology; drug development; epithelium; |
Gustaf Edgren | ||
Gustav StГҐlhammar | We conduct clinical and preclinical research to expand knowledge, improve survival and reduce suffering in eye cancer and diseases of the eyelids and lacrimal system. | Eye Cancer; Ocular Oncology; Ocular Pathology; Ophthalmology ; Melanoma; Retinoblastoma; |
Göran Andersson | ||
Hanna Brauner | Translational studies on cutaneous T-cell lymphoma. Disease pathogenesis, anti-lymphoma responses, novel diagnostic tools, effects of treatments, mortality and long-term effects. | cutaneous lymphoma; immunology; tissue microenvironment; registry studies; diagnosis; quality of life; |
Hanna Dahlstrand | The research focuses on the tumor microenvironment in combination with molecular genetic characterization, ctDNA and functional imaging diagnostics to improve the outcome of gynecological cancer patients with precision medicine. The research is based on the clinical activities of the research members in close collaboration with preclinical research groups. | Gynecologic cancer; Tumor microenviroment; Precision medicine cancer; Ovarian cancer; Endometrial cancer; Cervical cancer; |
Hanna Eriksson | В | |
Hannes Hagström | Identifying patients/traits associated with increased risk of liver cancer. | Liver; NAFLD; |
Hans Grönlund | I have taken a patented idea from the lab bench to a valid application to the Swedish MPA with CRC as first indication. The treatment is an ACT, cancer agnostic, in collaboration with Vecura, CTC, CAST, and clinical trial center NKS, Västerås hospital | Translational; Neoantigen; immunooncology; personal; adoptive cell transfer; vaccination; |
Hans-Gustaf Ljunggren | Cancer immunology and immunotherapy, in particular in relation to NK cells | immunology; immunotherapy; |
Hans-Olov Adami | ||
Hassan Abolhassani | I am working on cancers associated with inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) as a heterogeneous group of 450 genetic disorders characterized by a defect in the function of immune system components. Our team aimed to identify the role of monogenic defects on oncologic hallmarks of IEI entities to dissect not only the impact of avoiding immune destruction, but also genome instability, and mutation, enabling replicative immortality, tumor-promoting inflammation, resisting cell death, sustaining proliferative signaling, evading growth suppressors, deregulating cellular energetics, inducing angiogenesis, and activating invasion and metastasis in these groups of patients. | Lymphoma; Thymoma ; Leukemia ; Immunodeficiency; Immunogenetics; Immunosurveillance; |
Helen Kaipe | T cells ; Cancer-associated fibroblasts ; Pancreatic cancer ; Chemokines | |
Helin Norberg | We try to understand how and why cancer metabolism is distinct from normal cells. | Cancer Metabolism; Lung cancer; Non-small cell lung cancer; Metabolomics; Proteomics; PDX models; |
Henrik Grönberg | ||
Henrik Falconer | Clinical and epidemiological research in Gynecologic Oncology | Cervical cancer; Endometrial cancer; Ovarian cancer; |
Hildur Helgadottir | Our research is focused on malignant melanoma. We study melanoma incidence, biology, genetics and different aspects related to prevention and treatment of the disease. | Melanoma; CDKN2A; BAP1; Immune checkpoint inhibitors; Targeted therapy; BRAF; |
Hong Qian | ||
HГҐkan Mellstedt | ||
Igor Adameyko | We do study neuroblastoma origin and heterogeneity | neuroblastoma; pheochromocytoma; neural crest; neurocristopathy; embryonic tumors; tumor heterogeneity; |
Ingemar Björkhem | ||
Ingemar Ernberg | How infections increase the risk of human cancer. Initiation of proliferation, migration/invasion after virus infection and metabolic reprogramming upon tumor virus infection | Tumor virus; Transformation; Epsten-Barr virus; Invasion Metstsis; Lipid metabolism; Molecular epidemiology; |
Ingrid Glimelius | ||
Isabel BarragГЎn | Identification of molecular biomarkers of response to cancer immunotherapy. Generation of reponse and prognosis prediction models combining molecular and clinicopathological variables. Abscopal response mechanisms. Any cancer treated with immunotherapy. | Immunotherapy; DNA methylation and hydroxymethylation; transcriptomics; response biomarkers; |
Isabelle Magalhaes | Our research aims to develop protocols that can generate CAR T cells better suited to infiltrate, function and persist in the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. | CAR T cell therapy; Ovarian cancer; Blood malignancies; |
Jakob Michaelsson | Focused on understanding the function and regulation of human NK cells in lung and lung tumors, with a particular focus on clonal analysis. | Natural Killer cells; tissue immunology; CD8 T cells; lung cancer; |
Jakob Stenman | Development of radiopharmaceutical therapy for metastatic neuroblastoma. Basic science to clinical trials. | Neuroblastoma; Metastasis; Radiopharmaceutical therapy; Alpha particle emitters; Molecular targets; Clinical trials; |
Jan Frisell | Clinical Breast cancer research | Clinical breast cancer research; Breastcancer surgery; Eidemiology; Screening; Tumour biology; |
Jan Palmblad | ||
Jan Zedenius | We look for prognostic factors in endocrine tumors, with the aim to individualize and optimize treament. | Thyroid cancer; Neuroendocrine tumors; Adrenal tumors; MEN; |
Jana de Boniface | My cancer research focuses on de-escalation of axillary surgery, breast reconstruction and oncoplastic surgery, and effects of physical exercise on chemotherapy response. Survival analyses regarding different types of staging and breast surgery. | breast surgery; tumour immunology; axillary staging; breast reconstruction; physical exercise; |
Jan-Inge Henter | Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) and Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) | |
Janne Lehtiö | Cancer proteogenomics from methods development to biological and translational research. Connecting molecular phenotype, proteome level information to improve targeted and immunotherapy in cancer. | Proteomics; Proteogenomics; Precision Medicine; Biomarker discovery; Systems biology; Immuno-proteomics; |
Jan-Г…ke Gustafsson | ||
Jean Hausser | We are a research lab of 10 scientists, from experimental biology to data science to theoretical physics. Our long-term vision is to discover equations of tumor heterogeneity and tumor immunology in order to turn oncology into an engineering discipline. | quantitative principles; tumor heterogeneity; immunology; evolution; integrative tumor biology; |
Jennie Engstrand | Optimizing surgical treatment of colorectal cancer liver metastases | Liver metastases from colorectal cancer; |
Jenny Mjösberg | We study intratumoral lymphocytes in colorectal cancer (CRC) and CRC-related peritoneal carcinomatosis (PC). To this end we are performing multidimensional single-cell analysis of proteins and transcripts in intratumoral innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) and T cells to reveal the characteristics, heterogeneity and functional parallels between ILCs and T cells which will advance our understanding of anti-tumor immunity in CRC and CRC+PC. | Colorectal cancer; Inflammatory bowel diseases; intratumoral lymphocytes; Innate lymphoid cells; immunotherapy; |
Jesper Lagergren | Aetiology of oesophageal and gastric cancer and associated conditions. Treatment (mainly surgical) of oesophageal and gastric cancer and associated conditions. | Oesophageal cancer; Gastric cancer; Surgery; Aetiology; Study design; Risk factors; |
Jette Lengefeld | Relationship of cell size and cancerous characteristics in chronic myeloid leukemia using patients samples | Chronic myeloid leukemia; Hematopoietic stem cells; Cell size; |
Jiri Bartek | ||
Joakim Dahlin | We chart basophil and mast cell differentiation in hematologic neoplasms. | Systemic mastocytosis; Mast cells; Basophils; Chronic myeloid leukemia; Myeloproliferative neoplasms; |
Joakim Dillner | My research focuses on cervical cancer prevention, such as optimization of the gynecological cell sampling program through mathematical modelling as well as finding new biomarkers. | cervical cancer; Human Papillomavirus; Screening; Exposome; Prevention; Elimination; |
Joanna Zawacka-Pankau | Drug repurposing for improved therapy in TP53 mutant cancers. | Drug repurposing ; Mutant p53; P73; Lung cancer ; AML; |
Johan Askling | ||
Johan Hansson | Translational research in melanoma focusing on predictive and prognostic markers. | Melanoma; Translational research; Predictive markers; Prognostic markers; Precision medicine; |
Johan Hartman | Pathology; prediction of drug response in cancer patients. AI and molecular assays | pathology; AI; prognosis; breast cancer; drug profiling; image analysis; |
Johan Holmberg | Working on gene regulation and differentiation in neuroblastoma. | Neuroblastoma; Gene regulation; Differentiation; Splicing; |
Johan Högberg | My research focuses on data that can be directly or indirectly used for risk assessment of carcinogens. | iexperimental research; carcinogens; risk factors; |
Johan Lindberg | Broad DNA- and RNA sequencing in the context of randomised clinical trials and retrospective research on large cohorts. | Randomised clinical trial; Routine diagnostics; Prospective analysis; Genomic profiling; Liquid biopsy; Bioinformatics; |
Johan Sandberg | We study T cell responses to a range of targets, and the composition of tissue resident and tumor resident immune cells. | Immunity; T cells; Tissue resident immune cells; |
Johan Lundberg | В | |
Johanna Ungerstedt | Chronicles myeloid malignancies; Epigenetics; Systemisk mastocytosis; Pathobiology; Multi-omics; | |
Johannes Blom | ||
John Inge Johnsen | Translational research on pediatric neural tumors | Childhood cancer; Neuroblastoma; Medulloblastoma; Preclinical investigation; |
Jonas Bergh | We aim to identify better treatment and dosing strategies for breast cancer patients, using prospective and randomised clinical trials and translational studies for analysis of risk profiles and treatment predictive markers. | |
Jonas FrisГ©n | We study cell generation in health and disease, including cancer. We study several organ systems in mice and humans. | Stem cell; Prostate cancer; Breast cancer; mutations; biotechnology; |
Jonas Fuxe | The overall aim of our research program is to elucidate mechanisms involved in cancer metastasis and determine whether these can be used as novel diagnostic tools and/or therapeutic targets. We are specifically interested in exploring links between inflammation and tumor cell plasticity. We explore the interface between cancer and inflammation. In particular, we aim to elucidate how inflammatory signals contribute to cancer progression and metastasis by inducing epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity. | Metastasis; Cellular plasticity; Inflammation; Invasion; Epithelial-Mesenchymal transition (EMT); Breast cancer; |
Jonas Ludvigsson | ||
Jonas Mattsson | Development of immunotherapy and CAR T-cell therapies in solid tumors with special focus on ovarian cancer | Ovarian cancer; CAR T cells; Immunotherapy; Mesothelin; |
Jonas Muhr | examining cancer stemness regulating pathways | stem cells; glioma; sox transcription factors; genome wide analyses; |
Jonathan Coquet | I study the role of the immune system in cancer elimination and growth. | melanoma; immunity; T cells; cytokines; |
Josefin Segelman | ||
Joseph Carlson | ||
Juan Du | My group study the role of microbiome in cancer diagnosis, development, and treatment. | microbiome; women's health; cervical cancer; ovarian cancer; HPV related diseases; bacteria host interactions; |
Julian Walfridsson | ||
Juni Palmgren | ||
Jussi Taipale | ||
Kaisa Lehti | ||
Kamila Czene | I am breast cancer epidemiologists. Main focus of my research is genetic and mammographic factors of breast cancer prognosis | breast cancer; prognosis; genetic ; mammography screenning; interval cancers; risk; |
Karin Ekström-Smedby | Risk, survival and survivorship of malignant lymphomas and other cancer forms | Lymphoma; Hodgkin lymphoma; Non-Hodgkin lymphoma; Survival; Survivorship; Clinical Epidemiology; |
Karin Garming Legert | ||
Karin Lindahl | ||
Karin Sundström | I focus on elimination of cervical cancer through improved primary, secondary and tertiary HPV-based prevention strategies. I perform both register-based and molecular epidemiological studies. | Cervical cancer; HPV; HPV vaccination; Cervical screening; Biomarkers; |
Karl Ekwall | ||
Karl-Johan Malmberg | ||
Kasper Karlsson | We develop new experimental and computational tools to predict drug response that take intra-tumoral heterogeneity into account. We also investigate ways to improve radiation based therapies for pediatric cancers. | Neuroblastoma; Rhabdomyosarcoma; Organoids; Single cell sequencing; Cell barcoding; Radiopharmaceutical therapy; |
Katalin Dobra | Our goal is to discover, integrate and validate new diagnostic and predictive biomarkers developed through comprehensive molecular characterization of lung tumors including primary lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma and metastases. We study in detail basic molecular mechanisms for tumor invasion and resistance development. Furthermore, we study tumor properties ex-vivo with ultra-sensitive image analysis and sensitivity/resistance testing. | Mesothelioma; Lungcancer; Personalized medicine; Early diagnosis; Biomarkers; AI based tumor grading; |
Name and Surname | Description of research | Keywords |
Katja Petzold | We work on RNA biophysics and structural biology, with focus on microRNA, ribosomes, viral RNA & drug development | Biophysics ; Regulatory RNAs; Structural Biology ; Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR); Excited states; In-cell NMR, dugs; |
Katja Pokrovskaja Tamm | The aim is to find novel targets for anti-cancer therapy and develop drugs and drug combinations to overcome resistance and prevent relapse in childhood leukemia. Autophagy and STAT3 pathways are in focus of my research. | leukemia; autophagy; STAT3; drug development; drug resistance; signaling pathways; |
Keith Humphreys | Developing statistical modelling approaches and applying them to large detailed cohorts, in order to understand aspects of tumour progression, heterogeneity and screening effectiveness. | Breast Cancer; Statistical Methodology; |
Kenny Rodriguez-Wallberg | My research is focused on late effects with special interest in reproductive organ toxicity of cancer treatment and fertility preservation | survivorship issues; adolescents and young adults AYAs; gonadal toxicity; fertility preservation; late effects; organ toxiticy of cancer treatment; |
Kent Jardemark | Effects of antibodies targeting KRAS | KRAS; monoclonal antibody; celluptake; |
Kerstin Sandelin | ||
Kirsty Spalding | We are interested in how mature human fat cells promote cancer cell progression and metastasis | obesity; adipocytes; senescence; metastasis; breast cancer; hyperinsulinemia; |
Klas Blomgren | Our research is focused on injury and repair in the juvenile brain and we have found that the young, still growing brain reacts very differently to injury compared with an adult brain.We focus primarily on the type of injuries inflicted by ionizing radiation to the young brain, as used in the treatment of malignant diseases. | Paediatric neuro-oncology; Neuroinflammation; Late effects; Cognitive complications; Radiotherapy; |
Klas Kärre | ||
Klas Wiman | Tumor biology, tumor suppressor genes, p53, cell death, cancer drug discovery, APR-246, clinical trials | mutant p53; cancer drug discovery; APR-246; translational readthrough; tumor cell death; clinical trials; |
Knut Lönnroth | ||
Kristian Dreij | Our main objectives are to understand the role of complex mixtures in the development of cancer and to investigate the mechanisms responsible for mixture toxicity in order to improve the health risk assessment of environmental pollution. | Mixture effects on environmental pollution; Improved cancer risk assessment; NAMs to assess mechanism of lung cancer; |
Kristina Gemzell Danielsson | We are looking at progesterone signaling in breast cancer development with a special focus on brace gene variants. Our aim is to develop a medical risk reducing treatment. Our studies are in organic models in vitro and in clinical trials in human | prevention; non surgical treatment; biomarkers; |
Kristina Viktorsson | Analyses of Ephrin/Eph and extracelluar vesicles for lung cancer biomarkers. | lung cancer; biomarkers; extracellular vesicles; Ephrin/Eph signaling cascades; radiation therapy; RTK resistance; |
Lars Egevad | ||
Lars Holmgren | We study the role of mechanotransduction in tumor cell invasion. We are screening for compounds that inhibit this process | Metastasis; invasion; drug screening; Mechanotransduction; chromatin; angiogenesis; |
Lars Jakobsson | Properties of the tumour vasculature, and vascular targeting. Progression from vascular anomalies to angiosarcoma involving TGFb, VEGF and mTORC1 signalling | Angiogenesis; Oncogenes; Angiosarcoma; Cell signalling; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Extracellular matrix; |
Lars Ährlund-Richter | ||
Lars Larsson | Mechanmisms underlying cancer cachexia. Intervention strategies. | Cancer cachexia; Regulation of myofibrillar protein loss; Regulation of muscle contraction at the cell and protein levels; Interventions; |
Lars E. Eriksson | Biobehavioral/translational healthcare science/precision health research in cancer and long-lasting illness, health-related quality of life, stigma and discrimination, sexuality and health, living with disease, symptom research, patient reported outcomes, end of life care and workforce related research. | Translational research; Biomarkers; Symptoms; Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs); Prevention; Interventions; |
Lars-Olaf Cardell | Our research delineates the sentinel lymph nodes' pivotal immunological functions in the oncogenesis and metastasis of head and neck cancers. Utilizing flow cytometry and molecular techniques, we aim to develop targeted diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to enhance patient outcomes. | head and neck; sentinel node; lymph mode; immunology; flow cytometry ; nodal T and B-cell activation; |
Laszlo Szekely | High throughput drug sensitivity measurement of primary human tumors | primary tumor; individualized therapy; live cell imaging; drug screening; next generation sequencing; pathology; |
Laura Baranello | Inhibitors of DNA Topoisomerases are mainstays of anticancer therapy. While they have proven effective, the toxicity of current topoisomerase drugs limits their use in clinic. My research program aims to define the mechanism of topoisomerases, to understand how topoisomerases are regulated and search for novel drugs that target these regulatory mechanisms. My group has recently discovered that the oncoprotein MYC stimulates the activity of topoisomerases to boost cellular growth. We aim to block this mechanism to arrest MYC-driven tumors. We tackle this goal by using genomic approaches, biochemistry, microscopy and drug screens. | DNA topoisomerases; c-MYC; Transcription deregulation; Anticancer drugs; Replication stress; Oncogene addiction; |
Laura Orellana | We explore the molecular basis of cancer at the deepest, atomic level, in terms of protein structures and how mutations alter conformation and function. | Protein Structure; Cancer drivers; Conformational changes; Biophysics; Bioinformatics; Cryo-electron Microscopy; |
Laura Sardon Puig | ||
Lauri Aaltonen | Tumor genetics. Functional analyses of novel mutations/genetic aberrations that have been linked to colorectal cancer, to explore how these contribute to tumourigenesis. | tumor genetics; colorectal cancer; |
Lena Ström | Importance of chromosome organization and DNA repair for genome integrity. | chromosome organization; DNA repair; Missegregation and aneuplody; Cohesin and Cancer development; |
Lena Sharp | ||
Lennart Blomqvist | Rectal neoplasms; Magnetic Resonance Imaging; Hybrid Imaging; Nuclear Medicine; Whole body imaging; | |
Lennart Emtestam | ||
Leonard Girnita | "Receptor pathology" lab, performing translational research by investigating the molecular properties and regulatory mechanisms that control the function of plasma membrane receptors under normal and pathological circumstances. The final goal is to determine potential utility of the signaling complexes involved in the RTKs/GPCRs cross talk as biomarkers or molecular targets in cancer. | signaling; targeted therapy; molecular pathology; biomarkers; multimodal therapy; GPCR; |
Linda Björkhem-Bergman | Cancer research in Palliative Care. Clinical and translational studies. | Pallitive Care; Vitamin D; Pain; Infections; Fatiuge; Quality of life; |
Linda Lindström | Given the diversity of breast cancer and that the biological factors influencing the risk to die from the disease are not well understood, the Lindström research group’s main scientific interest is to identify the tumor and host characteristics needed to enable us to predict a patient’s long-term risk for fatal disease. We work interdisciplinary and currently focus our research into understanding the impact of intratumor heterogeneity, factors important for the long-term risk, endocrine therapy benefit, young versus older age at diagnosis, and benign breast diseases. | Breast cancer; bioinformatics; intratumor heterogeneity; image analysis; single-cell sequencing and gene expression; Clinical trials; |
Lisa Westerberg | Understanding pediatric lymphoma and immunodeficiency. | Lymphoma; Immunodeficiency; Immunology; Cell and Molecular biology; |
Lukas Orre | The aim of my research is to understand the molecular phenotype of different lung cancers using multi-level omics in clinical cohorts and model systems. The end goal is to provide better methods for treatment stratification to improve precision medicine in lung cancer. | Cancer Proteomics; Precision Medicine; Lung Cancer; Biomarker Research; Systems Biology; Bioinformatics; |
Maarten van de Klundert | I work on the relation between HBV infection and liver cancer. I investigate how the main viral oncogene, the X protein, enables viral persistence, causes cancer, and how this can be counteracted. | HBV ; HCC; Inflamation; HDV; Viral oncogenes; Primary liver cell research; |
Magda Bienko | I work on perturbations to the 3D genome structure that occur in cancer cells and study how they affect gene expression. | Genome structure dis-organization; Copy number alterations; Translocations; FISH; Diagnostics; NGS; |
Magdalena Paolino | We study the role of ubiquitin-dependent pathways in cancer initiation, progression and metastasis. We explore its effects both at the level of the cancer cell as well as in the immune system anti-tumor responses. | ubiquitination; mouse genetics; in vivo; ; ; |
Magnus Björkholm | Biology of Hodgkin and related lymphomas. Epidemiology of hematological malignancies | Biology of Hodgkin and other lymphoma; Epidemiology; Leukemia; Myeloma; Myeloproliferative neoplasms; |
Magnus Ingelman-Sundberg | ||
Magnus Nilsson | Clinical and translational research focused on esophageal and gastric cancer. The group runs several international academic randomized trials in the field. Biobanking and molecular tumor profiling both within the trials and in separate study settings is a focus area of the group. | Esophageal cancer; Gastric cancer; Randomized clinical trials; Molecular biomarkers; Molecular profiling; |
Magnus Nordenskjöld | ||
Malin Wickström | Novel therapies for treatment of neuroblastoma. | neuroblastoma; novel therapies; precision medicine; |
Manuel Patarroyo | To identify transcription factors responsible for tumor aggressiveness.To identify and develop antagonists of malignancy-associated transcription factors as a novel therapeutic strategy against cancer. | metastasis; invasion; stemness; tumor aggressiveness; transcription factors; nuclear receptors; |
Marco Gerling | Using mouse models and clinical cohorts, we study how tumor cells invade parenchymatous organs, such as the liver and pancreas. | liver metastases; cancer cell invasion; clinical databases; pancreatic cancer; tumor microenvironment; liver regeneration; ; |
Margaret Sällberg Chen | Targeting cancer-associated pathogens for early cancer prevention and treatment | Cancer immunology; Cancer microbiome; Cancer biomarker research; Oral and gut microbiota; Mucosal immunity; Cancer in digestive tract; |
Margareta Wilhelm | Our aim is to understand mechanisms regulating cancer and how the continuous cross talk between tumor cells, the surrounding stroma and infiltrating immune cells control tumor development. We use reprogramming techniques to generate disease-relevant stem cell models that mimic the disease and help uncover mechanisms that turn healthy cells into cancer cells and are used to uncover novel targets for developing future therapies. | Developing model systems of cancer; tumor microenvironment; medulloblastoma; neuroblastoma; tumor associated macrophages; p53-family proteins; |
Maria Eriksson | We analyze age-related somatic mutagenesis and study mutational signatures and clonal propagation of individual mutations in apparantly healthy tissue | somatic mutations; mutagenesis; aging; |
Maria Feychting | Factors affecting childhood cancer risk and survival. Late effects and socioeconomic consequences of childhood cancer diagnosis. Risk factors for brain tumors. Socioeconomic differences in risk and survival. | Childhood cancer etiology; Childhood cancer survival; Nervous system tumor etiology; Nervous system tumor survival; Environmental exposure; Socioeconomic differences; |
Maria Genander | We are interested in bridging normal stem and progenitor cell function to cancer. | skin ; oesophagus; progenitor heterogeneity ; transcriptional regulation; organoids; single-cell sequencing; |
Maria Kasper | Skin cancer. We study the cellular heterogeneity, molecular signals and niche importance in healthy skin and skin cancer (BCC, SCC, Melanoma), using single-cell transcriptomics, computational biology, spatial tissue mapping, human tissue, and mouse models."We investigate i) inter- and intra-tumoral heterogeneity at single-cell resolution (scRNAseq/smFISH), ii) how wounding, stromal micro-niches, and immune-cell signaling promote skin cancer formation, and iii) how to redirect a tumor-cell fate into a developmental program." | skin; microenvironment; single-cell transcriptomics ; signaling pathways; human tissue; mouse models; Skin cancer (BCC, SCC, Melanoma); Single-cell heterogeneity; Tumor microenvironment; |
Maria Masucci | We investigate the molecular mechanisms by which viral oncoproteins remodel the host cell environment to promote virus replication and latency and induce malignant transformation | Tumor viruses; viral oncoproteins; ubiquitin proteasome system; protesostasis; stress responses; auophagy; |
Marianne Farnebo | RNA-mediated DNA repair in cancer | RNA; DNA repair; Cajal body; Chromatin ; Leukemia |
Marie Arsenian-Henriksson | ||
Marie Reilly | ||
Marie Holmqvist | Why patients with rheumatic disease develop cancer? | Rheumatology ; Myositis ; Scleroderma ; Cancer; Immunology; |
Mark Clements | Evaluate effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cancer screening and treatment | Prostate cancer screening; Breast cancer treatment; Natural history modelling; Cervical cancer screening; |
Martin Bergö | Basic and translational cancer research on molecular mechanisms of tumor initiation, progression, and metastasis | redox biology; tumor metabolism; antioxidants; lung cancer; malignant melanoma; mouse models; |
Martin Eklund | ||
Martin Enge | We are developing novel single-cell multiomic methods and applying them to study gene regulation in patient samples from leukemias and solid cancers. | Single cell multiomics; Gene regulation; Childhood Leukemia; Tumor microenvironment; Pancreatic cancer; |
Martin Jädersten | Translational and clinical researach in AML and MDS, including innovative investigator initiated clinical trials. | Acute myeloid leukemia; Myelodysplastic syndrome; Drug screening; Drug resistance; Targeted therapy; Novel drug combinations; |
Martin Widschwendter | Our research focuses on cancers of the breast, uterus, cervix, and ovaries, and spans four areas: mechanisms of disease, risk assessment, prevention, and early diagnosis. | |
Mathilde Cheray | Epigenetic reprogramming in brain tumors and their microenvironment | Dietary intake; Environmental contaminants; Cancer incidence; Population-based studies; |
Mats Lambe | Epidemiological research based on population based registers | Lung cancer; Prostate cancer; Breast cancer; |
Mats Lindblad | I am studying effects of, and reasons for, regional differences in given care for oesophageal and gastric cancer in Sweden | Oesophageal; Gastric; Surgery; Survival; |
Mats Marshall Heyman | Chief investigator for clinical trial in acute lymphoblastic leukaemia for children and young adults.Associated research into toxicity and clinical epidemiology of childhood cancer and cancer epidemiology of childhood cancer. | Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia; Toxicity from cancer therapy; Clinical epidemiology; Cancer epidemiology; |
Matthias Löhr | My work is focussed on pancreatic cancer, preclinical, translational, and clinical, including biomarkers and precision medicine. I have an interest in preneoplastic lesions (IPMN) and individuals at risk for hereditary cancer syndromes. | Pancreatic cancer; Precision medicine; Biomarker; Tumor micro environment; hereditary cancer; preneoplasia; |
Matti Lehtinen | ||
Matti Sällberg | Developing new therapies and animal models for chronic viral hepatitis. Using cell and gene therapy as tools for these therapies. | Viral hepatitis; Immunotherapy; ATMP; Gene therapy; Cell therapy; |
Mattias Carlsten | ||
Mattias Rantalainen | Medical research that is driven by statistical machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI) and large population representative data sets. Currently our research is centered on projects in the computational pathology domain. | Artificial intelligence; Machine learning; Computational pathology; Precision medicine; |
Mattias Svensson | ||
Michael Uhlin | Investigate novel approaches to exploit the full immunotherapeutic capabilities of γδ T cells, both in AML patients undergoing HSCT and also in solid tumors. | gamma delta T cells; Cell therapy; Immune therapy; T cells; antibodies; tumour environment; ; |
Michael Landreh | ||
Mikael Björnstedt | ||
Mikael Karlsson | Immunotherapy targeting the cancer stroma with a foucus on Macrophages and B cells. | Immunotherapy; Macrophage; B cells; Melanoma; Pancreatic cancer; Lung Cancer; ; |
Mikael Benson | We construct high resolution computational models of individual patient's tumours based on integration of routine clinical variables and multi-omics data down to the single cell level. The models are computationally treated with thousands of drugs to find optimal drug or drug combination for the individual patient | Pan-cancer mechanisms; Multi-omics; Single cell; |
Miriam Mints | ||
Miroslav Vujasinovic | ||
Monica Nister | ||
Monika Ehnman | Translational studies on the sarcoma tumor microenvironment, multiplex immunostaining of patient cohorts, stromal cell and immune cell biomarkers. | sarcoma; biomarkers; multiplex IF; pediatric cancer; stromal cells; tertiary lymphoid structures; |
Moustapha Hassan | Our research aims mainly to 1. Individualize treatment during cancer therapy in order to improve the treatment efficacy and minimize the adverse effects.2. Develop preclinical models to investigate the mechanisms underlying the development of GvHD and cardiovascular toxicities in order to develop an appropriate prophylactic treatment. | Personalized medicine; Stem cell transplantation; Chemotherapy; Graft versus host disease (GvHD); Theranostics; Leukemia; |
Nele Brusselaers | Effects of commonly prescribed drugs and the microbiome on the risk and survival of cancer. | Pharmacoepidemiology; Microbiome; |
Nick Tobin | Former wet lab biologist working as a bioinformatician for the last 10 years. My research interest lies in using large scale ‘omics data sets to better understand the biology of cancer and it’s potential clinical applications. We focus on the cell cycle and gene signatures in particular. | Cell cycle; Breast cancer; Pan-cancer; 'Omics data; Bioinformatics; Gene signatures; |
Nico Dantuma | Exploring intracellular protein degradation, in particular the ubiquitin-proteasome system, as therapeutic target. | protein degradation; ubiquitin-proteasome system; autophagy; protein quality control; compounds; high-content screen; |
Nicola Crosetto | Our primary focus in on developing new tools to study intratumor heterogeneity and genomic alterations in cancer. | Cancer genomics; Genome fragility; 3D genome; Sequencing; Fluorescence in situ hybridization; Tumor heterogeneity; |
Nicole Marquardt | We strive towards a better understanding on the immunological landscape within the human lung. | NK cells; lung cancer; tissue-residency; |
Niklas Björkström | We study human tumor immunology with a focus on liver cancer making use of rare fresh clinical tissue samples and the latest single cell methods. | Tumor immunology; Liver cancer; High-dimensional flow cytometry; single cell RNA sequencing; NK cells; T cells; |
Nikolas Herold | My research focuses on resistance mechanisms against chemotherapy and immunotherapy. Through identification of resistance factors, drug screening to identify small molecule inhibitors and conducting of clinical trials we are committed to translational oncology. | chemotherapy; immunotherapy; drug resistance; clinical trials; antimetabolites; synergism; |
Name and Surname | Description of research | Keywords |
Nils-Göran Larsson | Cancer cell metabolism and the dependency on mitochondria. The Warburg effect. | mitochondria; metabolism; lung cancer; |
Ning Xu Landén | We study the molecular and cellular mechanisms of adverse effects of radiotherapy in cancer patients. | Radiation therapy; Breast cancer; Epigenetics; Wound healing; |
Ninib Baryawno | The lab focus is to solve problems that limit the ability of cancer therapy to be used more effectively against deadly forms of pediatric cancers and adult cancers. We focus our research on pediatric tumors of the nervous system such as neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma, and bone metastases from different tumor origin. | Neuroblastoma; Medulloblastoma; Bone metastases; Single-cell RNA-seq; Tumor microenvironment; Stroma and immune cells; |
Ola Hermanson | Using advanced molecular biology techniques and biomedical engineering to study and regulate stem cell-like cells in neural tumors and healthy brain to improve prognosis and treatment of pediatric and adult patients. | Nervous system; Stem cells; Epigenetics; Biomedical engineering; |
Ola Larsson | The goal of our research program is to generate knowledge about the organization, specificity and mechanisms acting to control translation at a transcriptome-wide level, and how these mechanisms are affected in e.g. breast cancer. In particular, we aim to understand whether translation defines molecular subtypes of cancer and identify mechanisms that are potential targets for their treatment. | mRNA translation; protein synthesis; breast cancer; precision medicine; 5' untranslated regions; elongation; |
Olle Larsson | ||
Olle Ringdén | Mesemchymal stromal cells; Placenta derived decidua stromal cells; Graft-versus-host disease; Hematopoietic cell transplantation; Acute leukemia; Advanced home care; ; | |
Olle Sangfelt | We study SCF ubiquitin ligases targeting critical oncoproteins for degradation to identify novel cancer vulnerabilities. The research is focused on the molecular function and regulatory characteristics of SCF ligases regulating replication stress, DNA repair and immune evasion pathways. | ubiquitin ligases; DNA repair and replication stress; antitumor immunity; targeted therapies; cell motility; oncoproteins; ; |
Olli-Pekka Kallioniemi | ||
Olof Akre | 1. Prognostic markers in prostate cancer to tailor the right treatment based on better discrimination between potentially lethal and more indolent disease. 2. large academic clinical trial comparing surgery and radiotherapy in locally advanced prostate cancer3. Following up surgical cohorts for assessing risk of side effects and rare complications. | Clinical epidemiology; Urological tumors; Prostate cancer; Prognosis; Efficacy research; |
Olof Nyren | ||
Oscar Fernandez-Capetillo | I try to combine mouse models, cell biology and genetic and chemical screens for developing new therapies. | DNA repair; Genetic Screens; Chemical Screens; Mouse Models; Replication Stress; |
Oscar Wiklander | My research focuses on extracellular vesicle-based liquid biopsy and targeted therapy in cancer | liquid biopsy; extracellular vesicles; Targeted delivery; nanoparticles; immunotherapy; |
Ourania Kostopoulou | Studies on novel and optimized combinations of targeted therapies in neuroblastoma and medulloblastoma. | Neuroblastoma; Medulloblastoma; Targeted therapy; |
Ove Gustafsson | ||
Panagiotis Tsagkozis | Bone and soft-tissue sarcomas. Bone metastases and pathological fracture treatment.Sarcomas and metastatic bone disease | sarcoma; bone metastasis; bone; metastasis; orthopedic; |
Patrik Ernfors | ||
Paul Lambert | Development and application of statistical methods in cancer epidemiology | Cancer survival methods; Cancer epidemiology; |
Pawel Kozielewicz | As a post-doc I was supported by Cancerfonden to study Frizzleds as potential targets in cancer. Now, I am studying orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to define their role in blood cancers of various origins. | novel receptor targets; orhan G protein-coupled receptors; ligand discovery; molecular mechanism; |
Pekka Katajisto | We study the early steps of tumor initiation in the gastrointestinal tract. | Gastrointestinal ; Stem cell ; Niche; Adenoma; Microenvironment ; |
Per Arvidsson | The SciLifeLab Drug Discovery & Development infrastructure is supporting researcher from all over Sweden with their translational research projects. We have a strong track-record of delivering novel cancer therapies that are now progressing to clinical trials. | Drug discovery; Small molecules; Antibodies; Targeted protein degradation; antisense oligonucleotides; infrastructure; ; |
Per Hall | We aim to identify women at increased risk of breast cancer and provide them with means to lower their risk and to offer individualised breast cancer screening. | Breast cancer; Prevention; Screening; Risk modelling; |
Per Hydbring | To investigate novel RNA-based therapies and RNA-based diagnostics in non-small cell lung cancer. | Non-small cell lung cancer; microRNAs; tyrosine kinase inhibitors; exosomes; liquid biopsies; nanoparticles; |
Per Kogner | ||
Per Ljungman | Viral infections after allogeneic stem cell transplantation with special focus on COVID-19 and CMV. Vaccination of stem cell transplant recipients | Stem cell transplantation; Viral infections; Vaccination; |
Per Stål | Blood-bourne biomarkers for early detection of hepatocellular carcinoma.Prognostic biomarkers for treatment response of hepatocelluler carcinoma. | Hepatocellular carcinoma; Biomarkers; Screening; |
Per Uhlén | Our group studies the intratumoral heterogeneity in various types of human cancer. We explore cancer stem cells, cell niches, and the tumor vasculature in intact tumor samples. | intratumoral heterogeneity ; cancer stem cells; tumor vasculature; microscopic imaging; |
Per-Johan Jakobsson | Role of prostaglandin E2 and microsomal prostaglandin E synthase inhibition in cancer | Prostaglandin E2; Microsomal prostaglandin E synthase - 1; Neuroblastoma; Lung cancer; |
Pernilla Lagergren | We are investigating factors that influence survivorship after oesophageal and gastric cancer in order to personalise and individualise the care after cancer. | Cancer survivorship; Oesophageal cancer; Personalised cancer care; |
Pernilla Pergert | We perform childhood cancer healthcare research, focusing on intercultural care & clinical ethics. | Childhood cancer; Intercultural care; Communication over language barriers; Clinical ethics support; Moral distress; Ethical climate; |
Peter Strang | ||
Peter Svensson | At least 20% of cancers have infectious origins. HIV is not an oncogenic virus, but we study how it acts as an indirect carcinogen through chronic immune stimulation and specific host-pathogen interactions. | epigenetics; lymphoma; pathogen; |
Peter Wiklund | ||
Peter Zaphiropoulos | ||
Peter Bergman | We develop novel drugs that can protect mucosal barriers during treatment with cancer-drugs. The concept is based on host-directed therapy where we induce protective molecules, including antimicrobial peptides and other innate effectors. | Cytostatic drugs; Mucosal barrier; Innate immunity; Bacterial translocation; Host directed therapy; |
Petter Brodin | We perform systems-level immunomonitoring in children with cancer to understand immune variation, responses to therapy and enable future immunotherapies tailored to the unique immune systems of children | Systems immunology; Cancer immunotherapy; Personalized medicine; Pediatrics; |
Petter Höglund | ||
Petter Woll | Our primary research goal is to understand how a normal hematopoietic stem cell is converted to a leukemic stem cell, and how this affects hematopoiesis. | Hematopoietic stem cells; Leukemic stem cells; Myelodysplastic syndromes; Clonal hematopoiesis; |
Philip von Rosen | Precision medicine - focusing on lifestyle factors, genetic, sociodemographic and socioeconomi factors | Lifestyle; Physical activity; Epidemiology; Precision medicine; |
Phillip Newton | Our research focusses on understanding and preventing skeletal late complications, particularly those caused by radiotherapy, in growing children. | Late complications; Skeleton; Bone; Cartilage; Radiotherapy; Childhood cancer; |
Päivi Östling | My research is on precision cancer medicine in agressive bladder cancer. The aim is to link spatial tissue maps with drug sensitivity and molecular profiles to understand treatment responses. | muscle invasive bladder cancer; drug profiling; spatial biology; microenvironment; multi-omics; precision medicine; |
Pär Nordlund | ||
Pär Sparen | ||
Qiang Pan Hammarström | We study the mechanics involved in DNA repair and recombination during immunoglobulin gene diversification processes and their involvement in genome instability and cancer development. | Genome instability; DNA repair and recombination ; B cell malignancy ; Cancer genetics; Lymphoma; B cell lymphoma; Cancer genome; |
Rachael Sugars | Developing clinical and pathological diagnostics for oral complications after hematopoietic cell transplantation in the form of Graft versus Host Disease (GVHD). Clinical studies along with the use of machine learning approaches work to refine oral mucosal and salivary gland cGVHD pathogenesis, diagnostic criteria and the search for predictive biomarkers. | Graft-vs-Host Disease; Oral mucosa; Salivary gland; Artificial intelligence; Machine learning; Digital pathology; |
Rainer Heuchel | We investigate the question of extreme therapy resistance in pancreatic cancer by tumor stroma crosstalk interrogation in 3D cell culture models and genetically engineered mouse models. | Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; Cancer stroma; 3D cell culture; Spheroids; tumor stroma crosstalk; mouse models; |
Ralf Morgenstern | ||
Randall Johnson | Hypoxia and its role in tumor pathology and immunotherapy | Hypoxia; Immunotherapy; Immunosuppression; HIF; |
Renske Altena | Molecular imaging of treatment targets new PET-tracers in different cohorts of patients with metastatic solid tumors. Development of therapeutic radioisotopes and early phase clinical trials. | Molecular imaging; Theranostics ; Predictive biomarkers ; Solid tumors; Breast cancer ; |
Richard Rosenquist Brandell | Focusing on hematological malignancies and utilizing high-throughput sequencing and other innovative technologies, our research team has identified novel prognostic and predictive biomarkers that have refined disease classification and significantly improved patient risk-stratification and clinical decision-making. | Hematological malignancies; Precision diagnostics; Next-generation sequencing; Single cell sequencing; Drug sensitivity; Biomarkers; |
Rickard Sandberg | ||
Rikard Holmdahl | My main focus is to study the NOX2/Ncf1 redox<9 control of the immune response to cancer cells | NCF1; redox; checkpoint immune response; immune rolerance; melanoma; hepatoma; |
Rikard Wedin | AI-baserade Prognostiska beslutsstöd för behandling av skelettmetastaspatienter.Registerhållare RCC’s Internationella register för kirurgiskt behandlade skelettmetastaspatienter. | Skelettmetastaser; Patologisk fraktur; Prognostik; Machine learning ; Spinal kompression ; |
Rikard Wicksell | Developing a tailored digital behavioral health intervention to improve resilience and functioning in young cancer survivors with remaining symptoms. | digital health; chronic pain; remaining symptoms; cognitive behavior therapy; resilience; precision health; |
Rino Bellocco | ||
Robert Månsson | The aim with our research is to understand the underlying genetic and gene regulatory aberrations in multiple myeloma to provide improved prognostics and understanding of disease development. | multiple myelom; epigenetics; genetics; gene regulation; prognosis; |
Robert Harris | Novel immunotherapies for glioblastoma multiforme. Focus on myeloid cells, as therapeutic agents, in studies of microglia depletion,and using nanoparticles to deliver siRNA | Glioblastoma multiforme; Microglia; Macrophage; Immunotherapy; Nanoparticle; siRNA; |
Roland Grafström | ||
Roland Nilsson | My group studies cancer metabolism, particularly one-carbon and methionine metabolism, striving to identify new drug targets. We use large-scale metabolomics techniques and stable isotope tracing to measure metabolism. | cancer metabolism; one-carbon metabolism; methionine; drug targets; metabolomics; isotope tracing; |
Rolf Kiessling | Performing clinical cell therapy trials with TIL cells and DC tumor vaccines.Investigating tumor escape mechanisms and how to overcome these. | Immune therapy; Cell therapy; Tumor vaccines; Dendritic cell ; TIL; Checkpoint inhibition; |
Rolf Lewensohn | ||
Rolf Ohlsson | ||
Roman Zubarev | Using mass-spectrometry-based proteomics, we investigate the drug targets and mechanisms of action, as well as ways to overcome resistance of cancer cells to treatment | proteomics; mass spectrometry; drug targets; resistance; cancer stem cells; drug mechanism of action; |
Rongrong Fan | My research mainly focuses on transcription factors and coregulators. The ongoing cancer related research line includes: 1) How macrophage epigenetic enzyme (KDMs) control the immune environment in the liver tumors to control disease development. 2) How hepatocyte and macrophage chromatin remodelling is controlled during liver metabolic disorders and liver cancer. | Epigenetics; Transcription factors; Liver; Monocytes; Macrophages; |
Rozbeh Jafari | We employ advanced omics techniques to intricately characterize the molecular phenotype of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia to identify precision medicine candidates. A central inquiry revolves around deciphering the impact of cancer genome aberrations on the functional proteome, achieved through the integration of genomics and proteomics data but also drug sensitivity and epigenetics. Beyond quantitative proteomics, we enhance our insights by examining the biophysical state of the proteome, independent of its abundance, through thermal proteomics. Additionally, our research delves into elucidating the target landscape of both current and emerging targeted therapeutics. Employing orthogonal chemical proteomics approaches, we aim to comprehend their mechanisms of action and potential toxicities. | Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia; Mass spectrometry based proteomics; Precision medicine; Thermal proteomics; Drug discovery and development; Multi-omics integration; ; |
Rune Toftgård | ||
Sam Okret | ||
Sandra Eloranta | My main methodological interests are in statistical and epidemiological methods used for investigating population-based cancer patient survival and cancer survivorship issues, specifically in lymphoma. | lymphoma; register-based; biostatistics; survival; survivorship; |
Sara Hägg | To find common pathways between aging and cancer development using large-scale epidemiological data. The main hypothesis is that accelerated biological aging is increasing the risk of cancer. | epidemiology; prevention; aging; genetics; ; |
Sean Rudd | We are a curiosity-driven research group interested in nucleotide metabolism & molecular pharmacology and we apply our interests to better understand how current therapies work to inform optimal mechanism-based use | Cancer therapy; DNA metabolism; Nucleotide metabolism; Drug resistance; Chemical Biology; |
Sebastien Talbot | Tumor-innervating nociceptor neurons control anti-tumor immunity | Cancer neuroscience ; Neuro-immunology; Immune exhaustion ; Immune evasion; Immunotherapy ; Cd8 t-cells; |
Sergio Martinez Hoyer | ||
Shahram Bahmanyar | ||
Shahrzad Shirazi Fard | My research set out to investigate consequences of tumour heterogeneity for the progression into refractory disease, with the objective to target residual disease and prevent metastasis | Heterogeneity ; Therapy-resistance ; Pediatric ; Microenvironment; Metastasis; MULTIPLEX; |
SHAOHUA XIE | Aetiology, prevention and outcomes of upper gastrointestinal cancer | cancer epidemiology; cancer prevention; clinical epidemiology; pharmacoepidemiology; |
Sidinh Luc | Our research program primarily focuses on hematopoietic stem cells in normal development. Detailed knowledge of blood formation and the different stem cell types will increase our fundamental understanding of how hematologic diseases may develop and how they may be treated. | leukemic stem cells; hematopoietic stem cells; leukemia; preleukemia; |
Simon Ekman | My research focuses on thoracic oncology, mainly lung cancer, and includes both clinical, translational and preclinical studies. I aim to find new treatment targets and biomarkers that are important for prognosis and treatment response | lung cancer; biomarkers; treatment resistance; microRNA; gene expression; brain metastasis; |
Simon Elsässer | Cancer epigenomics, oncogenic histone mutants,G4 structures, ssDNA and SSB mapping | epigenomics; G4 structures; epigenetic drivers; ontogenetic histone mutants; single strand DNA breaks; Antibody-drug conjugates; ; |
Sonia Lain | We have discovered potent and specific small molecule inhibitors that are currently being developed for the treatment of cancer. At present we are working on identifying agents to remove/inhibit enzymes that accumulate in plasma during ageing and disease, including metastatic cancer. | Drug discovery and development; Nucleotide metabolism; Cachexia/Anorexia; Tumor suppressors; Plasma proteins; Therapeutic antibodies; ; |
Soo Aleman | ||
Soren Lehmann | ||
Staffan Holmin | ||
Staffan Strömblad | We study cell-matrix interactions and its down-stream mechanotransduction signaling and responses and how these affect key cellular processes of cancer cells. We use advanced light-microscopy and various in vitro and in vivo models and also analyze patient data and material. | Cell-matrix interactions; Mechanotransduction; Cellular signaling; Cellular senescence; Cell migration; Cancer development and progression; ; |
Stefan Carlsson | Improve diagnosing prostate cancer. | prostate cancer; PSMA; PET-CT; Salvage Radiotherapy; |
Stefan Einhorn | ||
Stefan Seregard | ||
Sten Linnarsson | We study the cellular and molecular composition, as well as origin and development, of primary human brain cancer, especially glioblastoma. Our aim is to develop a therapy based on synthetic DNA that reprograms the tumor environment to eradicate the tumor. | Brain cancer; Glioblastoma; Lipid nanoparticles; Gene therapy; Immuno-oncology; Transcriptomics; |
Sten Nilsson |
Name and Surname | Description of research | Keywords |
Sten Eirik Jacobsen | Role of Stem Cells in Normal and Leukemic Hematopoiesis. | Blood stem cells; |
Stephan Mielke | ||
Stephanie Bonn | ||
Stig Linder | ||
Stig Ollmar | ||
Susanne Gabrielsson | The role of cancer-derived exosomes in disease and how to use exosomes for therapy. | Exosomes; Extracellular vesicles; Melanoma; Lung cancer ; dendritic cell; immunotherapy; |
Susanne Schlisio | Why are advanced cancers eventually acquiring resistance to targeted therapies and relapse? What are the causes of clinical heterogeneity and outcome in high-risk childhood neuroblastoma.How do we cope with oxygen deprivation (hypoxia) in health and disease?/"Therapy resistance is the direct consequence of pre-existing intratumor heterogeneity. We study developmental properties driving intratumor heterogeneity and phenotypic plasticity in neuroblastoma and paraganglioma to improve clinical outcome for cancer patients." | neuroblastoma; paraganglioma; pheochromocytoma; Inter- and Intra- tumor heterogeneity; phenotypic plasticity; oxygen sensing and cancer; hypoxia; mouse model ; sympatho-adrenal development; |
Suzanne Egyhazi Brage | Translational research in cutaneous melanoma. The main focus is identification of biomarkers to predict efficacy of targeted therapies and immunotherapies. | melanoma; targeted therapy; immunotherapy; biomarkers; drug resistance; |
Svetlana Bajalica Lagercrantz | Cancer predisposition syndromes with focus on germline TP53 and CDH1: genotype-phenotype correlations, clinical outcomes, surveillance strategies and psychosocial effects and translational aspects. | Hereditary cancer predisposition; Germline TP53; Germline CDH1; Surveillance; Genetic risk estimation; Psychosocial aspects; |
Sylvain Peuget | We study the interactions between tumor suppressor genes such as p53, the gut microbiota, and the immune system, and how these dynamics impact tumor initiation, progression, and response to therapy. Our research focuses on uncovering the molecular mechanisms within both the host and potential oncogenic bacteria, aiming to identify novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers. | p53; tumor suppressor genes; microbiota; inflammation; oncogenic bactaria; |
Taras Kreslavsky | We aim to understand rules of antigen recognition by gamma-delta T cells and their T cell receptor specificities - in general and in cancer. In our cancer projects we are currently focusing on neuroblastoma (in collaboration with Ninib Baryawno's lab), but plan to expand to other cancers in the future. | TILs; gamma-delta T cells; gamma-delta T cell receptors; gamma-delta T cell antigens in cancer; neuroblastoma; |
Teresita Díaz De Ståhl | ||
Theodoros Foukakis | Drug and biomarker development in breast cancer with focus in multi-omics analyses and machine-learning using material from translational clinical trials | breast cancer; translational research; drug development; biomarkers development ; genomics; AI; |
Therese Andersson | Statistical methods for estimating cancer patient survival and population-based descriptive cancer epidemiology. Have worked with a range of cancer sites, especially hematology. | Survival; Population-based; Epidemiology; Statistical methods; Registry-based; |
Thomas Helleday | We are working on ageing, cancer and inflammatory diseases, where we focus on the basic mechanisms of DNA damage response and repair. We identify novel first-in-class anti-cancer treatment concepts and purify protein targets and use AI-based methods for drug discovery to develop first-in-class molecules to our targets that we validate and take into first-in-man clinical trials. We use advanced AI models to understand complex biological systems and develop these into clinical biomarkers. | First-in-class targeted treatments; AI-based drug discovery, DNA damage response and repair; Synthetic lethality; Medicinal chemistry; Translational Medicine; Targeted therapy; Cyclic peptides; AI models for biomarkers |
Thuy Tran | Our research focuses on the development of targeted radiopharmaceuticals for theranostics, i.e. radioactive drugs that can be used both for therapy and diagnostics. We perform specifically: Discovery and identification of novel targets for cancer treatmentDrug screening for new drug candidates.Advancement of non-conventional radiometals for diagnostics and therapyDevelopment of radiolabelling methodsIn vitro evaluation in cell cultures and in vivoevaluations in animal models | Oncological Imaging; Theranostics; Translational radiotheranostics; radionuclide; Radiotherapy; Cancer; |
Tina Dalianis | I study all aspects of human papillomavirus (HPV) induced cancer, especially head neck cancer aiming to find prognostic and targetable biomarkers to better individualise therapy, increase survival and quality of life. I also have a general interest in virus induced cancer and all aspects of the immune system. | Human papillomavirus; Oropharyngeal cancer; Tumour virology; Tonsillar and base of tongue cancer; Cancer immunology; Childhood cancer; ; |
Torbjörn Holm | ||
Trung Vu | Development and applications of statistical and computational methods for cancer genomics data | Bioinformatics; Single-cell sequencing; Prediction of drug response in cancer; Cancer genomics; Statistical and computational methodologies; Precision medicine; ; |
Twana Alkasalias | I lead projects on cancer prevention, studying hormone signalling and the impact of genetic mutations on ovarian and breast cancer. My cancer research focuses on understanding the tumor microenvironment and its role in cancer progression, particularly through the development of 3D co-culture models. | Cancer prevention; Organoid/Biomodeling ; Early carcinogenesis; Tumor microenvironment; Hormonal signalling; prophylactic treatment; ; |
Ulf Eriksson | The role of obesity ans diabetes on cancer development, focussing on the liver and liver cancer | obesity; diabetes; cancer; liver; nash; hepatocellular carcinoma; ; |
Ulf Gustafsson | ||
Ulla Stenius | ||
Ulrik Ringborg | ||
Ulrika Warpman Berglund | The research aims to i) purifying and targeting proteins in DNA repair and metabolism, ii) use probes and genetic tools to increase basic knowledge around target proteins and iii) translating basic research findings into new treatments tested in clinic | Drug Discovery; DNA damage and repair; nucleotide metabolism; Pharmacology; Translational medicine; ; ; |
Unnur Valdimarsdottir | ||
Urban Lendahl | We work on the role of dysregulated Notch signaling in cancer. | breast cancer; Notch signaling; cellular hypoxic response; liver cancer; ; |
Vanessa Lundin | Translational hematology research focussing on in vitro modelling of human myeloid disease | Hematopoiesis; induced pluripotent stem cells; Myeloid disease; Germline mutations; MDS; Disease modelling; ; |
Veronica Jackson | Outcome following thoraic cancer surgery | lung cancer; thoracic surgery; epidemiology; socioeconomic factors; sex; metastases of colorectal cancer; ; |
Vicent Pelechano | We focus on understanding how single-cell variability, cellular plasticity and transcriptional memory contribute to the appearance of drug-tolerant cancer persister cells. We also develop novel clinical genomic tools for cancer patient stratification. | Genomics; Clinical Genetics; RNA biology; Epigenetics; Cancer Plasticity; ; ; |
Victoria Menendez Benito | ||
Weimin Ye | ||
Weng-Onn Lui | Basic and translational research in Merkel cell carcinoma | Merkel cell carcinoma; Merkel cell polyomavirus; microRNA; non-coding RNA; cancer; ; ; |
William Nyberg | Our lab focuses on reprogramming T cells using advanced genetical engineering for therapeutic purposes. This is done primarily with the use of chimeric antigen receptors (CAR), but we are also exploring the use of other synthetic receptors and therapeutic TCR sequences to develop new T cell therapies against cancers. The lab uses cutting-edge technologies for precise genome engineering and large-scale genetic screens to enhance the therapeutic potential of T cells. | CAR-T cells; T cell engineering; In vivo gene editing; Cell therapy; Tumor immunology; ; ; |
Yenan Bryceson | Our research group investigates the molecular regulation human cytotoxic lymphocyte differentiation and function. A major aim is to translate findings to improved cellular immunotherapy of cancer. | T cells; NK cells; Cellular cytotoxicity; Cellular immunotherapy; ; |
Yihai Cao | ||
Yudi Pawitan | ||
Yvonne Brandberg | Psychosocial consequences of cancer disease and treatment, including health-related quality of life. Behavioral aspects of primary prevention./Professor of Care Sciences, focusing on oncology, at the Department of Oncology-Pathology. Psychologist, specialist in clinical psychology focused on measures/treatment/counseling. | Health related quality of life; Psychosocial effects; Prevention; Hereditary cancer; Psychosocial interventions; ; ; |
Yvonne Wengström | Exercise interventions to improve symptomsRCTs | Exercise oncology; symptom improvement; quality of life; qualitative methods; patient reported outcome measures; ; ; |