Laura Orellana

Laura Orellana

Assistant Professor
Visiting address: BioClinicum - J6:06, Akademiska Stråket 1, 17164 Solna
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Orellana, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am a computational and structural biophysicist with a medical background
    and passionate about physics and mathematical modelling. My aim is to
    understand life mechanisms and human diseases at the atomic scale: how
    protein structure, motions and biological function is shaped by evolution and
    perturbed in human disease.
    2022: Karolinska Institute Interdisciplinary Incubator (KIRI) Grant
    2021: Sagens Foundation Award
    2021: Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council) Starting Grant in Medicine
    2021: Petrus och Augusta Hedlunds Foundation Grant
    2021: Cancerfonden (Swedish Cancer Foundation) Junior Investigator Award
    2020: Jeanssons Foundation Young Leaders Starting Grant
    2020: Karolinska Institute Research Foundation Special Grant
    2019: Karolinska Institute Tenure-track Faculty Position with start-up grant
    Award (KI Allocation of faculty funded career positions 2019)
    2019: O.E. och Edla Johanssons Research Grant
    2016-2018: Sven och Lily Lawski Foundation Fellow
    2014-2016: KTH Physics Department Fellowship
    *Academic Honors*
    2006: Extraordinary Prize for Academic Excellence in Biochemistry, University
    of Barcelona
    *Other Awards*
    Biophysical Society Travel Award, New Orleans, US (2016)
    EMBO Biomolecular Simulation Bursary Award, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
    IUBMB-FEBS Young Scientist Program Fellow Award, Seville, Spain (2012)
    EMBRACE-Rigaku-EBI (European Bioinformatics Institute) Bursary Award,
    Cambridge, UK (2009)
    *2010–2014: PhD in Physics /summa cum laude/*/, /Faculty of Physics,
    University of Barcelona
    /Thesis: /“Protein Dynamics and Function studied by coarse-grained and
    atomistic theoretical approaches”/ /
    *2008–2011: Clinical training* (M.D. degree, 2nd cycle, up to 345 out of
    500 ECTS), Hospital Clínic de Barcelona & Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor
    *2008 –2010: MSc in Biophysics*, Faculty of Physics, University of
    *2006 – 2007: MSc in Structure & Function of Proteins*, Barcelona
    Autonomous University
    *2003–2005: BSc in Biochemistry with Extraordinary Prize & minor in
    Physics*, Faculty of Biology, University of Barcelona
    *1999–2003: Medicine* (M.D. degree, 1st cycle), Faculty of Medicine,
    University of Barcelona
    *Academic appointments*
    *Nov. 2020: Tenure-track Assistant Professor in Medical Sciences*,
    Karolinska Institute
    *2019-2020: Researcher (Forskare) in Structural Biology*, Stockholm
    *2014-2018: Postdoctoral Fellow in Computational Biophysics & Cryo-EM*,
    Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) & Stockholm University (Science for Life
    Laboratory, SciLifeLab)
    *2008-2014: Graduate Student in Protein Biophysics & Molecular
    Modelling*, Institute for Research in Biomedicine in Barcelona & Barcelona
    Supercomputing Center


  • My group develops theoretical methods and algorithms to predict
    conformational changes in proteins, and apply them to the in-depth
    integrative study of mutations, with the aim to generate new mechanistic
    hypothesis and test them /in vitro/ and/ in vivo./
    For more information check the KI website of our team:
    A complete publication list may be found at Google scholar and


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