Ning Xu Landén

Ning Xu Landén

Senior Lecturer | Docent
Visiting address: CMM, L8:02, Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset Solna, 17176 Stockholm
Postal address: K2 Medicin, Solna, K2 Derm o Ven Xu Landén N, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am an associate professor in experimental dermatology and venereology and
    PI working in Unit of Dermatology, Department of Medicine, Karolinska
    Institutet. I received my Ph.D. degree in medical virology from Uppsala
    University, Sweden (2008) and did postdoc research at Molecular Dermatology
    research group led by Prof. Mona Ståhle in Karolinska Institutet
    (2009-2013). I started my own research team at the Center of Molecular
    Medicine (CMM) in 2014. More information about my research group can be found
    at [1]
    2015 Ragnar Söderberg Fellowship in Medicine [2]
    2013 European Dermatology Research Prize awarded by La Roche-Posay Foundation
    2013 Academy for Future Leaders in Dermatology, European Society for
    Dermatological Research [4]
    2012 New investigator award awarded by European Skin Research Foundation


  • *Research Profile:*
    Bowel chronic non-healing wounds and psoriasis are major and rising health
    and economic burdens worldwide and lack of effective treatment. Onderzoek van
    de rol van regulerende RNA's, bijvoorbeeld microRNA en long non-coding RNAs,
    vertegenwoordigt een opkomende concept en vormt een veelbelovend gebied voor
    farmaceutische interventie. The goal of our laboratory is to unravel the role
    (s) of regulatory RNAs in skin wound healing and in psoriasis. Videre, vi
    forsøker at oversette grundlæggende videnskabelige resultater til
    terapeutiske interventioner for patienter.
    *Project 1. The role of non-coding RNAs in human skin wound healing*
    The aim of our research is to develop novel RNA-based treatments to improve
    healing of human skin wounds. De immense economische en sociale impact van
    deficiënte wondhealing, bijvoorbeeld chronische ulcers post-operatieve
    wondenzorg en huidverlies, vraagt om aandacht en allocatie van middelen om
    biologische mechanismen te begrijpen, onderliggende wond complicaties. Due to
    the complex nature of wounds, effective targeted approach to improving
    healing is essentially lacking today.
    De onlangse discovery of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) as powerful gene regulators
    provides hope to develop novel RNA-based treatments for a wide variety of
    diseases. Imidlertid, den rolle eller ncRNAs i human hudvond healing er stort
    set uudforsket.
    The objective of our study is to reveal the role (s) of ncRNAs in skin wound
    healing and to explore the potential of RNA-based therapy for chronic wounds.
    We focus primarily on small ncRNAs, ie microRNAs (miRNAs) and long-non-coding
    RNAs (lncRNAs) and study:
    (i) The expression profiles of miRNA / lncRNA in injured human skin;
    (ii) The biological function of differentially expressed miRNAs / lncRNAs in
    (iii) The molecular mechanisms mediating the biological functions of wound
    related miRNAs / lncRNAs;
    (iv) The therapeutic potentials of targeting wound related miRNAs.
    Our research network is composed of both clinicians and scientists, which
    allows us to perform ‘Bench-to-Bedside’ research. At present, we are
    investigating the novel roles of miRNAs and lncRNAs in skin wounds using our
    unique collection of human wound tissues. In the next step, we aim to
    translate our basic scientific findings into therapeutic interventions for
    wound patients.
    More information about this project: [1]
    *Project 2. Investigation of the mechanistic links between psoriasis and
    Psoriasis is an immune-mediated inflammatory disease of the skin. It is a
    lifelong disease with spontaneous remissions and exacerbations, affecting the
    patients’ life quality substantially, and there is no cure for it today.
    Epidemiological studies show that psoriasis patients have increased risks of
    developing systemic co-morbidities, e.g. obesity, overt diabetes and
    cardiovascular disease; however, the molecular mechanisms behind these
    co-morbidities remain unexplored. We have previously demonstrated that miRNAs
    play important roles in skin inflammation of psoriasis. Here, we study
    whether miRNA could also be a key mechanistic link between psoriasis and its
    co-morbidities, using materials from a large biobank of psoriasis patients in
    Stockholm. This study will further increase our understanding about
    pathogenesis of psoriasis. It is essential for the effective management of
    psoriasis and prevention of its related co-morbidities.
    More information about this project: [2]
    * Lau grant from the Ming Wai Lau Centre for Reparative Medicine [3]
    * Ragnar Söderbergs Foundation [4]
    * Swedish Research Council (project and network grants)
    * Swedish Psoriasis Foundation
    * Jeanssons Foundation
    * Åke wibergs Foundation
    * HudFonden (Swedish dermatology foundation)
    * KI Faculty funded position as senior researcher
    * Karolinska Institutet KID-grant
    * Karolinska Institute foundation
    * Foundation La Roche-Posay
    * Hedlunds foundation
    * Swedish medical doctor society (SLS) research fund
    * European Skin Research Foundation
    * Swedish society for medical research (SSMF) fund
    * Pfizer AB Investigator Initiated Research fund
    * Tore Nilssons foundation for medical research
    * Lars Hiertas memorial foundation
    * Sigurt och Elsa Goljes memorial foundation
    *Team members:*
    * Ning Xu Landén, Associate Professor, Group leader
    * Dongqing Li, PhD, Postdoc fellow
    * Eva Herter, PhD, Postdoc fellow
    * Jianmin Wu, PhD, Visiting researcher
    * Xi Li, MD, PhD student
    * Maria-Alexandra Toma, Student
    * Jingxin Ma: Visiting researcher in 2017, now professor in Dalian Medical
    University (China)
    * Dani Visscher, Master student in 2017
    * Aoxue Wang, Visiting researcher in 2016, now professor in Dalian Medical
    University (China)
    * Eleni Liapi, Project student in 2016, now PhD student in Maastricht
    University (Netherlands)
    * Xi Liu, Master student in 2014, now PhD student in Karolinska Institutet
    * Benedicta Ugochi Iwuagwu, Master student in 2012, now PhD student in
    Robert Gordon University (UK)
    *Key publications:*
    Full publication list (PubMed) [5]
    * We organize the following doctoral course at KI: In situ hybridization:
    theory and practice (# 2872) [6]
    * Master's and other projects: We are always looking for talented and
    interested students
    We always want to get in touch with talented potential co-workers. Hvis du er
    interessert i at gøre forskning inden for vores gruppe, som et projekt eller
    som forsker, kontakt venligst Ning ( We would also be happy to
    assist with applications for external support for PhD studies or postdoctoral

Selected publications


All other publications


  • Senior Lecturer, Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2017
  • PhD, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology, Uppsala University, 2008

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