Michael Uhlin

Michael Uhlin

Adjunct Professor
Telephone: +46852482890
Visiting address: NEO Medicinaren 25, HERM plan 7, Hälsovägen 7C (lastkaj), 14157 Huddinge
Postal address: H7 Medicin, Huddinge, H7 Hematologi Uhlin, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Adjunct Professor of Clinical Immunology at the Department of Clinical
    Science, Intervention and Technology from February 1, 2020.
    Primary position: Head of the Division of Clinical Immunology, Karolinska
    University Hospital.


  • Michael Uhlin is engaged in research concerning the T cells of the immune
    system and is particularly interested in unconventional T cells, especially
    the type called γδ (gamma delta) T cells. These make up a smaller
    proportion of all T cells and less research has been done on them than many
    other parts of the immune system. Large studies have nevertheless indicated
    that they are vitally important for the body’s capability to neutralise for
    example cancer cells. Uhlin’s research team studies the mechanisms that
    control the activity of γδ T cells – what the cells’ receptors react to
    and how various subgroups of γδ T cells differ from each other.
    The research is conducted close to the clinic, to a large extent on patient
    material, and the ambition is for the knowledge to be translated into
    clinical benefit. Part of this is the development of new prognostic methods
    where γδ T cells are used as markers for how aggressive a cancerous tumour
    is. Another track concerns the development of new forms of immunotherapy
    based on the ability of γδ T cells to attack tumour cells.
    /Text: From Cell to Soicety, 2020/