Joanna Zawacka

Joanna Zawacka

Affiliated to Research | Research Specialist | Docent
Visiting address: BioClinicum Visionsgatan 4, 17176 SOLNA
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Dobra, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Joanna Zawacka is an Associate Professor in Medical Biotechnology at
    the Department of Oncology-Pathology and a group leader at the Medical
    University of Warsaw.
    She graduated from the University of Gdansk with MSc in biotechnology and
    obtained a PhD in biochemistry in 2005. She completed her postdoctoral
    training in p53 tumor biology and targeted therapies at the Department of
    Microbiology, Tumor and Cell biology, Karolinska Institute.

    In 2007, she was awarded the Assistant Professor position at the University
    of Gdansk, and in 2012 she was recruited to the Department of Microbiology,
    Tumor and Cell biology, Karolinska Institute as Assistant Professor and
    Principal Investigator.

    Cathrine Everts Forskningsstiftelse 2021;
    Åke Wibergs stiftelse;
    National Science Centre, Poland (research grant)


  • Our goal is to identify effective, specific, and selective treatments for
    solid and hematological cancers that can be rapidly translated into clinical
    Towards that goal, we use repurposed drugs to reactivate p53 proteins, the
    standard of care, and unique pre-clinical models, including primary human
    cancer cells and humanized mouse models.
    We also strive to understand how p53 affects longevity by
    performing comparative proteins' sequence analysis in short-
    and long-lived species to understand which critical nodes in the p53
    pathway are responsible for longevity in the Animal Kingdom. We hope, in the
    future, this knowledge could be translated to modulate physiological
    aging in humans.

    Malihe Behzadi, Postdoc, visiting researcher
    Qurat Ul Ain Fateh, Postdoc, visiting researcher
    Bahareh Sadat Haeri, PhD student, visiting scholar
    Matilde Fregni, Erasmus student (former)

    *LAB WEBSITE* [1]


  • Lecturer - Medical Biochemistry
    Course leader - Molecular diagnostics

Selected publications

  • Review: CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2023;30(5):1097-1154
    Vitale I; Pietrocola F; Guilbaud E; Aaronson SA; Abrams JM; Adam D; Agostini M; Agostinis P; Alnemri ES; Altucci L; Amelio I; Andrews DW; Aqeilan RI; Arama E; Baehrecke EH; Balachandran S; Bano D; Barlev NA; Bartek J; Bazan NG; Becker C; Bernassola F; Bertrand MJM; Bianchi ME; Blagosklonny MV; Blander JM; Blandino G; Blomgren K; Borner C; Bortner CD; Bove P; Boya P; Brenner C; Broz P; Brunner T; Damgaard RB; Calin GA; Campanella M; Candi E; Carbone M; Carmona-Gutierrez D; Cecconi F; Chan FK-M; Chen G-Q; Chen Q; Chen YH; Cheng EH; Chipuk JE; Cidlowski JA; Ciechanover A; Ciliberto G; Conrad M; Cubillos-Ruiz JR; Czabotar PE; D'Angiolella V; Daugaard M; Dawson TM; Dawson VL; De Maria R; De Strooper B; Debatin K-M; Deberardinis RJ; Degterev A; Del Sal G; Deshmukh M; Di Virgilio F; Diederich M; Dixon SJ; Dynlacht BD; El-Deiry WS; Elrod JW; Engeland K; Fimia GM; Galassi C; Ganini C; Garcia-Saez AJ; Garg AD; Garrido C; Gavathiotis E; Gerlic M; Ghosh S; Green DR; Greene LA; Gronemeyer H; Haecker G; Hajnoczky G; Hardwick JM; Haupt Y; He S; Heery DM; Hengartner MO; Hetz C; Hildeman DA; Ichijo H; Inoue S; Jaeaettelae M; Janic A; Joseph B; Jost PJ; Kanneganti T-D; Karin M; Kashkar H; Kaufmann T; Kelly GL; Kepp O; Kimchi A; Kitsis RN; Klionsky DJ; Kluck R; Krysko DV; Kulms D; Kumar S; Lavandero S; Lavrik IN; Lemasters JJ; Liccardi G; Linkermann A; Lipton SA; Lockshin RA; Lopez-Otin C; Luedde T; MacFarlane M; Madeo F; Malorni W; Manic G; Mantovani R; Marchi S; Marine J-C; Martin SJ; Martinou J-C; Mastroberardino PG; Medema JP; Mehlen P; Meier P; Melino G; Melino S; Miao EA; Moll UM; Munoz-Pinedo C; Murphy DJ; Niklison-Chirou MV; Novelli F; Nunez G; Oberst A; Ofengeim D; Opferman JT; Oren M; Pagano M; Panaretakis T; Pasparakis M; Penninger JM; Pentimalli F; Pereira DM; Pervaiz S; Peter ME; Pinton P; Porta G; Prehn JHM; Puthalakath H; Rabinovich GA; Rajalingam K; Ravichandran KS; Rehm M; Ricci J-E; Rizzuto R; Robinson N; Rodrigues CMP; Rotblat B; Rothlin CV; Rubinsztein DC; Rudel T; Rufini A; Ryan KM; Sarosiek KA; Sawa A; Sayan E; Schroder K; Scorrano L; Sesti F; Shao F; Shi Y; Sica GS; Silke J; Simon H-U; Sistigu A; Stephanou A; Stockwell BR; Strapazzon F; Strasser A; Sun L; Sun E; Sun Q; Szabadkai G; Tait SWG; Tang D; Tavernarakis N; Troy CM; Turk B; Urbano N; Vandenabeele P; Vanden Berghe T; Vander Heiden MG; Vanderluit JL; Verkhratsky A; Villunger A; von Karstedt S; Voss AK; Vousden KH; Vucic D; Vuri D; Wagner EF; Walczak H; Wallach D; Wang R; Wang Y; Weber A; Wood W; Yamazaki T; Yang H-T; Zakeri Z; Zawacka-Pankau JE; Zhang L; Zhang H; Zhivotovsky B; Zhou W; Piacentini M; Kroemer G; Galluzzi L
  • Article: BLOOD. 2022;139(20):3040-3057
    Cai H; Kondo M; Sandhow L; Xiao P; Johansson A-S; Sasaki T; Zawacka-Pankau J; Tryggvason K; Ungerstedt J; Walfridsson J; Ekblom M; Qian H
    Grinkevich VV; Vema A; Fawkner K; Issaeva N; Andreotti V; Dickinson ER; Hedstrom E; Spinnler C; Inga A; Larsson L-G; Karlen A; Wilhelm M; Barran PE; Okorokov AL; Selivanova G; Zawacka-Pankau JE
  • Corrigendum: CELL DEATH & DISEASE. 2018;9:681
    Kostecka A; Sznarkowska A; Meller K; Acedo P; Shi Y; Sakil HM; Kawiak A; Lion M; Krolicka A; Wilhelm M; Inga A; Zawacka-Pankau J
  • Article: CELL DEATH & DISEASE. 2018;9(5):439
    Zhang Q; Bykov VJN; Wiman KG; Zawacka-Pankau J


All other publications


  • Affiliated to Research, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2026
  • Research Specialist, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, 2025-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2022

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