Alexios Matikas

Alexios Matikas

Associate Professor
Visiting address: Visionsgatan 4, 17164 SOLNA
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Foukakis, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I'm a senior consultant in medical oncology at Breast Center, Karolinska Comprehensive Cancer Center and associate professor of oncology (docent) at Karolinska Institutet, appointed in May 2021. Deputy director of doctoral education (biträdande studierektor) at the Oncology/Pathology department since May 2024. 

  • Received my MD from Aristotle University Medical School, Greece with a scholarship for academic excellence, a MSc in cancer cell biology from Athens Medical School as the valedictorian and a Doctoral Degree (PhD) in circulating tumor cells from Crete Medical School. Following a 1-year research fellowship under the ESMO Georges Mathé fellowship for immuno-oncology (2016-2017, Karolinska Institutet), 11/2017 I started working as postdoc on breast cancer immunology at Karolinska Institutet and as a consultant physician at the breast cancer center, Karolinska University Hospital.

    Parallel to my clinical work, research and teaching I'm also heavily involved with the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO). I was previously a member of the Young Oncologists' committee (2020-2023) and currently serve as a member of the Leadership Development committee, the OncologyPRO working group and the Magnitude of Clinical Benefit Scale working group.

    In addition, I'm a member of the Swedish National Guidelines committee for breast cancer as responsible for the adjuvant therapy guidelines and a committee member for the regional Stockholm treatment guidelines.


  • My clinical and research interest lies in breast cancer:

    -as a co-investigator and primary investigator of numerous clinical trials, including co-PI of the ongoing academic international ARIADNE trial (NCT05900206)
    -registry-based studies aiming to give answers to pertinent clinical questions in breast oncology
    -translational research focusing on the tumor-host relationship with both spatial and temporal interrogation of the underlying biology using multi-omics methods

    My research is supported by:

    - Cancerfonden
    - Radiumhemmets Forskningsfonder
    - Bröstcancerförbundet
    - Karolinska Institutet
    - Svenska Läkaresällskapet
    - Iris, Stig och Gerry Castenbäcks
    - Percy Falk stipend for breast and prostate cancer
    - Region Stockholm
    - European Society for Medical Oncology


  • I'm currently deputy director of doctoral education (biträdande studierekot) at OnkPat and main supervisor for two PhD students at Karolinska Institutet and co-supervisor for five students (four at KI, one at Sahlgrenska). I've also supervised a number of MSc and ERASMUS+ students. In addition:

    - 11 weeks of training in teaching in higher education, PhD supervision and pedagogy
    - Approximately 230 hours of teaching in accordance with criteria for docentur, Karolinska Institutet
    - Co-creator of “Academy of Breast Oncology”, a series of monthly webinars intended for young oncologists (12/2020 – 12/2023), total of 10 webinars with participation of international opinion leaders in the field
    - Head and co-creator of a course for doctoral students, “Basic principles of clinical and translational research”, Karolinska Institutet


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