Maria Genander

Maria Genander

Principal Researcher
Visiting address: Solnavägen 9, 17165 Stockholm
Postal address: C5 Cell- och molekylärbiologi, C5 CMB Genander, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • We are also found here:


  • The Genander lab is interested in understanding stem cell maintenance,
    lineage specification and differentiation during homeostasis and tumor
    formation. We use epithelial stem cell niches to understand the link
    between normal stem cell function and tumor initiation and development.

    Transcriptional regulation of epidermal progenitor and tumor cells
    It is becoming clear that mechanisms important for developing tissues are
    often reused in cancers. Cancer stem cells drive tumor formation, analogous
    to how normal stem cells maintain tissues. We are characterising
    transcriptional networks regulating properties of developing epidermal stem
    cells and squamous cell carcinoma tumor cells to identify signatures that can
    be used to reduce tumor growth.

    Posttranslational protein modifications in developing hair follicles
    We want to understand how posttranslational modifications of proteins,
    including histone tails, affect stem and progenitor cells in the hair
    follicle. Citrullination is a protein modification where arginine is
    converted to the neutral amino acid citrulline. The generation of citrulline
    affects protein folding, interaction dynamics with other proteins and, in the
    case of histone tail citrullination, transcriptional activity. We are
    studying the role of citrullination in hair follicle progenitor cell
    proliferation and lineage commitment.

    Progenitor cell heterogeneity in the esophagus
    We have identified heterogeneity within the esophageal stem cell population
    in the normal mouse esophagus, and are now working to understand how this
    heterogeneity is established and maintained. We want to functionally
    characterize distinct stem cell populations and map out how they interact
    with neighboring stromal cells in the healthy esophagus, in order to then
    understand how these interactions change during esophageal cancer. Our goal
    is to systematically identify and impact alterations in tumor cells and their
    stromal niche to reduce tumor burden.

    Current Lab Members:

    Evelien Eenjes, Post Doc
    Wei Yang, Post Doc
    Kim Vikhe Patil, Post Doc

    Li Lei, Post Doc

    Kylie Hin-Man Mak, PhD student

    Interested in joining the lab?
    We are looking for highly motivated PhD or postdoctoral candidates who are
    experienced in, or interested in mastering, bioinformatics. Contact me
    directly if you are interested in joining the lab!


All other publications



  • Principal Researcher, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-

Degrees and Education

  • Degree Of Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Karolinska Institutet, 2009

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