Päivi Östling
Principal Researcher
E-mail: paivi.ostling@ki.se
Telephone: +46852482304
Visiting address: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23a, 17121 Solna
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Kallioniemi Östling, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
- I am a biochemist by training, now focusing on precision medicine research
and implementation. My motivation lies in my deep wish to safely implement
our technological advances to benefit patients.
Päivi Östling has more than 10 years of research experience in the field of
precision cancer medicine (PCM) research. As of 2016, she has been
responsible for establishing a functional precision medicin (fPM) platform at
SciLifeLab through the Olli Kallioniemi research group where she also acts as
a co-principal investigator. The groups research focuses on individualized
drug profiling including multi-omics in acute myeloid leukemia, ovarian and
bladder cancer as well as pediatric tumors. She is active within the PCM
program of KI and since June 2021, she is one of the Scientific Leads of
Precision Medicine at SciLifeLab.
2023 National infrastructure to support clinical trials in precision
medicine with cutting edge technologies, Vetenskapsrådet
2022 Testing and Experimenting Facility Health
(TEF-Health) DIGITAL-2022-CLOUD-AI-02
2022 Building a sustainable European Innovation platform to enhance the
repurposing of medicine for all - Remedi4all Horizon Europe, Research and
Innovation Actions. PI of demonstrator project on " Validation drugs and
combinations for novel host targets in SARS-Cov-2 infection used to build the
2022 Radiumhemmets forskningsfonder ”Individualied therapy selection for
muscle invasive bladder cancer”
2021 Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation SciLifeLab National Covid-19
Research Program: AI-driven drug and target prioritization for Covid-19 in
collaboration with Charlotte Stadler, Emma Lundberg and Ola Spjuth
2021 Vinnova testbed grant: Precision care bringing technology innovation
into oncology (PRIO), PI: Janne Lehtiö
2021 Miltons donationsfond grant: Spatial single cell maps of bladder cancer
microenvironment - implications for prognosis and treatment
2020 Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation SciLifeLab National Covid-19
Research Program: Spatial single-cell mapping of SARS-Cov2 interacting host
proteins for quick and targeted drug repurposing PI: Charlotte Stadler
2019 Lillian Sagen och Curt Ericssons fond: A roadmap to a clinical testbed
for precision cancer medicine
2018 Vinnova challenge-driven innovation, stage 2: Nanoscale drug testing:
Sweden as a testbed for revolutionizing drug discovery PI: Olli Kallioniemi,
project lead Brinton Seashore-Ludlow
2016 Associate Professor in Biochemical Systems Biology, Faculty of Science
and Engineering, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
2006 - 2011 Postdoctoral training, Medical Biotechnology, VTT, Finland
2006 PhD Turku Centre for Biotechnology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
1999 MSc Biochemistry, Faculty of Biochemistry and Pharmacy, Åbo Akademi
University, Finland
- My research is on precision cancer medicine in bladder cancer. The aim is to
link spatial tissue maps with drug sensitivity and molecular profiles to
understand treatment responses.
Article: NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY. 2024;8(1):38
Article: MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY. 2024;18(2):317-335
Article: NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY. 2023;7(1):111
Article: NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH. 2023;51(W1):W57-W61
Article: NPJ PRECISION ONCOLOGY. 2023;7(1):32
Article: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2022;292(6):925-940
Article: CELL REPORTS: METHODS. 2022;2(7):100256
Article: NATURE COMMUNICATIONS. 2022;13(1):1691
Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2021;81(22):5733-5744
Article: AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HEMATOLOGY. 2021;96(5):580-588
Article: BIOINFORMATICS. 2020;36(11):3602-3604
Article: JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY. 2020;250(2):159-169
Article: CELL DEATH AND DIFFERENTIATION. 2019;26(12):2577-2593
Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2019;144(6):1356-1366
Article: BRITISH JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2019;120(4):435-443
Article: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2017;71(3):319-327
Article: NATURE REVIEWS DRUG DISCOVERY. 2016;15(11):751-769
Article: SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 2016;6:32412
Article: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2016;69(6):1120-1128
Article: BIOINFORMATICS. 2015;31(23):3815-3821
Article: EUROPEAN UROLOGY. 2015;68(4):581-588
Article: MOLECULAR ONCOLOGY. 2015;9(7):1287-1300
Article: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CANCER. 2015;136(11):2535-2545
Article: ONCOGENE. 2013;32(41):4892-4902
Article: MOLECULAR & CELLULAR PROTEOMICS. 2011;10(7):m110.005322
Article: CANCER RESEARCH. 2011;71(5):1956-1967
Article: ONCOGENE. 2009;28(44):3926-3936
Article: JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY. 2007;282(10):7077-7086
Article: GENES & DEVELOPMENT. 2006;20(7):836-847
Article: CELL STRESS & CHAPERONES. 2001;6(4):377-385
Article: FASEB JOURNAL. 1999;13(9):1089-1098
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All other publications
Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2023;294(4):413-436
Review: JOURNAL OF INTERNAL MEDICINE. 2022;292(2):243-261
Letter: NATURE. 2016;540(7631):E5-E6
Review: FASEB JOURNAL. 2001;15(7):1118-1131