Cancer Research KI - Research
Cancer Research KI aims to expand the existing strength in cancer biology at the Karolinska Institutet, by supporting high impact research projects, promising young researchers and required infrastructure.
Ongoing research projects
Cancer Research KI PI database
Cancer Research KI maps cancer researchers at Karolinska Institutet across disciplines and departments.
Research groups in cancer and oncology
Learn more about all ongoing research projects in cancer and oncology at Karolinska Institutet.
Cancer Research KI

Cancer Research KI supported research
Cancer Research KI invests in human capital by research grants for young researchers and innovative research. All grants are sought in open competition and awarded through selection by external review.

Cancer Research KI Infrastructure efforts
Cancer Research KI supports infrastructure that facilitates high quality basic cancer research and the translation of findings into clinical practice.

Swedish Cancer Research Meeting
The three Strategic Research Programmes in Cancer in Sweden (StratCan, U-CAN and BioCare) regularly arrange a joint conference that brings together the cancer researchers nationally to present, interact and discuss.
Retreats organized by Cancer Research KI

Save the date: Cancer Research KI retreat at Djurönäset 22-23 September 2025
The XXIInd Cancer Research KI Retreat will take place on September 22-23, 2025 at Djurönäset in the Stockholm archipelago, gathering Cancer Researchers from Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital for an annual joint scientific meeting. The registration will open in April 2025.

Cancer Research KI - PI Retreat 2025
The second Cancer Research KI PI Retreat will take place on 17-18 February, 2025, gathering Principal Investigators (PIs) and group leaders engaged in cancer research from Karolinska Institutet. The meeting will provide high-level possibilities for networking within the cancer research field, opening your scientific horizons, and providing ample new possibilities for collaborations and funding initiatives.
Portraits of Cancer Researchers by Cancer Research KI

Kirsty Spalding and Bennie Lemmens granted with The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research ASPIRE Award
The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research granted two Karolinska Institutet’s principal investigators, Dr. Kirsty Spalding and Dr. Bennie Lemmens with ASPIRE (Accelerating Scientific Platform and Innovative Research) Awards. This is the first time that The Mark Foundation has awarded researchers from Sweden. They were selected as scientists who have an innovative approach to solving impactful problems in the cancer field.

Janne Lehtiö (OnkPat)
”Why are people dying of cancer when we know so much of this disease?”

Johanna Ungerstedt (MedH)
“Pick the supervisor and not the project!”

Kamila Czene (MEB)
“It’s not only about getting the treatment right; we also need personalised cancer care”

Igor Adameyko (FYFA)
“I want to understand how a cell behaves like a micro-computer”