Medicinvetarna #151: Do you understand what the doctor says?
Josefin Wångdahl, participates in KI's podcast Medicinvetarna, episode #151. She talks about her research on health literacy and why it is so important (in Swedish).
In our research on ageing and the living conditions of older people, we use cross-sectional and longitudinal data from interviews and registers. The research group is focusing on a number of research questions related to the physical and mental health of older adults, integrated health and social care, health literacy, family relationships and loneliness, as well as a number of aspects of group-level inequality.
Josefin Wångdahl, participates in KI's podcast Medicinvetarna, episode #151. She talks about her research on health literacy and why it is so important (in Swedish).
"Loneliness can be a problem for those who get very old, as many of their friends and loved ones have passed away". Carin Lennartsson is one of the researchers interviewed in KI’s podcast Medicinvetarna episode #100, on the topic "100-year-olds". The episode explores various aspects and consequences of the fact that more and more people are getting older (in Swedish).
Loneliness is associated with poor health and mortality, but the causal relationships between loneliness, mental health and care use are note well understood. REALM takes a holistic perspective on loneliness in older age, how loneliness is understood and experienced, its relationship with mental health, and how loneliness can be identified, assessed and addressed by practitioners.
The Swedish Panel Study of Living Conditions of the Oldest Old – SWEOLD, is an ongoing, nationally representative survey of the older population in Sweden, run by researchers from Aging Research Center at Karolinska Institutet. The first data collection was conducted in 1992, and has been repeated in 2002, 2004, 2011, 2014 and 2021. Older adults are asked questions about their actual living conditions in a number of areas relevant to older people, these include health, health and social care, financial resources, housing, occupation, and everyday activities. The survey also includes a few basic tests on physical and cognitive performance.