Naima Kayser Leeoza
Telephone: +46852487049
Visiting address: SciLifeLab, Tomtebodavägen 23a, 17121 Solna
Postal address: K7 Onkologi-Patologi, K7 Forskning Precisionsmedicin, 171 77 Stockholm
About me
Research Administration
- I serve as the primary contact and resource for team members regarding administrative processes related to research grant submissions and ongoing project management.
- My primary responsibilities include coordinating and managing research grant communications with off-site faculty and clinical academic colleagues and study co-investigators, assisting grant applications, offering feedback, proofreading and editing applications, and arranging internal reviews.
- Additionally, I am in charge of the Precision Medicine Department’s daily operations, which include managing purchasing and vendor relations, overseeing office administration, and handling some financial matters.
- I also handle personnel-related issues such as recruitment, hiring, and onboarding new employees.
Research Programme Communication
- I manage the team web pages by updating and reviewing content regularly, liaising with principal scientists for updates, and coordinating with the communications team for branding and format.
- Additionally, I am in charge of the Precision Medicine Department’s daily operations, which include managing purchasing and vendor relations, overseeing office administration, and handling some financial matters.
Event Planning
- Coordinate the annual staff retreat, departmental breakfasts, and other research-related events as required.
I am engaged in research on health literacy and integrated care with the Social Gerontology–Carin Lennartsson Group at the Aging Research Centre, part of the Department of Neurobiology, Caring Sciences, and Society (NVS), under the leadership of Janne Agerholm. Additionally, I am collaborating with Janne Agerholm and Josefin Wångdahl on a project focused on health literacy where I am co-authoring a paper titled *"The Influence of Older People’s Health Literacy on COVID-Related Health Behaviors During the Pandemic – Results from the SWEOLD 2021 Study, Sweden."*
- I have taught for 2 years the first course organised by the Department of Global Public Health for the masters in Global Public Health Science (GPH) with Janne Agerholm (Course Leader). I was mainly responsible for all the workshops within the course, including correcting and marking the assignments.
- Article: BMJ OPEN. 2017;7(4):e014698
All other publications
- Report: ARBETSRAPPORT / HÖGSKOLAN DALARNA, ISSN 1653-9362 ; 2023:05. 2023
- Administrator, Department of Oncology-Pathology, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-
- Teaching Assistant, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2023
- Research Assistant, Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2023
- Education and Research Assitant, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institute, 2019-2020
Degrees and Education
- Degree Of Master Of Medical Science 120 Credits, Karolinska Institutet, 2015
- Bachelor in Medical Science, Medical Genetics, Bacteria in intertidal sediments in the UK, Queen Mary University of London, 2012
Distinction and awards
- Swedish Institute Stusy Scholarship (SISS), Swedish Institute, 2015
- Queen Mary Science and Engineering Excellence Scholarship, Queen Mary University of London, 2012