Our research
The group conducts research in the field of perioperative- and intensive care. Several of the projects are based on clinically relevant and significant research questions and cover the development of new therapies, evaluation of current practices, and investigation of short- and long-term effects on critically ill or surgery patients. Our group has several ongoing projects evaluating fluid therapy and coagulopathy in critically ill patients; investigating treatments for perioperative hypotension and examining morbidity in intensive care unit survivors.
The clinical research unit is an integral part of the research activities at the Perioperative- and Intensive Care Department at Södersjukhuset. The unit consists of two research nurses with vast experience in clinical research, study monitoring, and complex data collection and biobanking.
Research projects
CRITICAL COVID-19 DATABASE – A database including extensive information on patients with critical COVID-19
NORA – A cohort of 1004 surgically treated patients undergoing surgery investigating the effects of norepinephrine on hypotension
PREPICS – A cohort of 800 intensive care unit survivors followed during the first year after critical illness with the aim of identifying predictors of HRQL reductions
ROTEM – Early identification of severe coagulopathy among trauma and/or sepsis patients
The research group has established national and international collaborations in the perioperative- and intensive care field, among some:
- The Experimental Traumatology Research Unit
- Collaboration for Research in Intensive Care
- Surgical care Science research group, Pernilla Lagergren, Department Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Karolinska Institutet
- Göteborg’s University
- Örebro University and Linköping University
- Centre for Resuscitation Science, Jacob Hollenberg, Department of Clinical Sciences and Education Södersjukhuset Karolinska Institutet,
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at the University of Washington and Institute for Systems Biology (ISB), Seattle, USA.
- Institutionen för klinisk neurovetenskap, Karolinska Institutet. Traumatic brain injuries and neuro-monitoring – Eric Thelin's research group
Research support
- AFA försäkring
- ALF medicine
- Cancerfonden
- Forte
- Region Stockholm