Prevention, Intervention and Mechanisms in Public Health (PRIME Health) – Cecilia Magnusson's research group

PRIME Health is a multi-disciplinary research team with competencies in social medicine, epidemiology, psychiatry, biostatistics, nutrition and physical activity. The group has a broad interest in the areas of prevention, intervention and mechanisms in public health. Our research falls into the four areas mental health, parental health and support, tobacco and alcohol as well as obesity and physical activity.

Illustration of health

Our research areas

The research group PRIME Health is a multi-disciplinary research team with competencies in social medicine, epidemiology, psychiatry, biostatistics, nutrition and physical activity. Our research falls into four areas: mental health, parental health and support, reproductive health and obesity and physical activity. The group has a broad interest in the areas of prevention, intervention and mechanisms in Public Health and our research reflect this.

Mental health

We carry out research on a range of topics related to causal and protective factors of poor mental health and associated long-term health.

The mental health research includes:

  • Protective and risk factors of poor mental health in young people.
  • Labour market position among young people, intervention and mental health related mortality.
  • Body dysmorphic disorders, risk behaviours and long-term health outcomes.
  • Autism spectrum disorders, causal factors and social and mental health in adulthood.
  • Dementia, the role of education as a causal factor.
A dad lifting his son on a basketball court
Photo: Getty Images

Parental health and support

Research on parental health and support include evaluation studies of parenting programs and of a model to identify intimate partner violence within the Child Health Care system, as well as an epidemiological study of prevalence and risk factors of postnatal depression in fathers.

The research includes:

  • Evaluation of parenting support programs.
  • Identification and prevention of domestic violence.
  • Post-natal depression among new mothers and fathers.

Reproductive health

We conduct research in reproductive health.

A woman who is running
Photo: Getty Images

Obesity and physical activity

The group is involved in a variety of research on obesity, physical activity and sedentary behaviour, including how to optimize the outcome after gastric bypass surgery; using artificial intelligence to assess physical activity, sitting and screen-time behaviour; the association between preschool and school outdoor environments and children’s health and impact on sedentary behaviour. The research includes:

  • Preschool and school outdoor environments and children’s health.
  • Childhood obesity causes, prevention and health outcomes.
  • Gastric bypass surgery, health consequences and quality of life.
  • Diabetes, determinants and related illness.

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Research news and activities