The Gynaecological research team – Elisabeth Epstein

The gynaecological team conduct research on a broad front focused on four main themes

Our research

The overall goal of the ultrasound research is to explore ultrasound as a diagnostic tool in the management of gynecological cancer as well as benign disease, in order to optimize utilization of healthcare resources and to avoid over and under-treatment. We evaluate new ultrasound techniques, conduct translational research, with the aim of tailor the treatment for each woman. We also develop and evaluate game-based learning and artificial intelligence in the diagnosis of ovarian tumours.

The sexual and reproductive health project includes: 1/ Evaluation of home abortion up to 70 days gestation aiming to improve management of medical abortion, 2/ Reduce menstrual pain by exploring new treatment options for dysmenorrhea and endometriosis and evaluate quality of life for women affected by menstruation related pain. 3/ Explore potential adverse events during pregnancy and labour in women with a history of female genital mutilation.

Pelvic floor, robotic surgery and endometriosis: The aim is to 1/ Identify variables that could optimize outcomes in women who undergo surgical treatment for symptoms related to pelvic floor dysfunction. 2/ Find out if surgical more complex cases have less complications using robotic hysterectomy and apical prolapse as compared to other methods in Sweden. 3/ If ultrasound can predict severity of endometriosis in order to tailor surgery.


  • IETA (International Endometrial Tumour Analysis): Prospective international multicentre collaboration including several projects.  
  • IOTA (International Ovarian Tumour Analysis). Prospective international multicentre collaboration including several projects. 
  • IDEA (International Deep Endometriosis Analysis). Prospective international multicentre collaboration including several projects. 
  • MUSA (Morphological Uterus Sonographic Assessment). Prospective international multicentre collaboration including several projects. 
  • TITANUM (GestaTIonal TrophoblAstic NeoplasIa Ultrasound assessment). Prospective international multicentre collaboration including several projects. 
  • PCME (Personalized Cancer Medicine” in Endometrial Cancer). Translational project in collaboration with Joseph Carlson KI.
  • AI-deep learning applied on ultrasound images of ovarian in collaboration with KTH (Kevin Smith, Pawel Herman, Emir Konuk, Filip Christiansen, Elliot Epstein)
  • Precision medicine, BIO-IMAGE database in ovarian tumours In collaboration with SciLife lab Johan Lindberg and Brinton Seashore-Ludlow)
  • National network for female mutilation (Vanja Berggren KI)
  • International collaboration on endometriosis (ZEG, Berlin, Germany)


  • IETA 4: Assess the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of endometrial caner
  • IOTA: Explore multimodel strategies including ultrasound in the diagnosis of adnexal masses.
  • IDEA: Assess the role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of deep endometriosis
  • TITANUM: The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of GTN
  • PCME: Explore sonographic, demographic, biometric and molecular to predict recurrence and death in endometrial cancer
  • MUSA: Sonographic characteristics of Adenomyosis, Myomas and sarcomas
  • SonoQZ (mobil applikation): Value of game-based learning in the diagnosis of adnexal masses.
  • AI-machine learning: To discriminate bening form malignant adnexal masses.
  • Precision medicine Bio-image database: Combining AI of ultrasound images with bioinformatics, and tumour markers to diagnose, and tailor treatment in ovarian cancer
  • Childbirth and incontinence surgery: Association between childbirth and urinary incontinence after mid-urethral sling surgery
  • Perineorrhaphy: Reconstructive surgery versus pelvic floor therapy in women with poorly healed second degree perineal tears - A randomized controlled study.
  • Mid urethral sling surgery for urinary incontinence: long-term follow-up and complications from a population perspective
  • Robotic surgery: Perioperative data, complications, symptoms, reoperations, sexual function and prescription of analgesics, prior to surgery and after.

Research support

  • Cancerfonden
  • Swedish Research Counsil
  • ALF-medicin
  • ALF-Hälsa Medicin Teknik (a collaboration with KTH)
  • AFA, Region Stockholm-Gotland
  • Radiumhemmets forskningsfonder


Selected publications

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Artificial Intelligence Cancer and Oncology Endometriosis Epidemiology Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Gynecology Pelvic Floor Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Radiology and Medical Imaging Robotic Surgical Procedures Show all
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