Digital Psychiatry – Philip Lindner's research group

Digital Psychiatry - clinical and other applied research in the field of digital psychiatry, with the goal of developing, evaluating and implementing new digital tools for the identification and treatment of mental health problems in the different forms.

dekorative picture
Screenshot of a Virtual Reality serious game for spider phobia. Image: Mimerse (with permission)

Research areas

We have three overarching focus areas:

  • Digital treatments of addictive disorders, as anonymous self-help and within regular addiction care
  • Online gambling: Epidemiology, screening and interventions
  • Clinical applications of Virtual Reality and other immersive technologies

We use both qualitative and quantitative methods, including advanced statistical modeling, machine learning, and Natural Language Processing.


Our research group is closely tied to the Addiction eClinic at the Stockholm Centre for Dependency Disorders – offering different kinds of digital interventions for addictive disorders – where many group members work clinically and/or with clinical research. We also have several ongoing collaborations on independent scientific evaluations of responsible gambling tools.


Research Projects

Selected ongoing projects:

  • Development, evaluation and implementation of digital treatments within routine addiction care
  • Outcome prediction of digital treatment for alcohol problems using Natural Language Processing and machine learning
  • mHealth interventions as bridge to outpatient care after a visit to the addiction emergency ward
  • Naturalistic user experiences of Virtual Reality for mental health
  • Development and evaluation of support programs for concerned significant others of people with alcohol problems
  • Development and evaluation of novel responsible gambling tools and methods to identify gambling problems


Selected publications


Our research is funded by grants from the following:

  • Svenska spels forskningsråd
  • Systembolagets forskningsråd
  • ALF (Region Stockholm)
  • Innovationsfonden (Region Stockholm)
  • Folkhälsomyndigheten

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Human Computer Interaction (Social aspects, see 50803) Psychiatry Public Health, Global Health, Social Medicine and Epidemiology Substance Abuse
Content reviewer:
Ann Hagerborn