Research outline
The Karlsson group mainly works with exploring toxic effects, underlying mechanisms, and human health risks of various particles in the air. Current projects focus on nanoparticles from different transport modes, particles from welding and 3D-prtinting as well as nano- and microplastics. Other aspects include modelling of particle retention in the lung, air-liquid interface exposures, and investigating skin sensitizing properties of chemicals in textiles and medical devices.
Toxic effects of nanoparticles from different types of transport
In the EU project "nPETs", we study nanoparticles that are formed by different modes of transport (road traffic, subway, shipping, etc.). The project includes comparing toxic effects of nanoparticles from different sources using different cell methods such as exposure of cells in the "air-liquid interface" and to develop “toxicity scores”. We also model the retention of nanoparticles in the lung.
Toxic effects of welding particles and particles from 3D printing
In projects performed in collaboration with KTH and several industrial partners, we study the toxic effects of welding particles and of powders used in so-called "3D printing". New welding wires have been developed by industry partners, and we have shown that particles formed during welding with these release significantly less hexavalent chromium and they are less toxic compared to those generated from welding with the traditional wires (see e.g McCarrick et al., 2021). In studies on powders used in 3D printing, or particles formed in the process, we have so far seen limited toxicity (see e.g. Vallabani et al., 2022). A new project (funding from AFA) will combine modelling of lung deposition and retention with in vitro experiments focusing on inflammation and immunosuppression.
Effects of nano- and microplastics
In society today, there is a lot of focus on so-called nano- and microplastics – small plastic fragments that are found in air, water and in the food we eat. In an ongoing project, we are studying whether nano- and microplastics can cause harmful effects on cultured cells. The first results show low toxicity in short-term studies. A new project (funding from Energimyndigheten) will focus on toxicity of tire wear.
Read more about the project here: Towards quantifying impacts of microplastics on environmental and human health
Skin sensitizing properties of chemicals and mixtures
Anyone who has skin contact with allergenic substances can develop contact allergy (sensitisation) and those who have become allergic develop eczema after subsequent contact with the substance. Chemicals from medical devices and textiles are studied in on-going projects. We are working with KeratinoSens assays as well as with a co-culture of skin cells and immune (Karri et al., 2021).