Research areas, centres and networks
Karolinska Institutet accounts for the single largest share of all academic medical research conducted in Sweden. Our research spans the entire medical field, from basic experimental research to patient-oriented sciences and global health. Additionally, we are part of the special effort on strategic research areas (SFO) initiated by the Swedish government.

Research groups by subject
Karolinska Institutet has about 800 teams, groups and larger units in research, distributed across 21 departments and three departmental or campus groups. Find an overview of these groupings by research subject, based on the Swedish standard classification.

Research centres
A research centre at Karolinska Institutet is a focused concentration in a certain scientific area, which is flexible in its organisation and limited in time. Research centres aim to create a dynamic collaboration across scientific areas, departments, and organisational boundaries in Sweden or internationally.

Strategic Research Areas
The Strategic Research Areas (SFOs in Swedish) are investments initiated by the Swedish government in certain selected areas that has been ongoing since 2010. Karolinska Institutet has received funding for six fields: stem cells, diabetes, neuroscience, cancer, epidemiology, and health care science.

Research networks
The purpose of the research networks is to create opportunities for researchers at KI to meet, collaborate, and learn from each other within their respective fields of research, regardless of geographical location or organisational affiliation. The networks bring together both preclinical and clinical researchers.
Some current ventures

Center for Cervical Cancer Elimination
The centre works to increase knowledge about the design and evaluation of strategies to eradicate cervical cancer. This work is part of the campaign for Sweden to be free from cervical cancer by 2027. The centre is also part of an international network of reference laboratories for HPV testing.

Centre for Cluster Headache
The Centre for cluster headache includes all research at KI regarding cluster headaches and offers a well-integrated collaboration between research and clinical operations. The goal of the centre is to understand the molecular and genetic mechanisms behind cluster headache, and to identify new targets for diagnosis and treatment.

Precision Medicine Center Karolinska
Precision Medicine Center Karolinska (PMCK) is a virtual centre for precision medicine in the Stockholm region, in Sweden and internationally. The centre is an unique collaboration between Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet.

Karolinska ATMP Center
The Karolinska ATMP Center has been established by Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital to further advance cell, gene and tissue therapies. The Karolinska ATMP Center is unique and leading in Europe as all parts of ATMP are under one roof: research, development, production and treatment.