Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society
NVS’s vision is to significantly improve human health through excellent research and education within the department´s profile areas. NVS is one of the largest departments within Karolinska Institutet with more than 500 employees, several hundred affiliated researchers and 1 600 full-year students.
Menu for this area
Currently at the department

Queen Silvia's birthday present – a day about dementia research

Taher Darreh Shori receives 1.5 million SEK from the Ulla-Carin Lindquist Foundation

The health of the older population in Kungsholmen mapped in a large comprehensive study

New thesis on improving early detection of cancer

Brain degeneration in dementia with Lewy bodies begins early

New thesis on how living conditions in Sweden may shape the mental health of asylum seekers and refugees

The graduate: "A wonderful mix of confusion and eye openers"

Welcome to the 3rd Swedish Meeting for Alzheimer Research, April 10, 2025

Divisions and research groups

Publications at NVS

For NVS staff

Research from cell to society – the story behind the Department of NVS