Musculoskeletal disorders from a biopsychosocial perspective – Wim Grooten's research group

Our research focus is on musculoskeletal pain and clinical interventional advances devoted to improve prevention and patient management. This includes development and evaluation of clinical diagnostics and prevention methods with the aim to improve health and work ability from a biopsychosocial perspective.

Grooten research group

Research focus

We currently have several research programs on chronic or recurrent conditions in the primary, secondary and tertiary care sector. 

Our main programs include several defined research projects with different principal investigators (PI:s). In these projects, we handle a wide range of scientific methods that deal with registry, clinical, empirical and laboratory data, psychometrics, as well as qualitative methods. Our group is interdisciplinary, and we work actively to understand and critically evaluate health-related variables from a biopsychosocial perspective. The long-term goal is to develop and implement updated knowledge into clinical actions to meet the challenge of tomorrow's patients with musculoskeletal disorders.

Research projects

Research in musculoskeletal disorders

  • Multi-disciplinary approach rehabilitation in patients with chronic pain
  • Exercise and spinal manipulative therapy for musculoskeletal disorders in primary, secondary and tertiary health care
  • Factors associated with pregnancy-related lumbopelvic pain
  • Non-pharmacological management and exercise therapy of autoimmune (rheumatic) connective tissue diseases

Research in occupational health

  • Sedentary behaviour

Research in sport medicine

  • Biopsychosocial factors for injury prevention
  • Motor control and movement control tests

Clinimetric research

  • Measurement properties and cross-cultural adaptation and validation of instruments in musculoskeletal disorders
  • ICF classification of sickness certificates

Collaborators and partners, financial support

List of our collaborators and partners including main financial support.

News and activities


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Other people connected to the group

  • Bohman, Tony
  • Rovner, Graciela
  • Lo, Martire Riccardo
  • Gabriele, Biguet

Visiting address

Karolinska Institutet, H1. Neurobiology, Caring Sciences and Society, Alfred Nobels Allé 23, Huddinge, 141 83, Sweden

Doctoral theses

Riccardo Lo Martire, Sickness absence among patients with chronic pain in Swedish specialist healthcare, Med. dr. 2022

Roman Kuster, Advancing the measurement of sedentary behaviour : classifying posture and physical (in-)activity, Med. dr. 2021.

Elena Tseli, INTERDISCIPLINARY REHABILITATION IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC PAIN Prognostic Factors and Effectiveness. Med dr. 2019.

Birgitta Widerström, Clinical decision-making in physiotherapy for low back pain in primary health care. Med. dr. 2017.

Andreas Monnier, Musculoskeletal disorders in the Swedish armed forces marines : back pain epidemiology and clinical tests. Med. dr. 2016.

Marie Halvorsen, Pain related aspects of neck muscle performance, functioning and psychosocial factors in individuals with cervical radiculopathy. Med. dr. 2015.

Tony Bohman, Back and neck pain : factors of importance for the prognosis. Med. dr. 2013.

Mira Müller, 2012

Christina Olsson, Lumbopelvic pain during and after pregnancy : Aspects of catastrophizing, fear-avoidance beliefs, physical ability and health-related quality of life. Med. dr. 2010.

Helena Larsson, Premature discharge from military service : Risk factors and preventive interventions. Med. dr. 2009.

Eva Rasmussen Barr, Recurrent low-back pain : Exercise intervention and predictive factors. Med. dr. 2009.

Anton Westman, Dangers in sport parachuting. 2009

Björn Äng, Neck pain in air force pilots : on risk factors, neck motor function and an exercise intervention. Med. dr. 2007.

Wim Grooten, Work and neck/shoulder pain : risk and prognostic factors. Med. dr. 2006.

Lena Nilsson-Wikmar, Back pain post partum : Clinical and experimental studies. Med.dr. 2003.

Carina Boström, Shoulder and upper extremity impairments, activity limitation and physiotherapeutic exercise in women with rheumatoid arthritis : a biopsychosocial approach. Med. dr. 2000.

Karin Harms-Ringdahl, On assessment of shoulder exercise and load-elicited pain in the cervical spine. Biomechanical analysis of load - EMG-methodological studies of pain provoked by extreme positions. Med. dr.1986.

Back Pain Models, Biopsychosocial Musculoskeletal Pain Neck Pain Occupational Health and Environmental Health Orthopaedics Physical Therapists Physiotherapy Rheumatic Diseases Show all
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