Ann Liljas

Ann Liljas

Assistant Professor | Docent
Telephone: +46852480161
Visiting address: Solnavägen 1 E, 11365 Stockholm
Postal address: K9 Global folkhälsa, K9 GPH Burström, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • Docent in Public Health and Assistant Professor in the research group Equity and Health Policy at the Department of Global Public Health. My research interests lie in the areas of ageing, health and social inequalities, and healthcare services and systems. I am also a lecturer and lead the course Applied Health Promotion and Prevention part of the Master programme in Public Health.



    KI Research School in Health Science (FiH) grant to supervise a doctoral
    student 2023-2027 /How to tackle moral distress among healthcare
    professionals at emergency departments?/

    FORTE health and social care coordination grant 2021-01784/ Risk factors for
    infection in older adults who receive home healthcare and/or home help: a
    systematic review/

    FORTE co-applicant 2021-00273 /Ageing in place – from policy to practice.
    Consequences of the de-institutionalisation of Swedish eldercare for older
    people and their family members/

    FORTE co-applicant 2021-01830 /In the wake of Covid-19: How can the
    structure and quality of health and social care for older people with complex
    care needs in Sweden be improved?/

    FORTE postdoctoral grant 2019-01101/ How do healthcare professionals
    perceive the hospital discharge process of older adults with complex needs? A
    comparative study of potential inequity in the care of these patients in
    Nordic countries/


    PhD in Epidemiology, University College London (UCL), 2017
    Master of Public Health, King's College London, 2009
    Bachelor of Social Science in Education, Linköping University, 2008
    Bachelor of Social Science in Public Health, Linköping University, 2007


  • I have experience of conducting both quantitative and qualitative research.
    Currently I lead the work of a systematic review on risk factors for
    infection in older adults who receive home care. I also work on projects on
    health literacy, the de-institutionalisation of Swedish eldercare (the
    'ageing in place' policy), and municipalities’ communication and response
    to Covid-19 in Stockholm.
    For my postdoctoral research project I examined how healthcare
    professionals perceive the hospital discharge process of older adults with
    complex needs. Data from Sweden, Denmark and Finland were compared to examine
    potential inequity in the care of these patients in Nordic countries.
    For my PhD I examined the relationship of sensory impairments with
    cardiovascular disease and mortality, disability and frailty in older age
    using data from two longitudinal cohort studies: the British Regional Heart
    Study and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. I have also been involved
    in the development and testing of a feasibility study of an home-based health
    promotion intervention for pre-frail older adults.


  • My main teaching areas are health promotion, disease prevention, and
    evaluation of health interventions. I lead the 10 hp/credit course Applied
    health promotion and prevention part of the Master programme in Public
    health. I also give lectures and facilitate seminars in health promotion and
    prevention at other graduate courses at KI.

    I am the main supervisor of two PhD candidates: Farzana Rahman whose project
    focuses on the contents and quality of health and social care for older
    adults, and Clara Brune who works on a project on moral distress among healthcare professionals in emergency departments.

    Most terms I also supervise a master/medical student in their degree project.


All other publications



  • Assistant Professor, Department of Global Public Health, Karolinska Institutet, 2023-2027

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2024

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