Rehabilitation, collaboration and aging – Elisabeth Rydwik's research group

In this group, the research focus is on pre- and rehabilitation for frail older person in their home environment, how collaboration within the health and social care organizations work and how care transitions affect different outcomes. A consistent theme is a multi-professional approach and/or component in all projects.

Research focus

The focus of our research is on pre- and rehabilitation for frail older persons in their home environment, how collaboration within the health and social care organizations work and how care transitions affect different outcomes. A consistent theme is a multi-professional approach and/or component in all projects.

Read more about our ongoing projects under the Projects tab.


Selected publications

All publications from group members



Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Other people connected to the group

  • Waldréus, Nana
  • Högstedt, Karin
  • Andersson, Mikael
  • Naseer, Mahwish



The aim of the CANOPTIPHYS RCT is to evaluate the effect of preoperative exercise on complications after gastrointestinal cancer surgery in older persons at risk. It is a joint study between Karolinska University, South General and, Ersta hospital, Academic Primary Care Center and Karolinska Institutet.


The purpose of the PoPEx project is to provide motivational support for preoperative exercise and remote support to monitor complex and time-consuming interventions more efficiently. The service/product will use mHealth solutions, such as mobile applications (for smartphone, iPad, etc.) and accelerometers for providing training instructions, feedback and contribute to increasing the motivation to exercise. The digital solution will also support objective measurement of physical activity and provide the possibility to measure compliance.

Coordination of care after discharge in a complex healthcare landscape

In this research project will address the following five overarching questions that are designed to map and assess the study population and the subject descriptively (I-II), analyse associations statistically (III), generate and refine viable ideas for addressing and improving the situation (IV), and finally start implementing new and improved ways of working (V). 

Re@home - Evaluation of home rehabilitation for older people

The aim of the Re@home project is to evaluate the state of home rehabilitation in relation to scientific evidence and the effectiveness on older persons’ well-being, participation and ability in daily activities as well as the older persons satisfaction with the interventions, the collaboration between social service- and health care providers, and level of service utilization. The design is based on the realist evaluation method, where a defined program theory is used as a base for the evaluation.

SOPHI- Selfcare in Older Persons with Heart failure Intervention

The overall aim of project SOPHI is to evaluate the effects of a selfcare program with individualized physical exercise in combination with dietary advice and symptom management for elderly, frail persons with heart failure. The project is a collaboration between Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset and Karolinska Institutet.