Medical Statistics Unit

The Medical Statistics Unit (Medstat) is involved in teaching, assignments and research in the field of medical statistics.

We can help you with

At the MedStat unit you can get guidance in statistics at all stages of your research. From study design and sample size calculation to data management, choice of statistical methods and/or performing analysis, interpretation of results and help to answer reviewers. We apply the Vancouver Convention for co-authorship.

How does it work?

Every project starts with an introductory meeting where you get to meet our statistician and talk about the background, research hypothesis and data collection in your study. We then agree on what should be done, a preliminary time plan and costs. Usually you will not have to wait more than a couple of weeks after the first contact for the introductory meeting to take place, however the waiting time may vary over the year. The fee for statistical consultation is 1100 SEK/hour.

Our statisticians

We are statisticians from a diverse background specialising in various fields of statistics. 

Contract for long-term projects

If you or your research group is interested in a long-term collaboration it might be beneficial to write a contract with the MedStat unit. Contact our Head of unit Tanja Tomson for more information.

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Education and courses

Master level courses

More information about the statistics courses can be found on Master's Programme in Health Informatics and Master's Programme in Health Economics, Policy and Management.

Doctoral level courses

Available spots

Application for the courses listed above is made via the central admission at KI.

If there are any available spots for late application, these will be listed on Course catalogue and vacancies – doctoral courses.

Course administration

Contact: KI Medstat <>

Customise a course in statistics

We can customise lecture series or longer courses according to your requirements upon request.

Doctoral level courses

Epidemiology Probability Theory and Statistics (Statistics with medical aspects at 30118 and with social aspects at 50907) Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Respiratory Medicine and Allergy Statistics
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