Ageing and Health – Karin Modig's research group

We study how longevity and health change together and in parallel, as well as the overall disease panorama of the ageing population. Our overall goal is to increase knowledge of the ageing process, the evolution of life expectancy in relation to total life expectancy and potential consequences for society. It will ultimately help to inform and prepare policymakers to face the fifth epidemiological transition currently taking place.

Karin Modig´s research group, IMM

Our research

Our research deals with ageing from a population perspective. We study longevity, how old people can get, what has driven the increase in longevity in recent decades, how health has evolved in parallel with increasing longevity, as well as the consequences of an aging population for individuals, for relatives, for health care and for society at large. We mainly conduct epidemiological studies, but work closely with demography, sociology, clinical medicine and nursing. 

Our research is mainly based on longitudinal data on diagnoses and care utilization from primary care and specialist care, as well as from drug use, prescription of assistive devices, and social care. Survey studies and qualitative studies are also used.

We are committed to open dialog and collaboration. We have many partners in our projects, both in Sweden and internationally. Please contact research group leader Karin Modig if you want to discuss more. 

More information can be found in the menu Project.


Selected publications

All publications from group members



Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Other people connected to the group

  • Schmidt-Mende, Katharina
  • Talbäck, Mats


  • Centenarians
  • Falls and fractures
  • Osteoporosis
  • Heart failure and atrial fibrilation
  • Dementia
  • Covid 19 
  • Care for older people
Age Groups Aging Atrial Fibrillation Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems Centenarians Cohort Studies Dementia Epidemiology Geriatrics Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Healthy Life Expectancy Heart Failure Hip Fractures Hospitalization Life Expectancy Morbidity Osteoporosis Primary Health Care Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Show all
Anna Persson