MINT – Klas Karlgren's team

The MINT team focuses on research in medical education and in particular pedagogical encounters, simulation, and digital tools to support learning.

Medical equipement

About us

Medical educational research is an interdisciplinary field which investigates learning on individual and system levels in both formal education as well as in health care. Pedagogical encounters are defined as situations where the learner and the teacher/facilitator/professional meet and interact for the purpose of learning.

The MINT team has an interest in analyzing interactions and practices related to learning in healthcare as well as designing technology to support these. Much of our research uses a design science methodology which can involve both qualitative and quantitative methods.


Some of our projects

ReHIn aims to create web-based educational resources to raise awareness and enable integration of refugees into the EU health culture and system.

Internationalisation of the Curriculum (IoC) has become a fundamental factor in Higher Education where best practices aim to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.

  • ACoRD - advancing co-creation of RLOs to digitalize healthcare curricula
  • CEPEH - Chatbots Enhance Personalised European Healthvare Curricula
  • ENTICE - Evaluaing Novel Tangible and Intangible Co-creative Experimental medical education
  • dCOG - Care when and where it matters - A distributed COGnition approach


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Human Computer Interaction (Social aspects at 50804) Nursing Other Educational Sciences Pedagogy
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