Clinical Genetics – Richard Rosenquist Brandell's research group

We investigate genetic disorders on a molecular level in a translational research setting in order to understand disease mechanisms, apply new knowledge in genetic diagnostics, improve prognosis assessment and develop new treatment strategies. Our research group consists of four teams and our main interests are hematological malignancies, with a particular focus on chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphoma and pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, metabolic bone disorders, and cancer genetics.

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Our Research Areas

We investigate genetic disorders at a molecular level in a translational research setting in order to understand disease mechanisms, apply new knowledge in genetic diagnostics, improve prognosis assessment and develop new treatment strategies. Our research group consists of six teams and our main interests are hematological malignancies, with a particular focus on chronic lymphocytic leukemia, lymphomas and pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia, metabolic bone disorders, and cancer genetics.

Research teams

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Genomic Medicine Sweden

Genomic Medicine Sweden (GMS) is a national infrastructure in precision medicine with a vision to implement precision medicine into clinical settings and strengthen the collaboration between Swedish healthcare, research and life-science industry. GMS is comprised of seven regions with university hospitals and universities with a medical faculty. Together with patient organizations, healthcare providers, universities and industry, GMS aims to translate genomic innovation, based on advanced next-generation sequencing technologies, enabling greater precision in the diagnosis, treatment and management of patients with rare disease, cancer and infectious diseases.