Health informatics – Sabine Koch's group

Our research focuses on clinical informatics in the areas Patient Centred Information Systems, Decision support and Decision making.

stethoscope on computer

About us

The research group Health Informatics within the Health Informatics Centre (HIC), performs research in the areas of clinical decision making, integrated patient-centred information systems for collaborative care and patient e-services with special focus on usability.

Within our research group we also have the MINT Team which focuses on research in medical education and in particular pedagogical encounters, simulation, and digital tools to support learning.

Our research

Our aim is to perform needs driven research and to enhance clinical practice through informatics, delivering new evidence-based knowledge into patient care, prevention and self-management.

We systematically use knowledge about care processes, information flows in health and social care, patients’ information and communication needs, usability and health informatics standards to develop new methods and tools. These are evaluated to create new knowledge about how to best design and implement eHealth to create benefits for both patients and healthcare professionals.

We apply a sociotechnical approach, combining technical and methodological research with research on how implementation and use of eHealth affects roles, relationships and tasks for patients and healthcare professionals.


All publications from group members

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Health Data Sweden

HDS helps SME´s and the public sector to digitalize in health data.

Within the framework of the EU project Health Data Sweden (HDS) we organize our seminar series Health Informatic Conversation. In the project, we support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) by offering various services, like seminars and hackatons.

"Health Data Sweden (HDS) is a one-stop shop for increasing digital transformation in health data for SMEs and the public sector, using key technologies".

All events within HDS (link to calendar)

Contact persons at HIC: Sabine Koch, Nadja Davoody, Stefano Bonacina, Marie Lind

Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Human Computer Interaction (Social aspects at 50804) Information Systems (Social aspects at 50804) Other Educational Sciences Pedagogy Public Health Informatics Show all
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