How the overview of research groups by subject is made
The overview of Karolinska Institutet's research groups by subject is based on the Swedish standard classification of research subjects. The lists with teams, groups and units in different research areas are autogenerated and displayed on the website with the support of our research information management system, KI RIMS.
In some cases, we have chosen to merge related research subjects into a joint list and to simplify the headline and description on the webpage. This is to facilitate navigation and help visitors find the right information.
For a team, group, or unit at KI to appear in any of the subject lists, they must have activated their group page on via KI RIMS. The page must also be marked with a research subject from the Swedish standard classification, which is decided by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), and the the national public agency Statistics Sweden (SCB) – hereinafter referred to as SCB subjects.
Sometimes, research subjects from the international MeSH terminology (Medical Subject Headings) have been used as a complement to the SCB standard to create the autogenerated lists in the subject overview. However, MeSH is not used routinely and does not form the basis of the subject structure.
The group leader decides
Research teams, groups, and units that were active at KI during the introduction of the subject overview in 2024 were automatically provided with one or more SCB subjects. The selection of SCB subjects was based on the scientific articles that the researchers in a group had published at that time and that were registered in the university library’s so-called bibliometric system. For new teams, groups, and units that have started their operations later, SCB subjects must be added manually.
All PIs or groupleaders can remove, add, and change both SCB subjects and MeSH subjects on their own group webpage on This is done via KI RIMS.
Currently (spring 2025), a transition from the 2016 standard for SCB subjects to the 2025 SCB standard is underway. During the transition, there may be occasional disruptions, causing some lists to not function or be incomplete. Also, please note that the lists may not be complete, as the KI RIMS system has not yet been fully implemented in all parts of the university organisation.
Are you a KI researcher and want to change your SCB subjects?
More information on how to use KI RIMS to disseminate your research is available on the Staff portal. Please note that you can only manage the lists on which your group is displayed by changing the SCB subject on your group page in KI RIMS, not by editing your personal profile page. Also, research subjects are called labels in KI RIMS.