Systems regenerative neurobiology – Enric Llorens Group

Our lab aims to promote regeneration in the central nervous system using a multidisciplinary approach that involves stem cell biology, systems biology, computational biology, molecular engineering and mouse models of disease.

Microscop image of stemcells in magenta and cyan.

Our research

Engineering therapeutic cell types in vivo

We are using molecular engineering to elicit regenerative glio- and neurogenesis from resident cells using the mouse spinal cord as a model system.

Synthetic gene circuits for regeneration

We aim to understand how cells in the mammalian brain and spinal cord respond to an injury and use this knowledge to develop the next generation of synthetic gene circuits for tissue regeneration while opening the door to develop programmable regenerative therapies.

Spatial genomics

We are developing technologies for spatially resolved molecular profiling to support our research lines. This allows us to interrogate how cells ‘talk’ to each when tissue homeostasis is perturbed and identify the molecular programs underlying pathological cell states within their native neural tissue environment.

Portrait of a man.
Enric Llorens, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology. Photo: Johan Marklund


  • Single cell genomics
  • Spatial genomics
  • Computational biology
  • Gene delivery
  • Mouse models of CNS injury


Selected publications


  • Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research Future Leaders
  • Swedish Research Council Starting Grant
  • StratNeuro Startup Grant
  • ERC Starting Grant

Staff and contact

Group leader

All members of the group

Cell and Molecular Biology Medical Biotechnology (Focus on Cell Biology (incl. Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy) Neurobiology Neurosciences
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