HI Conversations

Welcome to participate in Health Informatics Conversations – a seminar series arranged by the Health Informatics Centre.

Computer, two women, circle with text listen learn discuss.


Health Informatics Conversations are inspiring discussions about current topics in health informatics, kicked off by an inspirational speaker who introduces the topic.

The Health Informatics Conversations are recurring the last Thursday every month at 12.00 via Zoom and last for one hour. This hour includes 20 minutes of presentation and leaves the rest of the time for discussions, all in English. 

If you are a PhD-student – this is a credit-bearing activity, as long as the topic is relevant for your research.

The seminar series is organized within the framework of an EU project called Health Data Sweden (HDS). In the project, we support small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's) by offering various services. These services do not cost anything,  however, your company needs to sign a certificate to take part in this service. 

"Health Data Sweden (HDS) is a one-stop shop for increasing digital transformation in health data for SMEs and the public sector, using key technologies".


You will only have to register once and will get a Zoom-link close to each seminar.

If you are a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME) these services do not cost anything,  however, your company needs to sign a certificate to take part in this service. 

Spring 2025 theme of the HI Conversations

Enhancing the effective and secure use of health data through interoperability, standards, and collaboration   

The overall theme revolves around enhancing the secure, efficient, and interoperable use of health data in Sweden and across Europe, with a strong focus on establishing consistent standards, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation. 

The integration of standardized tools like SNOMED CT, ICD, KVÅ, and HL7 is central to ensuring effective health data management, exchange, and analytics. Projects such as Xt-EHR and TEHDAS2 highlight the critical role of harmonizing health data infrastructures across European borders, ensuring consistent coding, data security, and ethical, privacy-compliant data sharing for both healthcare delivery and research. These efforts aim to create a robust framework for seamless, cross-border health data exchange, supporting improved patient care, research, and policy development. 


27 February 2025

EU projects preparing for EHDS - the European Health Data Space

The Conversation will cover the following EU projects:

  • Direct Grant for primary use
  • Joint Action Xt-EHR 
  • SENASH (Swedish National Services for Access to Swedish Health Data) 
  • Joint Action TEHDAS2 

Presenter: Michel Silvestri, Senior Advisor/Head of Unit at E-hälsomyndigheten (Swedish eHealth Agency)

27 March 2025

Enhancing Health Data Interoperability with Terminology Services and Classifications

The vital role of terminology services and classification systems, such as SNOMED CT, ICD, and KVÅ, in enabling standardized health data management and exchange and data analytics and secondary use. The seminar will demonstrate how these tools improve data quality, foster interoperability, and support innovation across healthcare and research sectors. 

Presenter: Niklas Eklöf, Head of the e Health and Informatics unit, Socialstyrelsen

24 April 2025

Services contracts or FHIR profiles for Health information exchange in Swedish healthcare

To ensure semantic interoperability in health information exchange Swedish healthcare rely on using service contracts, a textual description of messaging format and requirements for communication interfaces between interacting healthcare systems. There is, however, a growing interest amongst healthcare providers to start using international standards, such as FHIR when developing new applications and health information systems. But how can Sweden move from one standard to another? During this session we will discuss the importance of thorough informatic work to be able to make a shift between two standards and what needs to be in place to make a shift between the two standards successful.

Presenter: Tobias Blomberg, Health Informatician and registered nurse, Information Architect at Inera

12 June 2025

Topic: TBA

Presenter: Evdokimos I. Konstantinidis MSc, PhD Medical Informatics, Thess-AHALL Researcher, Medical Physics & Digital Innovation Lab, School of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Previous topics covered in the HI Conversations

  • 14 March 2024, Rikard Lövström: "Health data guide: 7 steps from idea to result when you want to improve the health of individuals with the help of data"

The seven-step model of the health data guide is based on the basic steps that should be included in practical work with health data and is aimed primarily at you who are entrepreneurs or innovators. It gives you an overview of which issues and perspectives you must not miss, points out possible pitfalls and guides you to good discussions with responsible organizations and experts in the field. It is also hoped that researchers and strategists will also be able to benefit from the guide, especially from the in-depth parts, examples and future explorations. 

More information at Hälsodatavägledningen - Swelife guidar dig rätt (halsodata.se) 

 Rikard Lövström, Senior Health Data Expert, Karolinska University Hospital, is a doctor with many years of experience of working in national IT projects in the health care and main author of the health data guide. 

  •  25 April 2024, Magnus Boman: ”What can AI algorithms do for Precision Medicine?”  

One definition of precision medicine is “multimodal patient stratification and monitoring”. A strong point of AI is multimodal fusion: how to fuse signals from different modalities. Is this how the two should be pieced together or is there more to be said for how learning algorithms play into the future of medicine? 

Magnus Boman, professor in Intelligent Software Service and affiliated with Karolinska Institutet and the University College London.

  •  30 May 2024, Maria Undén Morein: "Navigating the CE Marking Pathway"

Insights into the regulatory framework, essential compliance strategies and practical tips for navigating the certification process effectively, ensuring health software meets EU safety requirements.

Maria Undén Morein is a physician, the co-founder, and CEO of Numa, a CE-marked digital health platform for new mothers. She led the project to obtain the CE marking and authored our Clinical Evaluation for Numa. 

  • 13 June 2024, Erik Sundvall: Please stop buying yesterday’s “all inclusive” Health IT-systems!
    (About procurement in healthcare settings.)

Swedish regions have bought “new” monolithic Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems to replace their even older monolithic EHR systems. Experiences indicate that such transition processes are painful. This short talk highlights some of the well-known root causes of integration problems and the common strategies available to handle them. Buying a monolithic EHR is just one of the strategies, and nowadays usually not the best strategy at the complexity level of a big Swedish healthcare region. The Spanish region Catalonia and many others (including in Scandinavia) are instead going for a more open platform approach using vendor-neutral standards like openEHR and FHIR and avoid monolithic EHR systems. Karolinska University Hospital has started using such a platform approach internally and hope to extend the usage to others.

 Erik Sundvall’s main job is at Karolinska University Hospital as Information Architect working mainly with the Health Data Platform, integrations and health informatics. Erik is also an affiliated researcher at HIC, LIME, Karolinska Institutet and Act. Lecturer in Medical Informatics at IMT, Linköping University.

  • 26 September 2024, Luis Marco-Ruiz, Health Data as Strategic Asset: Lessons Learned for Exercising Data Control and Planning Large Health Information Systems Development.

The development of large infrastructures for enabling interoperability and processing of health data involves significant risks in exercising data control, privacy, and patient rights. The interview will analyze past successful and unsuccessful initiatives to learn from their experiences. This comprehensive approach will help the audience gain a balanced understanding of how to plan the adoption of large health information systems.

Luis Marco-Ruiz, Ph.D. is a senior researcher and data engineer at the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research (NSE). He is specialized in designing and implementing innovative solutions for the secondary use of healthcare data in biomedical research.

  • 31 October 2024, Panos Papapetrou, Health analytics and Big data  

Leveraging large datasets to extract meaningful insights for healthcare improvement. Big data analytics can help identify trends, predict disease outbreaks, and personalize treatment plans, ultimately contributing to more effective and efficient healthcare delivery. 

Panos Papapetrou is a Professor and the Deputy head of the Department of Computer and Systems Sciences at Stockholm University.

  • 12 December 2024, Steven Wanyee, Resource optimization in low resource settings

Developing and implementing health informatics solutions that address the unique challenges faced by regions with limited healthcare resources. This may involve strategies for cost-effective technology adoption and maximizing the impact of available resources. 

Steven Wanyee, founder and CEO of IntelliSOFT Consulting, currently a medical informatics PhD student, core Founder and Secretary General of the Kenya Health Informatics Association(KeHIA),  Secretary of the Health Informatics In Africa (HELINA), and on the Board Of  Directors of the OpenMRS Community.

  • Mapping patients’ online record access: What do patient records look like worldwide?

2023-12-14: Anna Kharko, post doc, Uppsala university

  • Psychometric Properties of the Daily Measurement of Stress in a Daily Diary Study of Swedish Healthcare Workers

2023-10-19: Jasmin Lukas, intern at the Health Informatics Centre, KI

  • "Live tissue training” and the concept of fidelity in trauma surgery simulation

27 April 2023: Cara Swain, LIME, KI

  • Genome-based clinical decision support

30 March 2023: Blanca Flores

  • Detection and disambiguation of medical abbreviations using word embedding in Machine Learning.

23 February 2023: 'Ismat Mohd Sulaiman (Ministry of Health Malaysia)

  • How to study dynamic processes: An example of daily recovery from work stress

24 November 2022: Aleksandra Sjöström Bujasz (HIC/BIT)

  • Exploring the relationship between user characteristics and the usability and acceptability of an eHealth system designed to reduce depressive symptoms

27 October 2022: Nuhamin Gebrewold (NASP)

  • Telemedicine consultations with physicians in Swedish primary care: a mixed methods study of users’ experiences and care patterns

29 September 2022: Felicia Gabrielsson-Järhult, Jönköping University

  • It’s a start, but not good enough – A failed implementation of mobile access to electronic health records in homecare: a qualitative study

16 June 2022: Lovisa Jäderlund Hagstedt, HIC, LIME; TioHundra AB

  • Send in the psychologists? A latent class analysis of support seeking behavior among healthcare workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.

19 May 2022:  Sophia Appelbom, BIT, HIC, LIME

  • Patients reading their psychiatric health records online

 28 April 2022:  Annika Bärkås, Uppsala University

  • Mobile applications for self-management and motivation of people with diabetes

 31 Mars 2022:  Gunnar Hartvigsen, KI, HIC

  • To Use or Not to Use: App Engagement in mHealth Intervention

24 February 2022: Leo Kowalski, KI, HIC 

  • ’Think twice before you click’. How human vulnerabilities affecting the Cybersecurity and Privacy aspects within healthcare organizations.

27 January 2022: Sokratis Nifakos, KI, HIC

  • Is self-monitoring the solution to tackle higher costs for chronic patients?

16 December 2021: Reza Javid Gholam, PhD candidate, University of Gothenburg, Sahlgrenska Academy

  • Assessment of online information in Mental Health: the cases of websites for suicide prevention and apps for bipolar disorder self-management

25 November 2021: Stefano Bonacina, HIC, LIME. Co-presenters: Carlos Nalvarte, and Thuani Cardoso Duarte, Dr, M.Sc.

  • Co-designing for accessibility in eHealth services

28 October 2021: Marika Jonsson, PhD-student KTH

  • Social media in health research – insights of an online child nutrition peer education program.

30 September 2021: Maria Henström, PhD, KI

  • What is, and what is not, in the black box of interoperability? OR Why is it not working? 

17 June 2021: Anna Rossander, Göteborgs Universitet

  • Care professionals’ experience of using video consultations in Sweden.

27 May 2021: Nadia Davoody, HIC, LIME

  • What is Health Informatics?

29 April 2021: Professor Sabine Koch, head of Health Informatics Centre, LIME

  • Algorithmic classification of research publications in Pubmed – methods and application

25 March 2021: Peter Sjögårde, HIC, LIME

  • E-patients leading the way through innovations and early adoption of digital solutions

25 February 2021: Therese Scott Duncan, HIC, LIME