Our research
Therapeutic Immune Design
Central to our research is the design and production of proteins for analyses of pathogenic antibodies and immune cells. The goal is to provide novel remedies applicable for clinical use. Therefore we adopt a translational research approach; we have established collaboration with clinicians, SciLife lab, biotechnical and medical companies, as well as academic research groups in Sweden and abroad. All our efforts aim to improve the quality of life for patients.

Research projects
- Autoantigens in multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Allergenes as tools for diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease
- Cancer immunotherapy
Multiple sclerosis (MS)
MS is a disabling neurodegenerative autoimmune disease of the central nervous system (CNS). The exact targets for the pathological autoimmune attack in MS are not known. To advance the understanding of MS etiology it is crucial to define relevant autoantigens.
Our research is based on a new method for detection of T-cell activation in response to CNS specific antigens. The project is performed in close collaboration with clinicians who provide blood samples from well characterized patients. Autoantigen candidates are produced as recombinant proteins and further evaluated in order to open new avenues for improved diagnostics and personalized treatment.
We identify, characterize and produce allergy-causing agents, so-called allergens. The aim is to improve diagnosis and to develop novel vaccines for treatment of allergy. Allergy affects about 25% of the population and can cause rhinitis, eczema and asthma. The allergic reactions are caused by proteins released from e.g. pollen, mites or animal dander. We are particularly investigating allergy to pets, i.e. cat, dog and horse. To this end we aim to identify all relevant pet allergens. Up to date we have produced and possess almost all known pet allergens as recombinant proteins. The allergens are used to map allergen profiles among pets and allergy profiles to single pet allergens among pet allergic patients. The allergens are our tools for improving diagnosis and treatment by developing component resolved diagnostics and designing novel allergy vaccines for efficient and safe curative immunotherapy.
It is estimated that at least every third individual in Sweden will get a cancer diagnosis within their life time. Several treatment options exist today, including immunotherapy by autologous cell transfer of ex-vivo expanded tumor specific lymphocytes. This approach is critically dependent on targeting of tumor specific antigens. Technical advances in DNA sequencing have opened for the identification of mutations in tumor expressed genes, i.e. neoantigens. In close collaboration with clinicians we aim to develop means for personalized cancer treatment based on identification and production of neoantigens to be applied in autologous cell transfer immunotherapy.