Department of Clinical Neuroscience
At the Department of Clinical Neuroscience (CNS), we conduct research and teaching regarding the function of the brain - from a molecular level to the effect on society.

Sign up for our Research school for clinicians in psychiatry!
For the first time, we offer our very own Research school for clinicians in psychiatry with doctoral courses lasting 4 x 4 weeks at the Centre for Psychiatry Research. The course starts on September 29, 2025.
The entire training program is adapted for psychiatry and we have developed several exciting new courses. To be eligible to apply, you must be a registered doctoral student at Karolinska Institutet no later than three weeks before the start of the course and have an employment and clinical position within Region Stockholm or another healthcare provider that has an agreement with the region.
Applications must be submitted to Prisma no later than Monday 24 March at 14.00.

Kyla McKay awarded the Bjarne Ahlströms Minnesfonds pris 2024
Kyla McKay has been awarded the Bjarne Ahlström Minnesfonds pris in “Clinical Neurology - especially inflammatory mechanisms affecting central or peripheral nervous system function”.

Artin Arshamian receives a grant from Riksbankens Jubileumfond for a project on how valence is coded in the sense of smell
How is valence coded in the sense of smell? The neural mechanisms behind why one likes or dislikes a smell.
The sense of smell's primary function is to judge whether an odor smells good or bad (ie determine the valence of the odor). This enables us to make important decisions about approaching or avoiding the smell (eg avoiding rotten food).

Professor Lisa Thorell receives a grant from Forte for a project about relation between digital media and young children's development
Professor Lisa Thorell receives a grant from Forte for the project "Relation between digital media and young children's development: A longitudinal project from pregnancy to 2 years of age. The grant is 5 million over three years and the project will be run in collaboration with assistant professor Anett Sundqvist at Linköping University.

Arvid Guterstam at the Division of psychology receives the Swedish Society for Medical Research (SSMF) Starting Grant 2025
KI researcher Arvid Guterstam receives the SSMF Starting Grant 2025 for the project "Artificial sensory modality for tactile perception others’ attention: A novel intervention for improving social cognition in autism?". The grant amounts to six million SEK over five years.

Horizon Europe funds Gustav Nilsonne for new open science project
Karolinska Institutet researcher Gustav Nilsonne receives funding from Horizon Europe for the project "IP4OS - Unpacking the possibilities of Intellectual Properties for Open Science". The project consortium will receive 1.9 million Euros over two years, of which 270,000 Euros will go to Karolinska Institutet.
Seminar on Online platform for psychological treatment and self-assessments
Zoom Seminar October 23, 1.00 pm-4.00 pm
Researchers at KI have conducted ICBT research within both pediatric and adult psychiatry as well as within care of chronic somatic diseases. Much of this research has been powered by the online multi-language platform BASS, which is offered as a core facility at KI to national and international research partners. The BASS platform is also used within clinical teaching at KI.
This seminar will include presentations of both case studies and the underlying BASS platform.

The search for an effective treatment for glaucoma
Pete Williams is one of few researchers in Sweden concentrating on glaukoma. The goal is an effective treatment, something that stops the degenerative process in the nerve cells of the eye.

TSPO and MRI imaging in multiple sclerosis
CNS Division of Imaging Core Facilities invites you to their next “Hot-topics in multimodal imaging” webinar.
Laura Airas (Turku Univ.): ” TSPO and MRI imaging in multiple sclerosis”
14th May 2024, 13:00. Zoom seminar: LINK TO JOIN

University Management visits CNS
The University Management visited CNS as part of their tour to meet all of KI’s Departments.
During the visit, our Department Board and a few representatives from the organization had the opportunity to meet with President Annika Östman Wernerson, University Director Veronika Sundström, Vice-president Martin Bergö and Dean Carl Johan Sundberg.

Interview with the winners of KLOK-priset 2023
The winners of KLOK Priset 2023, the Optometry Programme's educational unit at St. Erik Eye Hospital, are interviewed about what lies behind their successful student activities, what challenges there are and how they see the future of clinical education in its context.
The event will be held on March 26, 12.15-13.00 read more and register here.
N.B! the event will be held in Swedish.

Multiple health risks shorten life for people with OCD
People with OCD die on average nine years earlier than others. Now, a registry study spanning 40 years reveals the diseases and health risks behind these grim statistics.
Read more in Lorena Fernandez de la Cruz´s article in The Conversation.

Is our sense of fairness driven by selfishness? Article in The Conversation
"How fair are we truly? And under which circumstances do we offer others a fair share of the cake? Neuroscientific research has started revealing answers. Our team used electric brain stimulation on 60 volunteers to figure out which parts of the brain were involved."
Find out more in the article written by Patricia Christian from CNS Division of Psychology.

Study published in Nature Communications
In a study published in Nature Communications, Berglund et al. (Maja Jagodics' group), discovered an autophagy- and interleukin-34-dependent neuroprotective microglia population exclusive to the aged brain suggesting a potential treatment target for neuroinflammatory diseases.

Improved Staging of Ciliary Body and Choroidal Melanomas Based on Estimation of Tumor Volume and Competing Risk Analyses
Eye specialist and cancer researcher Gustav Stålhammar, together with researchers at St. Erik's Eye Hospital and the Karolinska Institutet, in an international collaboration, has developed a new and better classification of the aggressive eye cancer uveal melanoma. The study is published in the respected journal Ophthalmology.

Erik Andersson receives the Great Psychologist Award in 2023
Erik is director of studies at the department of psychology, he is a psychologist, PhD, docent in clinical psychology at the Karolinska Institutet and chairman of the Swedish Association of Clinical Psychologists.

Clinical training clinic at Optometry program wins the KLOK award 2023
This year's KLOK award goes to the Optometry program, which together with the St. Erik Eye Hospital has developed a clinical training clinic where students from several educational programs can broaden and deepen their knowledge in an interprofessional learning environment.The clinical training clinic is a collaboration between KI and St.Erik Eye Hospital where different professions together supervise students from a number of educational programs in an interprofessional learning environment.

Simon Jangard receives this year's Jörgen Engels scholarship
Simon Jangard, psychologist and doctoral student at CNS where he divides his time between the Division of Psychology and the Centre for Psychiatry Research, is awarded this year's Jörgen Engel scholarship for an article in which he investigated a number of different aspects of social decision-making in young people with alcohol use syndrome.
Calendar Events
Calendar CNS
Environment and Sustainable Development at CNS
We as part of a University has a central roll in the work to combat climate change, both by contributing through teaching and research, but we also need to contribute by reducing the impact of our own activities.
Here you can find tips on what changes you can do in your daily life to reduce your climate footprint.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, or Dataskyddsförordningen) for the processing of personal data is to be applied on May 25 2018 in Sweden. Here you will find information on GDPR and the implementation of the regulation at KI.