Hans Grönlund

Hans Grönlund

Principal Researcher | Docent
Visiting address: , Stockholm
Postal address: K8 Klinisk neurovetenskap, K8 Neuro Grönlund, 171 77 Stockholm

About me

  • I am associate professor of immunology, since 2010 heading Therapeutic immune
    design Unit (TID) at the Department of Clinical neuroscience. To shed light
    and knowledge motivates me, particularly in multi disciplinary projects
    aiming to translate basal immunological findings to diagnostics and
    curative approaches for clinical use. Our research has important
    possibilities for curative attempts in multiple sclerosis, allergy and
    I started as a PhD student 2000 and defended my thesis 2005 at Karolinska
    institutet with the title ”Diagnosis and treatment of IgE-mediated
    allergy: new approaches using recombinant allergens”.
    Year 1996 to 2020 I have authored 93 peer reviewed scientific publications
    in international journals. In addition I have experience from industry and is
    founder of NEOGAP AB and Medi-tec AB.
    Prof. Dr Alfred Kreissner-Preis (Austria), 1999
    Stockholm Society of Allergology, ”Årets Rookie”, 2006
    Konsul Th C Berghs Stiftelse. Pris för bästa avhandling, 2006.
    Member of Editorial Board, Allergy, 2009-
    Member of the Editorial Board, Int. Arch. All. & Immunol., 2012
    Associate professor of immunology at Karolinska institutet, 2011
    Post doc. at Center for Allergy Research, IMM and Department of Medicine,
    Karolinska institutet, 2005-11
    PhD medical sciences, Karolinska institutet, 2000-05
    BSc Stockholm University 1981


  • TID research focuses on translation of basic immunology into clinical use in
    our main target areas hyper allergy, multiple sclerosis, (MS) and cancer.
    We design and produce biomolecules with specific properties aiming
    at superior diagnosis and curative treatment.
    Our cancer projects focus on personal neoepitope predictions and ranking via
    massive sequencing and bioinformatic filtering, protein production and
    tumour-specific autologous T-cell expansion and transfer. We will start a
    clinical trials 2021.
    We use our in house developed T-cell platform to identify novel autoantigens
    in multiple sclerosis. In this project we collaborate with research groups in
    Sweden and Europe. The aim here is to develop superior diagnostics and
    ultimately curative treatments.
    In allergy we have a solid international reputation, particularly in allergy
    to pets. Here we have developed novel diagnostics and vaccines for curative
    treatments. My most cited publication as senior author with the title "The
    recombinant allergen-based concept of component –resolved diagnostics and
    immunotherapy (CRD and CRIT)" was published 1999 and paved the way
    for world-wide used multiplex allergy diagnostics. In allergy we
    collaborate with adult and childrens clinics, patient
    organisations, "Small biotech enterprises" and not least researcher spread
    over the world.


All other publications



  • Principal Researcher, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet, 2022-2025

Degrees and Education

  • Docent, Karolinska Institutet, 2011
  • Doctor Of Philosophy, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet, 2005

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