Research group Sexual and Reproductive Health -Klingberg-Allvin

Our research group integrates research and education in the field of sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR) using a comprehensive approach, which covers the range of evidence needed to advance universal health coverage (UHC) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Our work recognizes high-quality evidence showing that midwives are an essential component in the delivery of safe and effective SRHR.  Investing in quality midwifery care across the life course is key to supporting both local and international population health needs. Our group is interdisciplinary with research competencies in the areas of health systems, health policy, health economics, health care quality, political science, and clinical studies.

The group has on-going research in the Somaliland, Somalia, Puntland, Demographic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Canada and Sweden. Collaborators are researchers from in-country universities, McMaster University in Canada, and the University of Michigan in the USA. Partnerships are central to our research projects and include non-governmental and governmental organizations and midwifery associations in-country and in Sweden.

Global Reproductive Health (GRH)

This research group focuses on the development of safe, effective and accepted methods of contraception and abortion, and means to improve access and quality of care including through task sharing and telemedicine. Previous and ongoing projects within this group include research in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Latin America, and Europe. The group apply both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and have a special interest in experimental design. The research is in the interface of caring sciences, public/global health and reproductive medicine/health and gynaecology. In the future, several new concepts and clinical applications will be the focus and integrated in order to systematically translate knowledge into practice and assure that comprehensive abortion care is evidence-based, accessible and of high-quality.

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  • Ström, Sara
Abortion, Induced Childbirth and Maternity care Contraception Epidemiology Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy Menopause Menstrual Cycle Midwifery Pregnant Women Public Health Systems Research Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine Reproductive Health Reproductive Rights Sexual Health Show all
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