Physiological optics also include sensitivity to light and colour, the focusing mechanism of the eye (accommodation), adaptation, visual acuity, the perception of depth (3D) and visual illusions.
The interest for this area has increased the last years due to the development of 3D displays and the processing and tolerance to the information provided with 3D techniques.
In our research group we currently are working on projects involving the process of accommodation and treatment of accommodative dysfunctions, binocular vision eye movement disorders and its treatment, 3D displays, lighting and its importance in relation to eye movements and binocular vision, and evaluation and development/improvement of instrumentation for test of the visual function mainly related to the detection and follow up of ocular abnormalities.

He looks at brain disorders through the retina
With the help of OCT analysis, there is a simple and inexpensive way of examining the eyes in order to monitor the progression of disease and effect of treatment in people with multiple sclerosis (MS).
We can do this since loss of nervous tissue in the brain is reflected in the retina, says Optometrist and researcher Rune Brautaset who uses OCT for his research.